Non-Codex Quests

Wanderer's Trail
Wanderer’s TrailThe god took away your only kin, and you were sealed and cast into a deep slumber. Upon your awakening, you wandered alone for a time until you met a strange companion named Paimon, thus beginning your journey through the continent of Teyvat…
Adventure EXP225
Character EXP500
Lisa Dungeon, Lisa Tome Reward
Lisa Dungeon, Lisa Tome Rewardn/a
Breeze Amidst the Forest Supplement: The Dragon Tome1
Let's go on an Adventure
Let’s go on an AdventureThe Adventurers’ Guild can give you Adventure Reports on the area surrounding Mondstadt. All reports are free!
Advanced Infiltration Test
Advanced Infiltration Testn/a
The Boars are Attacking!
The Boars are Attacking!Boars keep attacking the vineyards, and Tunner is getting anxious…
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