
TitleSkyborne Arbiter
WeaponWeapon Bow
ElementElement Anemo
Day of Birth10
Month of Birth12
Vision (Introduced)Anemo
Constellation (Introduced)Vultur Gryphus
Chinese Seuyu张若瑜
Japanese Seuyu甲斐田裕子
English SeuyuLauren Amante
Korean SeuyuSoo-hyun
DescriptionThe Peacemaker of the Tlalocan, the ender of all disputes.
Character Ascension Materials
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
Ensnaring Gaze
Withering Purpurbloom
Juvenile Fang
Seasoned Fang
Tyrant's Fang
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Conflict
Guide to Conflict
Philosophies of Conflict
Silken Feather
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritRate%MaterialsTotal Materials
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom3
Juvenile Fang3
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom3
Juvenile Fang3
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment3
Ensnaring Gaze2
Withering Purpurbloom10
Juvenile Fang15
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom13
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment3
Ensnaring Gaze2
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment6
Ensnaring Gaze4
Withering Purpurbloom20
Seasoned Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom33
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Ensnaring Gaze6
Seasoned Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk3
Ensnaring Gaze8
Withering Purpurbloom30
Seasoned Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom63
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Ensnaring Gaze14
Seasoned Fang30
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk3
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk6
Ensnaring Gaze12
Withering Purpurbloom45
Tyrant's Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom108
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Ensnaring Gaze26
Seasoned Fang30
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk9
Tyrant's Fang12
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone6
Ensnaring Gaze20
Withering Purpurbloom60
Tyrant's Fang24
Vayuda Turquoise Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom168
Juvenile Fang18
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment9
Ensnaring Gaze46
Seasoned Fang30
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk9
Tyrant's Fang36
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone6


Active Skils

Phantom Feather FlurryPhantom Feather Flurry
Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 consecutive shots with a bow.

Charged Attack
Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, mighty winds will accumulate on the arrowhead. A fully charged wind arrow will deal Anemo DMG.

Plunging Attack
Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, hitting opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit DMG48.01%51.92%55.82%61.41%65.31%69.78%75.92%82.06%88.2%94.9%101.6%108.3%115%121.69%128.39%
2-Hit DMG44.59%48.22%51.85%57.03%60.66%64.81%70.51%76.22%81.92%88.14%94.36%100.58%106.8%113.03%119.25%
3-Hit DMG29.7%×232.11%×234.53%×237.99%×240.4%×243.17%×246.96%×250.76%×254.56%×258.7%×262.85%×266.99%×271.14%×275.28%×279.42%×2
4-Hit DMG25.47%×327.54%×329.61%×332.57%×334.65%×337.02%×340.27%×343.53%×346.79%×350.34%×353.9%×357.45%×361%×364.56%×368.11%×3
Aimed Shot43.86%47.43%51%56.1%59.67%63.75%69.36%74.97%80.58%86.7%92.82%98.94%105.06%111.18%117.3%
Fully-Charged Aimed Shot124%133.3%142.6%155%164.3%173.6%186%198.4%210.8%223.2%235.6%248%263.5%279%294.5%
Plunge DMG56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.16% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
Spirit Reins, Shadow HuntSpirit Reins, Shadow Hunt
Chasca and the will residing in her weapon resonate, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Anemo DMG.
After using this Skill, Chasca gains 80 Nightsoul points and enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Chasca
Continually consume Nightsoul points. When Nightsoul points are fully depleted or the skill is used again, Chasca's Nightsoul's Blessing state will end. Her Nightsoul's Blessing has the following traits:
·Mounts "Soulsniper: Ritual Staff," increasing Chasca's Movement SPD and interruption resistance. In this state, Chasca will continually consume Nightsoul points to remain airborne. When Sprinting or increasing height, extra Nightsoul points will be consumed.
·When using Normal or Charged Attacks, Tap or Hold to switch between using "Multitarget Fire" in different ways.

Multitarget Fire
Deal Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG to opponents in front. This DMG is considered Normal Attack DMG.
Enter Aiming Mode and choose a certain number of opponents within a certain range, before loading up to 6 Shadowhunt Shells based on the duration for which the skill was charged. When 6 Shells have been loaded or charging is stopped, these Shells will be fired at the chosen opponents in sequence.

Shadowhunt Shells
·Deal Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG, which is considered Charged Attack DMG.
·The 4th, 5th, and 6th Shells loaded into the cylinder will undergo Elemental Conversion based on the Elemental Types of the other characters in the party: For each Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro character in the party, one Shadowhunt Shell will randomly be Converted into a "Shining Shadowhunt Shell" of one of these corresponding Elemental Types, dealing Nightsoul-aligned DMG corresponding to that Elemental Type. This DMG is considered Charged Attack DMG.
·The Shells loaded into the cylinder are fired starting from the last Shadowhunt Shell to be loaded, in a "last in, first out" order.

Additionally, when Chasca is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, Holding her Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt will cause her to execute a Nightsoul-aligned Plunging Attack. Release the Elemental Skill to interrupt this Plunging Attack and maintain her airborne state. Should Chasca hit the ground with her Plunging Attack, her Nightsoul's Blessing state will end.

In theory, as long as she's willing, those reins can bridle anything... But what could possibly be as cool as a giant hand cannon?
Resonance DMG60%64.5%69%75%79.5%84%90%96%102%108%114%120%127.5%135%142.5%
Multitarget Fire Tap DMG36%38.7%41.4%45%47.7%50.4%54%57.6%61.2%64.8%68.4%72%76.5%81%85.5%
Shadowhunt Shell DMG48.8%52.46%56.12%61%64.66%68.32%73.2%78.08%82.96%87.84%92.72%97.6%103.7%109.8%115.9%
Shining Shadowhunt Shell DMG166.57%179.06%191.56%208.21%220.71%233.2%249.86%266.52%283.17%299.83%316.49%333.14%353.97%374.79%395.61%
Nightsoul Point Limit808080808080808080808080808080
Soul Reaper's Fatal RoundSoul Reaper's Fatal Round
Chasca concentrates her will, firing a single "Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell" that deals Nightsoul-aligned AoE Anemo DMG. Afterward, the Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell will split into 6 Soulseeker Shells, which attack nearby opponents.

Soulseeker Shells
·Deal Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG.
·For each Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro character in the party, two Soulseeker Shells will undergo corresponding Elemental Conversions to become "Radiant Soulseeker Shells," which deal Nightsoul-aligned Elemental DMG from a randomly selected one of the corresponding Elemental Types.

None can escape from the moonlight or the whispers of the night, just as no foe can flee her attentive eyes once she's got them in her sights.
Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell DMG88%94.6%101.2%110%116.6%123.2%132%140.8%149.6%158.4%167.2%176%187%198%209%
Soulseeker Shell DMG103.4%111.15%118.91%129.25%137%144.76%155.1%165.44%175.78%186.12%196.46%206.8%219.72%232.65%245.57%
Radiant Soulseeker Shell DMG206.8%222.31%237.82%258.5%274.01%289.52%310.2%330.88%351.56%372.24%392.92%413.6%439.45%465.3%491.15%
Energy Cost606060606060606060606060606060

Passive Skills

Night Realm's Gift: Everburning HeartNight Realm's Gift: Everburning Heart
After her Nightsoul points are exhausted, Chasca will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing.
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Chasca. When the active character is in the air, the following will occur when switching to Chasca: Chasca will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and gain 32 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team.
Bullet TrickBullet Trick
When the Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt's Multitarget Fire is being charged, if there are party members who meet the Elemental Conversion Type requirements, gain the following effects based on the number of different eligible Elemental Types present:
·There is a 33.3%/66.7%/100% chance for each Type to trigger "Spiritbinding Conversion" and cause the 3rd Shadowhunt Shell loaded into the cylinder to be randomly converted into a Shining Shadowhunt Shell from one of the corresponding Elemental Types.
·Each Elemental Type will grant Chasca 1 stack of Spirit of the Radiant Shadow, increasing the DMG of Shining Shadowhunt Shell by 15%/35%/65%. This effect lasts until the current Multitarget Fire ends. Max 3 stacks.
Intent to CoverIntent to Cover
When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Chasca will fire a "Burning Shadowhunt Shot" at a nearby opponent, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG equal to 150% of the Shadowhunt Shell DMG from her Elemental Skill Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt. If the party has Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro characters, the Burning Shadowhunt Shot will be converted to deal Nightsoul-aligned Elemental DMG of the corresponding Elemental Type equal to 150% of the DMG dealt by Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt's Shining Shadowhunt Shells.
The DMG done in this way is considered Charged Attack DMG.
Mediation's True MeaningMediation's True Meaning
25 Phlogiston will be restored when your own party members defeat an opponent. This effect can trigger once every 12s.
This has no effect in Domains, Trounce Domains, or the Spiral Abyss.


Cylinder, the Restless RouletteCylinder, the Restless Roulette
When triggering the Passive Talent "Bullet Trick"'s "Spiritbinding Conversion," the 2nd Shadowhunt Shell loaded into the cylinder will be additionally converted into a Shining Shadowhunt Shell.
The chance to trigger "Spiritbinding Conversion" is increased: If there are party members who meet the Elemental Conversion Type requirements, the chance to trigger "Spiritbinding Conversion" is increased by 33.3%, up to a maximum of 100%.

You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Bullet Trick."
In addition, Chasca's Nightsoul point and Phlogiston consumption in her Nightsoul's Blessing state is decreased by 30% while out of combat.
Muzzle, the Searing SmokeMuzzle, the Searing Smoke
When Chasca takes the field, she will obtain 1 stack of "Spirit of the Radiant Shadow" from the Passive Talent "Bullet Trick." You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Bullet Trick" for this effect.
In addition, when the Shining Shadowhunt Shells from Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt's Multitarget Fire hit opponents, they will deal AoE Elemental DMG of the corresponding Elemental Type of the Shining Shadowhunt Shells equal to 400% of Chasca's ATK. This DMG is considered Charged Attack DMG. This effect can be triggered once each time Chasca uses Multitarget Fire.
Reins, Her Careful ControlReins, Her Careful Control
Increases the Level of Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Sparks, the Sudden ShotSparks, the Sudden Shot
When the Radiant Soulseeker Shells from Soul Reaper's Fatal Round hit opponents, they will restore 1.5 Elemental Energy to Chasca, and deal AoE Elemental DMG of the corresponding Elemental Type of the Radiant Soulseeker Shells equal to 400% of Chasca's ATK. This DMG is considered Charged Attack DMG.
The aforementioned corresponding elemental AoE DMG effect can be triggered once each time Chasca uses Soul Reaper's Fatal Round.
Brim, the Sandshadow's SilhouetteBrim, the Sandshadow's Silhouette
Increases the Level of Soul Reaper's Fatal Round by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Showdown, the Glory of BattleShowdown, the Glory of Battle
Chasca's Multitarget Fire charge time is decreased, and after the Passive Talent "Bullet Trick"'s "Spiritbinding Conversion" is triggered, Chasca will gain the "Fatal Rounds" state: For the next 3s, the next time Chasca uses Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt's Multitarget Fire, the shots will finish charging instantly, and the CRIT DMG of that instance of Multitarget Fire's Shadowhunt Shells and Shining Shadowhunt Shells increases by 120%. 1 "Fatal Rounds" effect can be gained once every 3s.

You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Bullet Trick" to gain access to the above effect.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP
Party Switch under 30% HP
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle
Idle Performance


Audio Language:
Chat: Bird's-Eye View
Chat: Whispers
Chat: Peacemaker
When It Rains
When Thunder Strikes
When It's Windy
When the Wind Is Blowing
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
About Chasca: Self-Confidence
About Chasca: Flower-Feather Clan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Mediation
About Us: Family
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share
Interesting Things
About Kachina
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Mualani
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xilonen
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Mavuika
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Kinich
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Citlali
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ifa
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Iansan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More about Chasca: I
More About Chasca: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Chasca: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Chasca: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Chasca: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Chasca's Hobbies
Chasca's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: II
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsAll humans hunger for power, and none can avoid conflict.
Some fight to protect their tribe and resist the Abyss, while others do so to prove themselves superior, greater, or more worthy of Mora, wine, power, and glory than their comrades.
But even those who love battle the most know to fear one name — Chasca.
So long as she is on the battlefield, even the fiercest fight will cease into silence in short order.
This is not entirely due to her eloquence or skill as a mediator, nor is it wholly a consequence of her ability to come up with satisfactory solutions based on her deep grasp of human nature. Instead, it's more that...
This "Peacemaker" is just ludicrously strong, and she fights in a manner that makes a mockery of common sense. To engage her head-on is comparable to an unarmed newborn babe challenging the fiercest Qucusaurus.
Those infatuated with conflict often also fear strength, and thus they commonly find sitting down to talk the best choice when confronted by power far beyond their own.
Still, they wonder, how is Chasca always able to appear at the center of conflict at just the right moment?
With such uncanny accuracy, such fortuity, it is as if she is drawn in by conflict itself, or rather... like a "beast" who catches the scent of her "prey."
Character Story 1Chasca has lived alongside Qucusaurs for as long as she can remember.
Initially, she believed herself to be a Saurian, though she lacked the hooked beak and sharp talons her mother and elder sister possessed, and she could not fly, nor could she leap into the crowns of trees in a single bound.
Her mother loved her just as she did her own flesh and blood, and when returning from a hunt, would always ensure her daughters ate their fill first, before contenting herself with the remainder.
However, Chasca was not content to remain a fledgling waiting to be fed.
Once she was finally grown enough to race across slopes and bound over rivers, she would often leave the nest to watch her mother and sister hunt.
She would remember how they fought, and adapt those techniques for her own use. She had no wings she could spread to fly, so she would leap amongst the treetops. She was not born with beak and claw, so she would arm herself with stones in their place.
All too eager to attempt a hunt of her own, she wandered the woods until at last, her first mighty foe came forth — a foraging Forest Boar.
Imitating the Qucusaurs' movements, she leaped at the boar, only to be sent spinning to the ground by its fierce charge.
Rolling to her feet, she snatched up a nearby rock and hurled it, only for the boar to dodge.
Ultimately, she was forced to return empty-handed, her whole body ragged, covered head to toe in injuries and abrasions.
Her mother brought herbs to treat her, and her sister vigorously opposed any future forays.
Chasca agreed to stay and heal in the nest, but dove into the mountains the instant her wounds closed.
She shuttled between forest and stream, collecting all manner of odds and ends to use: Sharp-edged stones, sturdy sticks, sticky sap, the skins of dead animals...
Her family did not quite understand the purpose of all this "junk," but thought Chasca having a new hobby was a good thing nonetheless.
They never imagined she would use them to fashion a new weapon — a slingshot made from sticks and skin, all the better for shooting stones both faster and further.
The Forest Boar had a little squirrel cornered, yet what it had not realized was that it too had entered another's hunting grounds.
Without warning, it found something stuck to its hooves, and it struggled in vain to get free. Then, several sharp objects, whistling through the air, struck its skull one after another. With a cry, the boar fell into a dead faint on the spot.
Only then did Chasca emerge from the bush and excitedly drag her trophy back to the nest.
Her mother and sister thought then that Chasca would surely become a skilled huntress — yet the way events were to unfold would far exceed their expectations once again.
Chasca contemplated and discovered ever more combat techniques, as if there was always some voice in the dark guiding her on, showing her more ways to fight.
But the longer she followed this voice, the less willing she became to skulk in the shadows. She became obsessed with seizing the initiative, with matching herself against bird and beast alike.
Brown Deer, Flying Squirrels, Halberd-Crest Birds, each in their turn she would eagerly challenge. Rather than being a huntress skilled in the singular, fatal ambush, she was more akin to an unyielding warrior, one who sought battle and would find rest only in death.
But the more addicted she became to the thrill of the fight, the less prey she would obtain — for animals tend to be the vigilant sort, and having recognized in her a formidable foe, they naturally choose to flee at the first chance.
Young Chasca thus faced a quandary: the intoxication of battle, or a full stomach...
And what an impossible choice that seemed to her then!
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2Unlike other human children, Chasca's first word was neither "mama" nor "papa."
When her adoptive human father Cusco first laid eyes on her, he took one look at her, her eyes feral and fierce as her teeth tore into raw meat, then stared back at Elder Allpa, who was planning to give her to him, and his jaw dropped so far you could have stuffed a whole Saurian egg into his mouth.
"Um, Elder... I know I agreed to take an orphan in... but, you didn't say it was an orphaned Qucusaurus!"
Given the frequency with which Natlan faces Abyssal invasions, it was not uncommon for war orphans to be adopted, but one like Chasca, abandoned by humans and adopted by Saurians... That was the stuff of legends, and legends alone.
As events would prove, Cusco had in fact underestimated the destructive might of this "Qucusaurus." Qucusaurs were already well-known for doing things their own ways, but Chasca's temper would prove harder to restrain than even the proudest among that race of Saurians.
"That vulture! She's stolen meat from the warehouse — again!"
"My house isn't your damn nesting ground, you little vulture!"
"Damn.. the little vulture's started another fight!"
Worse still, Qucusaurs usually had some specific intention behind their actions. To obtain food perhaps, or to defend their territory... but little Chasca seemed set on kicking up trouble for its own sake. She had food far more delicious than raw meat set before her at the table, and her bed was far softer than a roost of straw, but still she would constantly stir up conflict, day and night.
This really had Cusco's brows all knitted up. He had realized that this might not be some simple wildness of temper, or an inability to adapt to her new circumstances... But what was the root of it?
Humans would die for money, and monsters for food, but this? This pursuit of conflict without gain, without negotiation, without anything but a desire for destruction? Only one other example sprung to mind — the Abyss.
...Perhaps it was time to have a good "talk" with his daughter.
And so, when Chasca next got herself in hot water, only barely restrained by two elite members of the flying squad, Cusco hurried over to apologize once more for not watching over her carefully enough, then rubbed his forehead in exasperation and asked:
"...Now, what do you want? If you never speak up, no one will ever understand."
"The hell are you even asking her for, Cusco? This vulture can't even say a single damn word! Seriously, what were you and the Elder thinking..."
Little Chasca glared venomously at the flying squad members holding her down, a growl forming in her throat, before it warped into a single hoarse "word":
"V... Vultures!"
...Well, that was a start, Cusco thought with a wry smile. As far as communication went, a counter-insult still counted.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3The lamp shone upon Chasca's sleeping face, the light of the flames trembling across the faces of Cusco and the shaman standing to one side.
"The Abyss has a foothold in her soul, and its claws have engraved conflict into her. This wound can only grow worse with the passing years... This is an ominous sign, and something that we have never before seen."
The shaman sighed, thinking for a moment, before speaking again, words weighty and considered.
"...Perhaps it might be best for all if we took this chance to return her to the forest now."
Cusco could hear the implied meaning. Dealing with Chasca was hard enough now, and she was still little now. Who knew what she might be like in the future?
The Abyss was ever Natlan's nemesis, and to keep her in the tribe was to house a potential calamity.
But unless they were to find some way to restrain the Abyss within... a "return to the mountains" was but a euphemism for "abandoning her to her fate."
Chasca's desire for battle was inborn, just as all humans are born with a desire for food. Others fought for a reason, and once their objectives were achieved, there was no further need to push themselves further.
But Chasca's yearning was as a bottomless hunger. Even the sweet taste of constant victory could only sate her for so long.
If that craving could not be contained... then perhaps her fate would be to destroy all around her until nothing remained, or be slain in some fierce battle.
"You must make your decision... 'now.'"
The shaman's words leapt about in the darkness like the candle's flame.
Cusco looked at little Chasca. Her breathing even, her snoring light, she seemed so much more at peace asleep — indeed, no different from any ordinary human girl.
Cusco softly ruffled her hair, mumbling: "No. It's too late now... It's too late."
Chuychu, having woken up in the dead of night, was hiding behind the door, where the light could not reach.
Young as she was, she did not comprehend all that was said between the two — yet the leaden air and her father's sorrow would remain in her heart all the same.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4After that, Chuychu's parents would often take long trips from home. One day, it'd be to go see an elder living in seclusion; the next, to gather a legendary herb.
Each time, one of them would have the other stay behind to keep an eye on things, but when emergencies cropped up, they would both rush off in a hurry, leaving young Chuychu behind with an "elder sister" who was mentally younger than her.
Fortunately, Chasca appeared to have become much better behaved since learning the word "vulture." At least now, when she had some minor disagreement with someone, she could open up with some insults rather than going straight to delivering a beating.
Perhaps, Chuychu could not help but wonder, Chasca had even realized that no one would apologize for her and clean up her messes while their parents were gone.
...Probably not. With her personality, there was no way she knew how much their parents worried for her... or how well they treated her.
Chuychu had once imagined what life would be like if she had an elder sister — a playmate, a sharer of woes, someone to care for her when she fell ill...
But since Chasca had arrived, her father had become so busy, and her mother's free time had evaporated. Even those her age who she used to play with now avoided her, intentionally or not.
This was all Chasca's fault—
Chuychu shook her head frantically as that thought flashed through it.
No. She couldn't think like that. The elders said that the tribe must be united, and her parents had also said that Chasca actually really deserved their sympathy...
...But if she weren't around...
"Hey! You home, Cusco? Chasca got into another fight!"
The sudden commotion cut that train of thought short.
She rushed to the scene in place of her father, only to find Chasca, her face the very picture of fury, alongside a group of wailing children, among whom were many of her former friends.
"These... vul..." Chasca lifted her hand to point at the pile of crying children.
"Another fight? Really!?" The thoughts that Chuychu had just dispelled came blazing back. "You're always like this. That's why... That's why they don't play with me anymore! That's why Mom and Dad don't spend time with me anymore!"
"Vul... tures..." Chasca unconsciously lowered her pointing hand, and though her mouth still repeated those words in grunts, her voice grew quieter and quieter.
"You're the worst vulture here!"
At last, the words Chuychu had hidden in her heart tore forth.
Chasca's eyes widened, her lips quivering as if to say something. Then, she finally cast her eyes to the ground, turned, and ran off in the direction of the wilderness outside the tribe.
...She'll be alright, Chuychu thought. This isn't the first time she's run off. They just needed to go look for her later.
But for some reason, deep down, she felt a sense of unease.
"What happened back there with Chasca? She seemed much better lately... What did you all say to set her off?" An adult who had arrived on the scene muttered.
The children who had been beaten looked at one another, hesitant to speak. A moment later, someone raised their hand, and said with a trembling voice:
"We... It was just an argument at first! But then, someone said..."
"Someone said that Uncle Cusco and his whole family... were also idiots for... keeping this vulture in our tribe... We were just joking, I swear! A—And we heard that from the adults!"
"And they also said not to play with Chuychu... just in case her sister's sickness is contagious..."
Shocked, Chuychu whirled around, facing the direction Chasca had disappeared in.
But there was nothing between the mountains save the mournful wind, giving howling voice to some cry for which there could be no words.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5'Why? This is not my nest.'
'That "Elder" person forced me to live in the new nest.'
'Those humans made me eat things. Wear things. Spend a few not-so-cold nights among them.'
'I could go back any time. That's right. I'll go back to my nest.'
'Mom might chase me out again, but Sister will speak for me.'
'The "sickness" hurts. But it can hurt all it wants. I don't need humans to "cure" me.'
Such were the chaotic thoughts that swirled through her mind.
Well-practiced leaps carried her aloft from tree to tree as she drunk in the fresh, familiar mountain air and scent of the leaves. Still, she could not forget the flickering fires of the tribe's candles.
'I don't need fires to keep warm. I don't need fire to light up the night. Mom and Sister never did either.'
'Humans are weak. They fear the cold night, so they light fires. Proud, strong Saurians don't need that.'
...And yet, the fire was so warm.
These cowardly thoughts stole into her mind, and suddenly, they echoed and rang, stopping her cold with a splitting headache. She plummeted out of the trees.
—"It" was here again.
Gritting her teeth, Chasca pulled herself up against the tree, her trembling fingers scratching bloody trails across the branches.
'Fight. Bite. Destroy. That way, you can forget all your unhappiness.'
'Forget the cowardliness this brief stay has forced upon you. Forget those chains that the human world has bound you with, all their rules. All things were born wild! Born beasts!'
She had heard that voice for as long as she could remember. At first, it had merely guided her to hunt, to bite into her prey. But then, it came more frequently, its noise leaving her dizzy and faint, release only coming after she gave in and made a mess.
'Mom sent me to the humans... hoping that they could cure me, didn't she?'
'But it's no use. The human world is noisier than the nest. Humans disagree and fight all day. They are always in conflict. And "its" voice gets clearer when they fight. More tempting.'
'—Sister, I don't want to disappoint Mom, but...'
Chasca had tried to confide in her elder sister on several occasions, but alas, her human tongue could not make the vocalizations of a Qucusaurus.
'—And you, I know you all don't want me to fight, but...'
Chasca had also tried to communicate with Cusco and his wife, but a Qucusaur child could not form human words.
'—They deserved that beating! They scolded me! They scolded you, too!'
Chasca had tried to explain herself to Chuychu, but only that tattered word, "vulture," came stumbling out of her mouth.
'Never mind them! I can hear you, and you can hear me. That is all you need!'
'No need to explain. No need to understand! Just break everything that hurts you! Tear apart all that stands in your way!'
Even now, that voice screamed in her head, rounding on her.
'—Enough! You're the one I hate the most! You're the biggest, the worst, the most loathsome vulture of them all!'
Chasca all but roared as she pounded, pounded, pounded her fists against the tree, as if she might rip that voice out and bash it into a pulp!
Splinters of bark and leaf sprayed out every which way, swirling in the air, but "it" laughed all the more wildly.
Moon-silver pierced through the trees, its mottled gleam lighting Chasca's pallid face.
She collapsed, her fists a mess of split skin and muddied flesh, exposing the white bone beneath in some spots.
Everything hurt. She could not move. Her eyelids were so, so heavy. Even the voice in her head was all but spent.
'Of course it would be. "It" is dying, because "it" is me.'
'This isn't far from the human tribe, and there's so much tree cover. Mom and Sister won't be able to find me, will they?'
Cusco and his wife were out. There was no way they'd return in time to find someone who'd run away from home.
No one would know that Chasca was about to die here.
...And that was fine. One less vulture in the world, Chasca forced herself to think — not to mention the even bigger vulture within.
...The moonlight was a little too cold after all, though.
Dimly, she felt some warmth on her face, like the light cover of Mom's wings, like the light of human candles. Chasca opened her eyes slowly.
Before her was a humble bonfire, and a young girl squatting and tending it carefully — Chuychu.
"...Ah!" Realizing that Chasca was awake, Chuychu hastily hid her hands behind her back. In the firelight, Chasca could see that her hands had been slightly burned.
"...Are your hands okay?" Chuychu deflected.
Only then did Chasca notice the bandages wrapped snugly around her hands. It was clumsy work, but enough to stop the bleeding.
"...I couldn't move you, so I had to make do here... But I've lit a fire, so the adults should find us soon enough."
Chasca did not answer, but the question her eyes asked was clear.
"...Well, Mom and Dad would be sad if something happened to you."
"Also... Thanks for standing up for me. I'm sorry for yelling at you before asking what happened."
"Anyway... Let's go home, okay?"
"...Home..." Chasca broke her silence, mumbling the new word she had just learned. Then she nodded. "...Let's 'go home.'"
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
"Peacemakers"The first time the Flying Captain, Elder Allpa, came forward to teach Chasca, it was because her front door had been virtually blocked up by the deluge of complaints about Chasca and the beatings she'd handed out.
But no matter how long Allpa spent laboring over explanations of the human world and its laws, little Chasca could never understand what was wrong with fighting.
Saurians and beasts all decided things through strength. She'd won the fight, so why was she the one being questioned?
Allpa would talk and gesticulate, while Chasca would study her, wondering if she might be spared the lengthy lectures if she could simply defeat the Elder.
But the second time she came to give Chasca guidance, she immediately realized that there was something different about the girl's gaze.
"...Teach me. Become strong." With those choppy words, Chasca asked to learn human ways. "Abyss... want to defeat."
"...Alright. In that case, let me teach you to use humanity's greatest weapon."
So saying, Allpa grabbed a woven scroll, an exquisite line of small words embroidered at its head: "Peacemaker — the Art of Communication."
"Our greatest weapon is our language."
But what did flapping one's lips have to do with strength? Chasca did not quite understand.
She would rather learn how to use various weapons, from bows to guns, or perhaps how to use Phlogiston, or how to shoot while in the air.
If one was strong enough, talk could be dispensed with... That was how she had thought in the past, at least.
But still, she had not been able to tear that voice from her heart and beat it until it stopped talking ever again.
So she endured, learning every last word that Allpa taught her, chewing on that woven scroll that she never thought she would read, bit by bit, line by line.
As it turned out, when she learned to communicate, coordinate, and rely on others, the efficiency of her hunts seemed to increase — just as the scroll had said.
When she wrote Chuychu a letter on her birthday and wished her well, she and their parents seemed pleasantly surprised — just as the scroll had said.
And when she took part in the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame, bearing the expectations of all on her shoulders, it seemed as if the people of the Flower-Feather Clan looked upon her with a little more respect — just as the scroll had said.
"Here you go. The highest possible caliber, and the greatest possible mobility... If this request had come from anyone else, from someone whose abilities I wasn't so sure of, I'd have used the materials they gave me to beat some sense into them."
"Thanks, Xilonen. This should make me a more persuasive mediator." Upon receiving the almost comically huge "Soulsniper: Ritual Staff," Chasca tested its weight using the reins in her hand.
"I'll say... Who'd disagree with you after being hit with this thing, anyway? This has to be the strongest weapon I've ever made for your tribe."
"...No, 'a bullet has the most power when it has yet to leave the chamber.'"
As she caressed the cylinder of the gun, this analogy that Chasca had encountered in a certain woven scroll came back to her, unbidden.
"The strongest weapon, huh... Then, from this day forth, we shall be the 'Peacemakers.'"
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionBy that point, she had long since grown from the feral girl who stirred up conflicts into a Peacemaker who ended them in droves.
There was almost no dispute that could not be resolved by her intervention, whether it be between humans, tribes, humans and Saurians, or even between Saurians.
But if there was some force beyond rational understanding, with whom even the greatest communicator could achieve no consensus, it would be the Abyss.
Since she had learned to live with "that" which lived within her, "its" voice had grown ever weaker, and indeed, Chasca even thought "it" gone for a time.
But in that Night Warden War, "it" was invigorated by the Abyss, and like a butterfly bursting from a chrysalis, it manifested as an illusion — one identical to her.
"We meet at last. Long have we fought, with neither of us able to overcome the other... But come, let us end this. Approach me, embrace me... and the greatest strength shall be yours."
As the battle wore on, the more monsters Chasca slew, the greater the hold the Abyssal power had over her, and once more, she felt her battle lust growing ever greater.
Eager were her steps as she sought another target to slay, spent casings and corpses alike piled up at her feet.
On that horrific battlefield, the illusion with its outstretched hand seemed almost like an envoy bringing peace.
But instinct brought Chasca's gun up and level with it. This was her best chance. It was time to reduce this hateful voice to a bloody mess, once and for all.
"So you'll kill me, then? But who will understand you, who will keep you company... if not me?"
More phantasms emerged and rushed her, bringing the feelings she'd kept buried back into the open:
Once, she had been dropped like a hot potato, alienated by all.
She was no Saurian, but she was not "human" in any normal sense, either. She had a "home," yet she walked a solitary path.
None could understand the anxiety that seared her heart, nor put out that roaring fire.
That illusion was like a vision of water after a parched travail through the desert.
Could she really put an end to this endless conflict, right here and now?
As she walked forward, step by step, the power of the Abyss enshrouded her, and she shivered and grew faint. Yet this feeling was also familiar, like that of an infant returning to their mother's embrace.
She had once been abandoned. Was this where she had always belonged?
But just as she was about to touch that apparition, voices filled with warmth called out from behind her.
"Hey, Sis. Leave a note next time you leave home, alright?"
"You're free to choose your own path in life, but remember, you'll always have a home here with us."
("Why have you even come back here? You've chosen to live with humans, haven't you?")
("Coya's just prone to harsh words. We all miss you, really...")
Shaking her head, Chasca stopped moving.
Once, she had blindly followed the voice in her heart, hungering for battle and for greater strength.
Even now, it was true that she still walked alone out of habit, but she now knew the meaning of the bonds she'd forged as a "human."
Raising her gun once more, she took aim, and let fly with all the bullets she had in it.
The phantom shattered like a mirror when struck, red ichor seeping between the shards.
"Hah, you hypocrite... You say you wish to stop fights, and yet you raise your gun to me. How pathetic."
The apparition vanished like smoke, leaving only a hollow voice that rang in her ears.
"No. I know 'you' too well. That's why I'm sure that this is the only way to make peace between us."
Chasca ejected the spent shell casings, and prepared to reload, only for a "bullet" to drop to the ground, tinkling as it did.
Lowering her head, she saw that it was a Vision, shining with its own light.
Picking it up, she flicked it into the air with her thumb before catching it.
"Bring it on, then. No matter how many disputes await, I'll pacify them all... 'You' included."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

158 responses to “Chasca”

  1. Missing a Crit DMG Circlet cuz the transmuter scammed me but C0 build is going quite well. Natlan exploration is amazing with Ororon as a backup to keep me in the air when Chasca runs out of fuel. Aerial exploration has never felt this baller I stg.

    Borrowed artis from Mualani to “finish” her build so I could test run her a bit. Nice damage, just needs more synergistic teammates. Citlali has my eye rn, she has a lot of potential as a good support! The Hydro+Pyro RES shred sounds great, just wish Cryo was included.

    Bless Chasca, my first Anemo (in name only) dps.

  2. По сути, просто Странник 2.0, играющая через разные стихии по типу Пиро/Крио/Гидро/Электро. Дизайн слишком спорный но и неплохой.

  3. The design stood out for me more than anything, it’s nice to see another elf eared character. But I thought she was a 4 star when I first saw her lol, I guess hoyo is trying to milk any cute character for profit.


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