
TitleTurnfire Hunt
WeaponWeapon Claymore
ElementElement Dendro
Day of Birth11
Month of Birth11
Vision (Introduced)Dendro
Constellation (Introduced)Chimaera Alebriius
Chinese Seuyu斑马 & 弭洋
Japanese Seuyu杉山紀彰 & 竹内順子
English SeuyuJohn Patneaude & Abby Espiritu
Korean SeuyuKang Seong-woo & Park Li-na
DescriptionA Huitztlan Saurian Hunter skilled at counting costs.
Character Ascension Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver
Nagadus Emerald Fragment
Nagadus Emerald Chunk
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
Overripe Flamegranate
Saurian Claw Succulent
Juvenile Fang
Seasoned Fang
Tyrant's Fang
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Kindling
Guide to Kindling
Philosophies of Kindling
Denial and Judgment
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent3
Juvenile Fang3
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent3
Juvenile Fang3
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Overripe Flamegranate2
Saurian Claw Succulent10
Juvenile Fang15
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent13
Juvenile Fang18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Overripe Flamegranate2
Nagadus Emerald Fragment6
Overripe Flamegranate4
Saurian Claw Succulent20
Seasoned Fang12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent33
Juvenile Fang18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Overripe Flamegranate6
Seasoned Fang12
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Overripe Flamegranate8
Saurian Claw Succulent30
Seasoned Fang18
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent63
Juvenile Fang18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Overripe Flamegranate14
Seasoned Fang30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Nagadus Emerald Chunk6
Overripe Flamegranate12
Saurian Claw Succulent45
Tyrant's Fang12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent108
Juvenile Fang18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Overripe Flamegranate26
Seasoned Fang30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Tyrant's Fang12
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6
Overripe Flamegranate20
Saurian Claw Succulent60
Tyrant's Fang24
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Saurian Claw Succulent168
Juvenile Fang18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Overripe Flamegranate46
Seasoned Fang30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Tyrant's Fang36
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Nightsun StyleNormal Attack: Nightsun Style
Normal Attack
Performs up to 3 rapid strikes.
After using his Elemental Skill "Canopy Hunter: Riding High"'s mid-air swing, he can perform a Normal Attack in mid-air before landing.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount to spin and throw his Claymore forward to attack opponents.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit DMG98.99%107.04%115.1%126.61%134.67%143.88%156.54%169.2%181.86%195.67%209.48%223.29%237.11%250.92%264.73%
2-Hit DMG82.9%89.65%96.4%106.04%112.79%120.5%131.1%141.71%152.31%163.88%175.45%187.02%198.58%210.15%221.72%
3-Hit DMG123.5%133.55%143.6%157.96%168.01%179.5%195.3%211.09%226.89%244.12%261.35%278.58%295.82%313.05%330.28%
Mid-Air Normal Attack DMG167.7%181.35%195%214.5%228.15%243.75%265.2%286.65%308.1%331.5%354.9%378.3%401.7%425.1%448.5%
Charged Attack DMG48.42%×352.36%×356.3%×361.93%×365.87%×370.38%×376.57%×382.76%×388.95%×395.71%×3102.47%×3109.22%×3115.98%×3122.73%×3129.49%×3
Charged Attack Stamina Cost505050505050505050505050505050
Plunge DMG74.59%80.66%86.73%95.4%101.47%108.41%117.95%127.49%137.03%147.44%157.85%168.26%178.66%189.07%199.48%
Low/High Plunge DMG149.14% / 186.29%161.28% / 201.45%173.42% / 216.62%190.77% / 238.28%202.91% / 253.44%216.78% / 270.77%235.86% / 294.6%254.93% / 318.42%274.01% / 342.25%294.82% / 368.25%315.63% / 394.24%336.44% / 420.23%357.25% / 446.23%378.06% / 472.22%398.87% / 498.21%
Canopy Hunter: Riding HighCanopy Hunter: Riding High
Kinich uses his big-game hunting skills to either move swiftly or attack his opponent.
When there is an opponent or object that can be attacked nearby, he will attach a grappling hook to the target and enter Nightsoul's Blessing with 0 Nightsoul points. If neither is nearby, he fires a grappling hook forward and swings in mid-air, and this Skill's CD is decreased by 60%.
This skill can be Held to release. When it is Held, Kinich can aim the grappling hook.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Kinich
Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing lasts 10s and generates 2 Nightsoul points every second.
In this state, Kinich will hook onto a nearby opponent and perform a variable attack:
·When using a Normal Attack, Kinich will fire Loop Shots as he loops around the grappled target based on his current movement direction, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG and generating 3 Nightsoul points. Loop Shot DMG is considered Elemental Skill DMG.
·When Nightsoul points are at max, he can use the Elemental Skill "Scalespiker Cannon": Consume all Nightsoul points to deal Nightsoul-aligned Dendro DMG. When "Scalespiker Cannon" is Held, Kinich can aim this shot. After firing the Cannon, Kinich will try to grapple to its target.
While in Nightsoul's Blessing, after grappling an opponent or firing "Scalespiker Cannon," a Blind Spot will be generated next to the opponent. When Kinich enters this Blind Spot, it will disappear and he will generate 4 Nightsoul points.
If the grapple connection should snap due to exceeding the maximum distance or some other reason, using a Normal Attack will establish a new connection with a nearby opponent before performing Loop Shots.

"All things come with a cost. I suggest you make a suitable offer... What? No, I don't do installments."
Loop Shot DMG57.28%×261.58%×265.87%×271.6%×275.9%×280.19%×285.92%×291.65%×297.38%×2103.1%×2108.83%×2114.56%×2121.72%×2128.88%×2136.04%×2
Scalespiker Cannon DMG687.44%739%790.56%859.3%910.86%962.42%1031.16%1099.9%1168.65%1237.39%1306.14%1374.88%1460.81%1546.74%1632.67%
Nightsoul Point Limit202020202020202020202020202020
Hail to the Almighty DragonlordHail to the Almighty Dragonlord
Unleashes the power of the Almighty Dragonlord, K'uhul Ajaw (on a limited, conditional, restricted, contractual, partial, temporary basis), dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Dendro DMG. Ajaw will unleash his Dragon Breath at intervals, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Dendro DMG.
If Kinich is in Nightsoul's Blessing when this is used, this Blessing's duration is extended by 1.7s.

"Yes, yes! You stand before K'uhul Ajaw the Almighty Dragonlord! Come forward, then! Kneel, and kiss our feet!"
Skill DMG134%144.05%154.1%167.5%177.55%187.6%201%214.4%227.8%241.2%254.6%268%284.75%301.5%318.25%
Dragon Breath DMG120.74%129.79%138.85%150.92%159.98%169.03%181.1%193.18%205.25%217.32%229.4%241.47%256.56%271.66%286.75%
Energy Cost707070707070707070707070707070

Passive Skills

Swift EnvoySwift Envoy
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, interacting with some harvestable items will increase your own party members' Movement SPD by 15% for 10s. Additionally, the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan will appear on your mini-map.
Night Realm's Gift: Repaid in FullNight Realm's Gift: Repaid in Full
When Kinich is in the air following Canopy Hunter: Riding High's mid-air swing, he can consume 10 Phlogiston points to perform another mid-air swing.
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, he can use Nightsoul Transmission: Kinich. When the current active character is sprinting, in movement states that result from specific Talents, or in the air, when you switch to Kinich: Kinich will perform one of the following actions depending on the conditions met:
·When facing a Coilgrass Sigil that can be interacted with: He will fire a grappling hook towards it to move;
·When there are nearby opponents and you are in combat: Kinich will use Canopy Hunter: Riding High in the direction of the opponents;
Otherwise, Kinich will fire a grappling hook and swing, prioritizing valid Coilgrass Sigils as grapple targets.
Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own party.

When interacting with Coilgrass Sigils and other items that Yumkasaurs can interact with, "Canopy Hunter: Riding High" will be converted to "Yumkasaur Mimesis," which causes interactions with such items to follow rules applicable to Yumkasaurs, and which will not put Canopy Hunter: Riding High on CD.
The Price of DesolationThe Price of Desolation
When Kinich is in Nightsoul's Blessing state, opponents hit by his Elemental Skill will enter the Desolation state, and when affected by Burning or Burgeon reaction DMG, they will restore 7 Nightsoul points to him. Nightsoul points can be gained this way once every 0.8s. The Desolation state will persist until this instance of Kinich's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends.
Flame Spirit PactFlame Spirit Pact
After a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Kinich will gain 1 stack of Hunter's Experience that lasts 15s. Max 2 stacks. When Kinich uses Canopy Hunter: Riding High's Scalespiker Cannon, all stacks of Hunter's Experience will be consumed, with each stack consumed increasing the DMG dealt by this Cannon shot by 320% of Kinich's ATK.


Parrot's BeakParrot's Beak
After Kinich lands from Canopy Hunter: Riding High's mid-air swing, his Movement SPD will increase by 30% for 6s.
Additionally, Scalespiker Cannon's CRIT DMG is increased by 100%.
Tiger Beetle's PalmTiger Beetle's Palm
When Kinich's Elemental Skill hits an opponent, it will decrease their Dendro RES by 30% for 6s.
Additionally, the first Scalespiker Cannon Kinich fires after entering Nightsoul's Blessing has increased AoE, and its DMG increases by 100%.
Protosuchian's ClawProtosuchian's Claw
Increases the Level of Canopy Hunter: Riding High by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Hummingbird's FeatherHummingbird's Feather
When in Nightsoul's Blessing, Kinich will restore 5 Energy after using his Loop Shots or after unleashing the Scalespiker Cannon. Energy can be regenerated this way once every 2.8s.
Additionally, Hail to the Almighty Dragonlord deals 70% more DMG.
Howler Monkey's TailHowler Monkey's Tail
Increases the Level of Hail to the Almighty Dragonlord by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Auspicious Beast's ShapeAuspicious Beast's Shape
After Scalespiker Cannon hits an opponent, it will bounce between opponents once, dealing 700% of Kinich's ATK as Dendro DMG.
If this Scalespiker Cannon triggers the buffs that Passive Talent "Flame Spirit Pact" or the Constellation "Tiger Beetle's Palm" grant to the Cannon, the bouncing attack will also obtain the relevant buffs.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Skill #3 wearing Red Dead of Night
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle
Idle Performance


Audio Language:
Chat: Ajaw
Chat: Price
Chat: Allocation
After the Rain
When Thunder Strikes
When the Sun Is Out
When It's Windy
When the Wind Is Blowing
In the Desert
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
About Kinich: Being Well-Liked
About Kinich: Saurian Hunter
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Commissions
About Us: Friends
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share
Interesting Things
About Mavuika
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Mualani
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Kachina
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Chasca
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xilonen
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Iansan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Citlali
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ifa
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Kinich: I
More About Kinich: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Kinich: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Kinich: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Kinich: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Kinich's Hobbies
Kinich's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Skill: IV
Elemental Skill: V
Elemental Skill: VI
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Elemental Burst: IV
Elemental Burst: V
Elemental Burst: VI
Elemental Burst: VII
Elemental Burst: VIII
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Deploying Wind Glider: I
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: II
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsNatlan is a nation where humans and Saurians live side-by-side, and this mutualism has lasted for many years.
Such relationships are for the most part friendly, with humans and Saurians as bosom companions.
But this does not mean that all Saurians approach humans with friendly intent. Even today, quite a few deaths still occur due to Saurian attacks.
This is why Saurian Hunters — of which Kinich happens to be a leading member — exist, deeply familiar with the weaknesses of Saurians as they are.
He is of no great age, nor has he been trained by any great master, but through many years of living out in the wild, he has learned the techniques by which he subdues wild beasts and wicked Saurians alike.
Like a natural born hunter, he is steady, direct, and efficient, watching his prey with a gaze as sharp as a boning knife.
But unlike other Saurian Hunters, Kinich is far from limited by this profession. Rumor has it that for the right price, he will also prove himself to be adept at wet work.
It is because of this that many in the tribe keep a distance from him — though of course, some also do so on account of his realistic, utilitarian approach to life.
Regardless of whom he receives his commission from, even if they're a person in a bind, or still a child, he will always request the remuneration he deems suitable.
Nothing can change this belief of his — that all things come at a cost. Such actions provoke confusion, but Kinich has no intention of explaining himself.
If you must have an explanation, you can get one, but only after he sticks out an open palm and asks: "And what price are you willing to pay for that?"
Character Story 1Before he was seven, Kinich lived with his family.
His father was a courier who took three days off for every one day of work, and made a pastime out of taking his day's wages to the betting tables, seeking to make far more than he wagered.
If he won, he would bring Kinich a box of expensive sweets, and hand-pick lovely flowers for his wife.
If he lost, he would borrow some money from a colleague to get himself drunk, all the better to cover up his utter lack of earnings or winnings.
But Kinich's mother remained lucid, and would argue with him constantly while holding the little Kinich. At times, the man would admit his fault, promising to never gamble again.
But other times, a kitchenware-shattering domestic war would break out, in which the victor would invariably be Kinich's father, stronger in body as he was, with his defeated mother left to quietly tend to the crops they grew in their backyard—
This resilient woman was not adept at fighting, but was an excellent farmer. And just as well, too, for there were three mouths to feed in that house.
Not long afterward, Kinich's father would go on to lose their house, forcing them to move to the foot of a mountain, far from their tribe.
This arrangement was not without its benefits, for it did come with a larger plot of land. Here, Kinich learned to plant Grainfruit, twist castor oil plants into rope, mix tapioca flour to make thick noodles, and learn the art of trap-making to hunt for forest boars.
But the ills were more evident, for any violence here had no hope of neighborly mediation, the injuries he and his mother would suffer contingent only on his father's state of drunkenness.
One night, his mother snuck out and left without making the slightest noise, leaving her young son behind, perhaps for fear that her husband might pursue her to the ends of the earth otherwise.
Kinich does not recall if she said goodbye to him, but nonetheless, he ably succeeded her housework, farmwork, hunting-craft, and beatings.
As he grew, however, Kinich gradually found means of escape. His athleticism proved exceptional, and as he grew faster each day, his father grew less able to catch him.
Each time he all but flew out the door, the wind would briefly conceal his father's enraged yells, granting him a rare moment of freedom.
And perhaps fate itself had pity on him, for he was soon to experience true freedom. On his seventh birthday, for the very first time, he asked his father if he had news of his mother.
No words were needed for the answer to present itself. His father pursued him, eyes shot through with hangover red, aiming to give him a piece of his mind... But long years of drinking had left the man's body with a shadow of its former strength. As the chase led them past a precipice, he lost his footing by mistake, plummeting off the cliff.
By the time Kinich had reacted, the man with whom he had lived for many years lay at the bottom of a col, unmoving as a forest boar tired of struggling in a snare. He would never again get up.
The first thing Kinich felt was a daze, almost like being snow-blind, before a staggering sourness knocked him out of that torpid haze.
Only by squeezing his eyes shut, scrunching his nose, and breathing deeply, warping and twisting his face in the process, did he manage to hold in the tears.
After some time, he knew not how long, he picked up his father's grappling hook and dragged the man's stiffened body back home.
His father had never taught him how to use such equipment, but Kinich had learned just by watching in secret a few times. Now, he blitzed past one tree branch after another, the wind whizzing in his ears.
On his seventh birthday, the mountains had sent him the gift of freedom — but when he opened the box, he found naught but solitude within.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2After his parents' successive departures, Kinich would continue living beneath that mountain.
He lived thus: planting, weaving, hunting, going to the tribal market to exchange his quarry for other necessities.
As time passed, this silent lad would make a deeper impression on the adults of the tribal assembly.
Some were worried that he might have difficulty living, and so attempted to provide help, only to be rejected by a shake of his head.
As little Kinich saw things, nothing in this world was free, and seen in that light, free help was far more suspicious than goods with openly stated prices.
It could be bait, like that which he incorporated into his hunting traps, revealing its hidden cost only later.
And so, he would conscientiously drift along the edges of the tribe, keeping all who approached him at arm's length.
Each time he came to the tribe, he would simply trade for the things he needed, then depart right away, never tarrying for long.
All this was witnessed by Elder Leik, who was in charge of teaching the children.
Having interacted with the boy's parents while dealing with the matter of child education in the Scions of the Canopy, he was one of the few people familiar with Kinich's family circumstances.
And so, he proposed a special transaction to the boy when he visited the market.
He wanted Kinich to attend the tribe's Learning Lodge, for children of the tribe who were seven to eight years old should all attend school.
As for fees, he could run errands in lieu of payment, for Leik needed a courier to deliver impromptu notices to the students.
However, Kinich rejected the offer all the same, for he was too young to understand the value of education, and he could hunt seven or even eight forest boars in the time it took to run the errands — hardly a good trade.
Leik was quite dumbfounded, for in truth the Learning Lodge's lessons came free, and he had only proposed the errands to dispel Kinich's vigilance.
Still, the Elder did not give up, spending a whole month explaining the nature of the Lodge to the boy, all the while adjusting the remuneration.
At last, they came to an accord. Each time he came to the markets, Kinich would also go to school, in exchange for serving as the Elder's messenger whenever he was free.
This trade proved satisfactory to both parties — though neither of them expected that Kinich would require but a single day to graduate.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3Elder Leik happened to be teaching the day that Kinich showed up to school as agreed. The Elder stood at the center of a circle of seated students and motioned for Kinich to find a place to sit.
Kinich sat at the circle's outer edge, the other kids looking him up and down inquisitively. The Scions of the Canopy lived simply for the most part, but even amongst them, Kinich was shabbily dressed.
Barefoot, he wore an ash-stained headband, a coarse handmade linen shirt, and an animal-skin skirt, making him look like a wild child indeed.
"Why don't you wear shoes?" A young girl called out. "Because he's a muddy monkey from the forest," jeered a strong-looking lad and his friends.
Elder Leik immediately coughed to interrupt them and signal that class was about to start.
"Now, children, today we shall speak of our heroes and their sagas. Can anyone tell me their names?"
"'Malipo' Burkina!" "Master Yupanqui!" ... The answers rolled forth from the children in waves.
"That's right. Every one of our heroes deserves to be remembered, not only for their strength, but also for their spirit of self-sacrifice."
At this moment, Kinich raised his hand from where he sat, furthest beyond the circle. "Why would they want to sacrifice themselves?"
"There is no particular why or wherefore. That is simply a virtue innate to heroes," the Elder replied. "And what did this virtue get them in return?" Kinich asked again.
"Virtue is a thing beyond price. It cannot be exchanged for anything, for it is a reward from the heavens."
"A reward?" Kinich's doubts had not been assuaged. "What sort of reward, exactly? Fame? Mora?"
"All these, of course, but they were not the key. The key is virtue itself, for it is the basis of noble character, and that is what makes a hero a hero."
The old scholar closed his book and gave Kinich an earnest look, though the boy had not particularly understood this statement. Instead, he was thinking back on the past—
The mountains told him that the forest boar was the noblest of things, for it could fill his stomach. The next noblest was water, for without it, humans would die of thirst.
But neither of these were his birthright, and that made them precious. Thus, when he gave them up, he would seek something in return.
Mora was the "something" he preferred best, for it could be exchanged for many other things.
And so he told Elder Leik, "If I become a hero, I want to be rewarded with Mora."
How the other children laughed then, the boy who had mocked Kinich foremost amongst them. "Why don't you go back and swing in your trees then, selfish mud monkey?"
But his little gang was not satisfied with just this. Standing up, they squeezed Kinich out the door. Though Elder Leik tried to stop them, Kinich took the opportunity to leave all the same. He felt no need to stay there any longer, for his keen mind had caught onto a certain truth—
These noisy brats in the Lodge were just that — brats. As they gathered to heap praise upon the heroes, it must have seemed to them that they had become the companions of those heroes, sharing in their nobility. But such false glory would not teach them how to fill their tummies. Once school was over, every single one of them would have to return home and be fed by their mothers.
Kinich could have taught them a lesson right there, too. Laid a couple out for half a month or so, just to let them know how far they were from being heroes.
But what use was there in giving out free life lessons... emphasis on "free"?
Still, this class was not an entirely fruitless endeavor. If nothing else, he now had some answers to his doubts.
He knew what he must do in the future. Become a hero — for the Mora, that is.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4A hero needs to be strong, that much cannot be contested. Not long after he graduated from the Learning Lodge, he would seek Elder Leik out on his own to suggest how he might gain this strength.
To secure the Elder's approval, he even brought all he owned, hoping that it might constitute a worthy price:
Grappling hooks and trap-making equipment, freshly-harvested castor beans, two large pots of tapioca flour, a bag of Grainfruit seeds, a freshly-slaughtered forest boar, and a small amount of Mora.
The Elder laughed and rejected Kinich's offer of remuneration, on one condition, that Kinich learn what it truly meant to be a hero on his journey.
In truth, the Elder had always cherished high hopes for the boy, for he could see a reflection of the ancient heroes within him.
At the same time, he believed that Kinich required proper guidance, for should he set out on the wrong path, he could do far greater damage than your average villain. Thus, a new trade was agreed upon.
In this way, Kinich would live alongside Elder Leik in the mountains and forests for many years.
And even as the Elder taught Kinich about the history of Natlan and the heroes of its various tribes, he would also recommend many notables to the lad.
A fletcher who made special arrowheads, a witch doctor specializing in Saurian poisons, an old hunter skilled in the use of ropes and grappling hooks, an expert in escape and evasion from dire situations...
Kinich would never reject such expertise, and learned much from them day and night, but this alone did not satisfy him, and on designated rest days, he would return to the mountains to hone his combat skills.
Without a formal teacher in this regard, he would imitate the motions of wild animals as they hunted. Some were agile, others cunning, and others fierce, and so he took their strengths and incorporated them into his own unique martial arts.
As his abilities grew, Elder Leik would also guide Kinich to take on more duties within the tribe, beginning with courier work.
Kinich proved skilled at this beyond even many adults, doing all that they could in half the time.
With his skills, it was no surprise that people would gradually come to him, offering payment in exchange for more dangerous services, including the slaying of powerful Saurians.
The Elder initially assumed that Kinich might come to ask his opinion, but not once did this happen.
In this regard, the young man was like a veteran of over ten years, always able to judge the merits of any commission and negotiate suitable payment.
And when there was falsehood or concealment involved in such commissions, Kinich would forcefully weigh the cost upon the scales of his heart and adjust the price accordingly, regardless of whether the other party might refuse.
Such behavior, of course, led to some criticism, and there were important folk even within the tribe who felt that Kinich did not give his work enough care.
But the young man would never explain himself, simply continuing to set the prices he saw fit for each assignment he was given.
Even Elder Trinidad, who had charge over ritual matters, took issue with this at one point, and sought to summon the lad for questioning. However, Elder Leik stopped him.
"Come now, no need for all this fuss. The lad knows what he's doing."
"It's preposterous! The Scions of the Canopy have never called any such person a hero!"
"And that's where you're mistaken. He has never been a Scion of the Canopy. He is a scion of the mountains — the only sort of hero he will become is the sort he wishes to be."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5It may seem strange that Kinich, loner that he is, goes nowhere without a certain self-proclaimed "K'uhul Ajaw" — meaning "Divine Lord" — hanging around him.
According to reliable research by the Saurian Relics Association, Ajaw is a bona fide relic from the era of dragons, dating back several millennia.
His true form has been sealed within an enigmatic engraved wristband, his current one being a mere projection via phlogiston.
Considering his great age and intelligence, the Association researchers believe Ajaw to have immense research value, and have attempted to purchase him for a more than hefty price.
However, Kinich is well-aware that Ajaw is all too intelligent, has an all-round awful personality, and poses an immense threat, and has thus rejected them without hesitation.
He knows that Ajaw is, without a doubt, dangerous — arrogant, cunning, chaotic, and wicked.
Indeed, were he to hand the relic over to the Association, the organization's very existence might soon be in jeopardy.
But there is a more direct reason behind Kinich's refusal to hand Ajaw over — they have signed an unbreakable pact.
All this goes back to an ancient dragon ruin that was rumored to contain a "secret draconic treasure." It was unearthed due to an earthquake, and before long, had attracted much attention.
After more than a few initial surveying parties were lost, however, any interested parties that were still remaining began to wise up.
At this time, Kinich was already a Saurian Hunter of some repute, and thus was invited by one such team to join.
It was only after they had entered that they found the place teeming with monsters and mechanisms, discovering that it was far more perilous than the rumors had suggested.
Some died, others were wounded, and others still fell back, until at last only Kinich reached the ruin's depths.
And that was where he encountered the ancient being, K'uhul Ajaw, who had been sealed away.
He immediately sensed the wickedness in the other party's voice, but also realized that its power might be useful even so.
As for Ajaw, he had his own schemes. Having been sealed here in this blasted hovel for countless years, he longed to see the sun once more.
And so, after several days of mutual testing that was at times friendly, other times hostile, but always brimming with intrigue...
Each had the other's measure, and so a contract was signed, a pact struck.
The mysterious life-form that called himself "K'uhul Ajaw" would henceforth heed Kinich's commands, and lend the former a share of his strength, in accordance to their contract, on a temporary, limited, conditional basis, and in restricted amounts.
In exchange, Kinich would take Ajaw out to see the outside world, and upon his passing, his body would be Ajaw's to take for his own use.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
"The Hill of Silent Crickets"Kinich has read a great number of Elder Leik's collected books and woven scrolls while studying in the latter's home.
Some he has simply skimmed the title pages of, but others, he has read over and over.
Still, none of them compare to "The Hill of Silent Crickets," which he even recommended to the Elder.
After reading it, the old scholar stated that its prose was rough-hewn, its narrative plain, and its imagination lacking — and most importantly, it was an unfinished manuscript.
Kinich was dumbfounded for a moment, but it did not change his love for the text, for its writer had been his mother.
The draft depicted a cricket species that lived underground. There they lived out their entire lives, before climbing up to the surface to mate before dying.
Thus did they live for generations, until one day, a great upheaval shook the under-earth, and the soil temperature surged, killing off the crickets in their droves.
The remaining survivors chose to hide by burrowing ever deeper — all save the protagonist, a champion amongst crickets who chose instead to climb back up to the surface.
It wished to know what had transpired above, and see if there was some way to resolve this crisis.
But when it emerged, it found that the once-verdant mountains had been rendered desolate by the war between humans and monsters.
Plants had withered, the earth was scorched, and drifting ash blotted out the sun, the air now choked with phlogiston, deadly poison to cricket-kind — for this was the land that in latter days would be called the Mare Jivari.
The cricket hero, filled with resentment, fell to the blackened ground, but as its life's spark faded, it used up the last of its strength to lay a single cracked crystal egg ...
The story ends abruptly here, with none ever knowing if a little cricket might come forth from that egg, and that was the key reason for Elder Leik's low opinion of the tale.
Yet that was exactly why Kinich liked it — for it meant that he could look forward to the day when he might see the ending of this manuscript.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionEven after obtaining his Ancient Name, Kinich made no promises that he would follow the example of the historical heroes in sacrificing himself for the many.
He simply took part in that Night Warden War without a word, and threw himself into the jaws of the glorious death that awaited him without hesitation.
That was a perilous battle indeed, with the Abyss's power having taken on a new and vile twist, now wearing the shape of those near and dear to the warriors, and ambushing them thus.
Up against familiar faces, the warriors began to hesitate one by one, and though they did so only for an instant, that was enough to spell their defeat and fatal doom.
Kinich too encountered this dilemma, for the one standing before him was his mother, just as he remembered her.
He had once thought to himself, should he ever meet her again, he would first ask her how "The Hill of Silent Crickets" ended.
But in that moment, his hunter's instincts proved swifter than his mind, for no sooner had the Abyssal entity masqued as his mother spread its arms to embrace him than his blade ran it clean through.
Following that, he proved all the more merciless in cleaving each "familiar face" that followed — yet not truly in cold blood, for each mortal swing of his sword was as another weight on his heart.
He simply understood that only victory could bring back all the fallen now, and each sacrificed comrade steeled his blade still further.
But the monstrosities came on as though a swarm of ravenous locusts, and the warriors had already taken serious losses in the previous surprise attack.
And so they fell, until Kinich at last found himself the last person standing, his vision clouded by blood, and his body savaged by wounds; yet still the monsters pressed in.
He knew that this was the end of the line, and that was also the first time he heard dignified solemnity in Ajaw's voice:
"I fear this is as much power as is mine to display, Kinich..."
"But I swear on my name, K'uhul Ajaw, that upon my accession to your form, you shall all be avenged."
Hearing this, Kinich laughed out loud, a rarity for him, and with laughter did he raise his great blade, cutting down yet another few creatures as they drew near.
All the same, he was utterly spent, and his guard grew ever sloppier, until one monstrous claw ran his chest through from the rear.
Slumping over, Kinich could see fresh blood spurting from the wound as he looked slowly down, but still his feet staggered on, eager to slay another monster.
Crimson droplets meandered across the ground behind him, their trail composing his finale. At last, his body sank to its knees. He could do no more. The final bar line had been inked.
Kinich, last of the Night Warden warriors, was slain.
Ajaw closed his eyes to give the fallen their due respect... only to open them to a stunning sight.
Kinich's fallen form had risen, his hands, just now bloodless and white, gripping his claymore tightly.
Thus did "Kinich" plunge into the Abyssal tide once more, his tireless blade flashing across the battlefield...
Recovering from the shock, Ajaw looked closely, and lo! A heart-patterned, emerald-hued gem now hung where Kinich's chest had been pierced — though when it had appeared, he knew not.
From it flowed vibrant life, driving Kinich's unconscious form on, transforming him into an indefatigable beast of instinct, tearing into the monsters until every last one was no more...
When Kinich next opened his eyes, he found himself back at the Stadium of the Sacred Flame, people all around singing the searing Ode of Resurrection.
He turned to see his comrades, bathed in streaming song, awakening one by one.
"We... won? But who..." Kinich mumbled, grabbing at his chest. He was so sure that he had fallen before the forces of the Abyss.
But someone must have intervened to grant them victory, for otherwise, the Ode would not have revived them.
"What claptrap are you spouting? You did it, you demented, hard-scrabbling, lucky little grasshopper!" Ajaw, splayed out on the floor and clearly frustrated, threw a stone his way. "Bah! Was gaining my succor insufficient for you? Clearly! And now you've gone and gotten a Vision... Oh, when will your body be mine to use!?"
The night he was given new life, Kinich leaned back on his bed, running his fingers over his emerald Vision.
Sights flashed before his eyes. The crowd swarming him, the thunderous applause, the sacred, burning Ode of Resurrection...
It came to him then, out of the blue, that he had deviated from his original goal.
He had struck out to become a hero for Mora's sake, but now, he fought for something far more precious.
His comrades, his homeland, the laughter and joy of the people... He knew not when this process had begun. Indeed, the seeds of change may have been sown long before.
"We remember our heroes not only for their strength, but for their spirit of self-sacrifice..."
"That is a virtue innate to heroes..." "For it is the basis of noble character, and that is what makes a hero a hero."
Kinich faintly recalled Elder Leik's first lesson. He did not think himself more noble, or more self-sacrificial than he had been then.
What he was, however, was surer that he was willing to pay any price to obtain what he now wanted.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

149 responses to “Kinich”

  1. Am I cooking or am I dumb? I had an idea for a team with Kinich, Bennett, Xiangling, and Kachina (I don’t have the funds for Emilie) where I run Kachina to generate crystallize that lets me run Verdict on him, and her being able to trigger Nightsoul Burst would allow for both stacks of his atk bonus passive since one stack can only be generated once per 18 seconds when there’s only 1 Natlan character and his passive stacks only last 15 seconds so only one stack is possible without a second Natlan character. Thoughts?

    • It unfortunately doesn’t exactly work as you’d hope.

      Verdict’s damage bonus wears off after one use. For Navia this doesn’t matter because all her skill hits are nukes, but for kinich, all of his smaller hits you use with his normal attacks are considered skill damage. So if you pick up a crystallize shield, most of the time you’ll end up wasting the buff on the small hits instead of the nuke (honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they made it like this intentionally). It’s also a question of how consistently you can even pick up the shields with kinich’s movement pattern.

      Now I don’t really know how nightsoul bursts work with how and how often they get triggered, but I do know that the passive wears off after 1 skill nuke (it also doesn’t buff his attack stat, but rather it increases the scaling ofhis skill). So in order to get the full benefit, you’d have to proc 2 nightsoul bursts every single skill use.

  2. Here’s a build guide for Kinich with what we currently know:
    Best artifacts for Kinich as a main DPS from best to worst (as of the date this comment is posted):
    4pc Obsidian Codex – Overall DMG % is always good for a DPS, free 40% crit rate just for using the character’s kit as intended is always good too, makes building the character easier
    4pc Unfinished Reverie – Kinich’s kit is overall built around Burn and Burgeon, once again, overall free DMG % just for using your kit as intended is always good for a DPS, I do think this will generally do more damage than Obsidian Codex, but it’s not as forgiving in terms of building since you won’t get that free 40% crit rate from Obsidian Codex’s 4pc (Obsidian is easier to build, Reverie is stronger imo)
    2pc Golden Troupe 2pc Deepwood Memories – This is for pre-Obsidian builds, if you get goated early Obsidian pieces you can replace Deepwood or Golden Troupe (I’d replace Deepwood > Golden Troupe) Obsidian, Golden Troupe provides a nice increase to Kinich’s ES DMG (since that’s most of the damage in his kit), and Deepwood provides a nice stat increase.
    4pc Deepwood Memories – I’d honestly prefer just giving this to another unit in your team, but if you have no other options this does a pretty decent amount of damage on it’s own, just not as comparable to the other artifact sets (note Deepwood procs the Dendro res decrease on any burst/ES dmg, it doesn’t need to be dendro based so you can give this to units like Thoma or Dheya instead)
    Note: These artifacts are centered around his ES DMG and mostly ignoring his burst, even though his burst does a lot of DMG, it’s not the priority in his kit, even with the 100% uptime it can have, this is mostly supplementary damage for him to keep going while he’s off field and you’re going through your rotations with other characters in your team

    Main stats: ATK %, Dendro %, Crit Rate/DMG Substat priority: Crit Rate > Crit DMG > ATK % > ER
    Note: EM isn’t that important for Kinich, his kit scales off exclusively ATK (if I’ve been reading everything correctly and my ass isn’t blind), and his reaction damage as Burn won’t do nearly as much DMG as his raw DMG from his skill and burst
    Note 2: Though it’s completely up to what artifacts you already have or get, I’d build more Crit Rate > Crit DMG for subs first since he already passively gets Crit DMG, once you reach around the 60-75% Crit rate and 150-200% Crit DMG range you should focus on getting ATK for him for those Crits to scale off

    Notes before getting into the weapons: Higher base ATK on the character + weapon = higher ATK gained from ATK % artifacts, Kinich has slightly less base ATK (~332%) than Diluc, Ganyu, and Xianyuan (~334%), squished between Raiden/Clorinde (~337%) and Wanderer (~327%) to give an idea of where his base ATK falls into compared to other 5*s

    Note: All 5*s mentioned are assumed to be R1

    Mountain King’s Fang – It’s his signature weapon, it’s of course going to be really good for Kinich, but in short, just for triggering Burn/Burgeon, you can get up to 60% ES/Burst DMG increase, plus you get Crit Rate for it’s substat, which is just always good to have and helps balance his build with the Crit DMG he gets from his ascensions, but it also has a lot of base ATK, which is good for his artifact and ES/Burst scaling.
    Verdict – It’s passive is useless (unless you build a geo character with him for some ungodly reason but it can work), but if you have it, the Crit Rate substat is super good for him and ATK % gained from it is helpful, just not as much base ATK from other 5* options.
    Beacon of the Reed Sea – This is Dheya’s signature. Not a lot of people have this. But it’s good for it’s high Crit Rate (the highest of all of the 5* claymores), but very low base ATK. Its effect giving ATK % helps make up for it a bit after damaging an enemy with your ES, getting even more ATK % when taking DMG (on or off field), this’ll be good for comps with Furina if you want to build a Burgeon team with Kinich.
    Wolf’s Gravestone – Overall almost good for any traditional claymore DPS, low base ATK but makes up for it with it’s ATK% substat, it’s a weapon that you can get without needing to have rate up, and increasing your ATK by a considerable amount.

    Note: All 4*s mentioned are assumed to be R5

    Earthshaker – By far does the most DMG out of all of the 4*s that will be mentioned, a high ES DMG increase is huge for Kinich. It has the highest base ATK of the 4*s tied with Talking Stick. Earthshaker is craftable so it’s 100% f2p for everyone as well, really no reason to not use it for Kinich, balancing Crit Ratio can be hard though.
    Talking Stick – As mentioned in Earthshaker, it’s tied for the highest base ATK of the 4*s, and overall a pretty strong contender itself with Earthshaker, it provides Crit Rate for it’s substat, and increases your ATK % when being affected by pyro, which will happen a lot when using Kinich in a Burn comp or with Bennett. The second part of Talking Stick isn’t as important despite how useful the increased elemental damage can be, it’s very rare in most of Kinich’s team comps where he will be affected by Hydro, Cryo, Electro, or Dendro. But overall, I think Talking Stick is still very strong for Kinich, I just don’t think anyone actually has this thing lol.
    Serpent Spine – Obviously not a f2p weapon, but at R5, it’s an extremely strong weapon. Definitely his best 4* weapon, but it’s not f2p, and if he takes any damage from Burn you lose the DMG increase, it’s pretty much impossible to use this with Burgeon teams.
    Katsuragikiri Nagamasa – You really have no reason to use this, with the soon to be existence of Earthshaker, this is really one of the most mediocre 4*s you can use for Kinich, I’m only putting it here since we can’t get Earthshaker yet, and cause it’s 100% f2p and the ES DMG increase. The ER isn’t really too important but it’s there I guess. Don’t build this please.
    Mailed Flower – This also isn’t great, but it’s 100% f2p if you were here for the event and it provides a nice ATK % increase for triggering your ES or an elemental reaction. All other 4*s aren’t really that good, these last two aren’t really even that good either, but they’re free if you don’t already have Serpent Spine or Talking Stick, or plan on building Earthshaker.

    Team Comps:
    Note: I assume Kinich is able to activate things such as Yelan/Xingqiu/Thoma burst when using his ES since his NAs trigger his attacks similar to Raiden’s burst

    Standard Burn –
    Emilie, Dheya/Thoma/Xiangling, Bennett
    Nahida works in place of Emilie, but Emeilie is stronger in this comp, Dheya has survivability and easy access to 4pc Millenith, Thoma has shields and his burst, Xiangling do big damage. You can give Emilie 4pc Deepwood to better support Kinich or just go for 4pc Reverie.
    Standard Burgeon –
    Xingqiu/Yelan/Furina, Dheya/Thoma, Bennett
    Xiangling’s pyro application might be too strong and force more Vapes and preventing Kinich from making Bloom Cores for Dheya/Thoma to trigger, but this would need more testing to know for sure. You can give the hydro characters 4pc Deepwood if you want them to help reduce the enemy’s dendro res for Kinich.

    This whole thing is a little scuffed, but generally most of this information should help or prompt most of you guys figure out wtf to do for this guy lol.

    • Just a few things I’d like to note:
      Obsdian should be more damage than reverie. 40% crit rate is equivalent to 80 crit damage, combined with 20% overall damage from the 2pc it’s a lot more value than 18% atk and 50% damage. The other sets only seem viable early on if you simply don’t have a good codex farmed.

      going off of this. weapons with high crit rate such as serpent spine and beacon can become less useful than on paper. If you manage to convert all that bonus crit rate into more crit damage on substats they can be very good, but it can be difficult if you only have ~20 crit rate until you’re overcapped, so keep that in mind for crit rate weapons.
      An additional downside of verdict, is that while it sounds like a potential idea to put a geo support for the extra skill damage, verdict’s passive works in a way that it only gives a dmg buff to your next skill after picking up a crystallize, meaning that you’ll usually end up wasting it on the smaller NA hits instead of the big cannon. (you also might not even be able to pick up the shields due to how kinich moves)

      Lastly, because Kinich moves around so much, it could become difficult to keep bennett’s atk buff up for the full duration. Depending on the enemy positioning you can just wiggle back and forth within the circle, but he can be quite inconsistent against moving enemies.

      • I do overall agree with this, Obsidian definitely gives more overall value, especially in farming value with the assumption that most DPS Natlan characters will be using the set so it’d be better to invest and farm overall as a future investment into characters, along with being in the same domain as the busted new support artifact coming with it. I do agree that it’s crit value that it provides is overall better for players than a % DMG boost from Reverie.

        And I agree with the weapons as well, I mostly only noted the crit rate weapons as they overall make balancing crit ratios easier and ofc they are completely dependent on what artifacts you have in regards to the weapon’s substats.
        Verdict I’m glad you mentioned because I actually didn’t know it’s effect doesn’t go off until your next ES after picking up crystalize.

        For the final note, I do agree it can be hard to stay in Bennett circle, but overall I think it’s just a skill issue on the player lol (/lh /j)
        Genuinely with the team comps I put up there are up to interpretation. I do agree that Bennett can be hard to use with Kinich so using other supports like Thoma, Xiangling, Xingqiu, even Yao Yao (and more) would be beneficial for him if staying in Bennett circle is problematic against high mobility targets.

    • Wait, doesn’t Obsidian need nightsoul points to be consumed?
      Kinich generates them, which could be intentional wording.

    • I would say the best set would be the new one thats coming out called Obsidian Codex
      BUT since its a new set I would go for Unfinished Reverie as a replacement
      but it all honestly depends on what weapon you give him and other stuff

        • 4pc Deepwood is really only good for supportive units, Kinich as a main DPS would prefer an other unit holding 4pc Deepwood and want to use something like 4pc Unfinished Reverie or the 4pc of the new Natlan artifact sets. Though things like 2pc Deepwood with 2pc Golden Troupe would work well for him if you don’t have any good pieces for a 4pc set.

        • I read for Emilie that Deepwood and Reverie are pretty much the same if there isn’t another Deepwood older, I think it’s the same for Kinich. So if you use Reverie and have a support with Deepwood, it’s even better.

    • as it always is, with every new character, and every new domain, the new set is good for the new character
      literally just reading or using the smallest amount of logical thinking would give the many people that ask this very same question for every new character the answer

  3. v2 changes

    Normal Attack: Nightstun Style
    * Nerfed.
    * 1-3 Hit DMG multipliers changed to 195.6%/163.8%/244.1% from 193.5%/173.3%/236.5%
    * Charged Attack DMG multiplier decreased to 95.71%×3 from 116.79%×3.

    P4 – The Swift Envoy (NEW; translated from CN)
    * While in an area with Phlogiston Device(s) within Natlan, interacting with certain harvestables will increase the movement SPD of own party members by 15% for 10s. In certain areas in Natlan Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Natlan on the mini-map.

    C6 – Auspicious Beast’s Shape
    * Buffed.
    * DMG from bounce increased to 700% from 600%.

  4. Teams I be thinking of:

    -Burning: Kinich/Emilie/Xiangling/Bennett
    Simply obvious. Could use Thoma/Dehya over Xiangling, she won’t do as much damage here being the Deepwood holder and probably needing to use Fav.

    -Burgeon/Burnvape: Kinich/Baizhu/Furina + Dehya/Thoma/Xiangling
    Baizhu can buff Kinich with Thrilling Tales and that new 4pc Scroll set if someone else carries Deepwood. Dendro resonance also relevant for Burgeon/Vape. If Xiangling is used as the Pyro, becomes more of a forward vape team.

    -Quickburnload: Kinich/Emilie/Fischl/Thoma
    Not as good as previous teams, Quicken doesn’t do much for Kinich/Emilie. More for the novelty.

    -Meltburn: Kinich/Emilie/Thoma + Rosaria/Ayaka/Ganyu
    Also not as good, but less due to the concept and more because we lack a strong off-field Cryo. Maybe Citlali can fill the Cryo slot in the future.

    • question, does kinich skill count as a normal attack for xingqiu/yelan’s skills? Like how raiden’s burst can trigger their talents? I kinda wanna try kinich, xinqiu, nahida, and dehya team.

    • I don’t think that Kinich needs Emilie on his burning teams, although she definitely his best Dendro teammate. I could see an alternative Dendro teammate (like Nahida or Collei) also being good for folks who don’t have Emilie.

      This is because I feel that burning will be one of Kinich’s best team compositions.

      • Yep Emilie is bis but not essential for him to function. You don’t necessarily even need a 2nd Dendro, for the Burning team you could replace Emilie with Furina, changing it to BurnVape.

      • Other than like Hu Tao needing Xingqiu for hydro app, I believe no character needs another specific one at all (aside of element for reactions), they all just have good or bad options
        Also Kinich doesn’t really care about double dendro so instead you might go with one hydro, one anemo, Zhongli, maybe Sara or even triple pyro, boy got options

  5. To the gut who suggested using electros with Kinich for maximum cannon dmg, spread only adds a flat amount of dmg to attacks so it’s less valuable on large single hits
    it’d be more valuable to use someone who can buff atk

  6. hope kinich yelan/xq/ nahida and thoma/mavuika works well would probably be second coming of alhaitham but burgeon

    • how often he would use NAs to make Yelan and Thoma work?. His pre-Archon team seems to be Emilie/Nahida/Baizhu, Dehya, Xiangling. Probably Furina will be his best hydro option given that she is the only Hydro Fischl of the game

      • Addressing this, we’re not sure exactly yet if he is able to proc any of Yelan/Xingqiu/Thoma’s bursts with his ES, but since his NAs are the trigger for his damage, they should work (considering Raiden works with them and her burst converts her NA’s to burst dmg similar to how Kinich’s ES converts his NA dmg into ES dmg).
        Though the situation with Dheya was confusing, her punches from her burst aren’t triggered by her NAs but only sped up by them (she could use her ES to speed it up too, people just use her NAs cause they’re faster), that’s the reason why Dheya didn’t work with the previous 3 units’ burst.

        Tldr; Kinich’s ES should trigger Yelan/Xingqiu/Thoma bursts since the trigger for his attacks are from his NAs, the only thing changing is his damage type.

    • Also there’s no mention of his Skill ending when switching as far as I see which means he can Skill > Burst and act as a generic dendro support in quicken/burning/Bloom teams with the new artifact set

    • Plus it’s not just QOL, he gains Nightsoul points passively. Fire a cannon shot, use burst, and by the time the animation finishes he should have another cannon ready to go. Should make it easier to fit 4 cannon shots per skill window, maybe even a 5th.


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