| (test) Quest Testing | (test){QuestNpcID} Shows NPC name here | |
| Pallad’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Six-Fingered José’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Farrah’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Explorer Jack’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Brook’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Allan’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Dr. Livingstone’s Dilemma | {QuestNpcID} is in trouble. | |
| Lynn’s Troubles | Something seems to be troubling {QuestNpcID}… | |
| Margaret’s Troubles | Something seems to be troubling {QuestNpcID}… | |
Give me the reasons why someone sane of mind should choose her instead of Kazuha,Citlali or Xilonen...