
TitleJuvenile Galant
OccupationFeiyun Commerce Guild
WeaponWeapon Sword
ElementElement Hydro
Day of Birth9
Month of Birth10
Vision (Introduced)Hydro
Constellation (Introduced)Fabulae Textile
Chinese Seuyu唐雅菁
Japanese Seuyu皆川純子
English SeuyuCristina Vee Valenzuela
Korean SeuyuKwak Kyu-mi
DescriptionA young man carrying a longsword who is frequently seen at book booths. He has a chivalrous heart and yearns for justice and fairness for all.
Character Ascension Materials
Varunada Lazurite Sliver
Varunada Lazurite Fragment
Varunada Lazurite Chunk
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
Cleansing Heart
Silk Flower
Damaged Mask
Stained Mask
Ominous Mask
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Gold
Guide to Gold
Philosophies of Gold
Tail of Boreas
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus Atk%MaterialsTotal Materials
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower3
Damaged Mask3
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower3
Damaged Mask3
Varunada Lazurite Fragment3
Cleansing Heart2
Silk Flower10
Damaged Mask15
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower13
Damaged Mask18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment3
Cleansing Heart2
Varunada Lazurite Fragment6
Cleansing Heart4
Silk Flower20
Stained Mask12
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower33
Damaged Mask18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Cleansing Heart6
Stained Mask12
Varunada Lazurite Chunk3
Cleansing Heart8
Silk Flower30
Stained Mask18
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower63
Damaged Mask18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Cleansing Heart14
Stained Mask30
Varunada Lazurite Chunk3
Varunada Lazurite Chunk6
Cleansing Heart12
Silk Flower45
Ominous Mask12
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower108
Damaged Mask18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Cleansing Heart26
Stained Mask30
Varunada Lazurite Chunk9
Ominous Mask12
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone6
Cleansing Heart20
Silk Flower60
Ominous Mask24
Varunada Lazurite Sliver1
Silk Flower168
Damaged Mask18
Varunada Lazurite Fragment9
Cleansing Heart46
Stained Mask30
Varunada Lazurite Chunk9
Ominous Mask36
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone6


Active Skils

Guhua StyleGuhua Style
Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 rapid strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to unleash 2 rapid sword strikes.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit DMG46.61%50.41%54.2%59.62%63.41%67.75%73.71%79.67%85.64%92.14%99.59%108.36%117.12%125.88%135.45%
2-Hit DMG47.64%51.52%55.4%60.94%64.82%69.25%75.34%81.44%87.53%94.18%101.8%110.76%119.71%128.67%138.44%
3-Hit DMG28.55% + 28.55%30.88% + 30.88%33.2% + 33.2%36.52% + 36.52%38.84% + 38.84%41.5% + 41.5%45.15% + 45.15%48.8% + 48.8%52.46% + 52.46%56.44% + 56.44%61.01% + 61.01%66.37% + 66.37%71.74% + 71.74%77.11% + 77.11%82.97% + 82.97%
4-Hit DMG55.99%60.54%65.1%71.61%76.17%81.38%88.54%95.7%102.86%110.67%119.62%130.15%140.67%151.2%162.68%
5-Hit DMG35.86% + 35.86%38.78% + 38.78%41.7% + 41.7%45.87% + 45.87%48.79% + 48.79%52.13% + 52.13%56.71% + 56.71%61.3% + 61.3%65.89% + 65.89%70.89% + 70.89%76.62% + 76.62%83.37% + 83.37%90.11% + 90.11%96.85% + 96.85%104.21% + 104.21%
Charged Attack DMG47.3% + 56.16%51.15% + 60.73%55% + 65.3%60.5% + 71.83%64.35% + 76.4%68.75% + 81.63%74.8% + 88.81%80.85% + 95.99%86.9% + 103.17%93.5% + 111.01%101.06% + 119.99%109.96% + 130.55%118.85% + 141.11%127.74% + 151.67%137.44% + 163.18%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost202020202020202020202020202020
Plunge DMG63.93%69.14%74.34%81.77%86.98%92.93%101.1%109.28%117.46%126.38%135.3%144.22%153.14%162.06%170.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG127.84% / 159.68%138.24% / 172.67%148.65% / 185.67%163.51% / 204.24%173.92% / 217.23%185.81% / 232.09%202.16% / 252.51%218.51% / 272.93%234.86% / 293.36%252.7% / 315.64%270.54% / 337.92%288.38% / 360.2%306.22% / 382.48%324.05% / 404.76%341.89% / 427.04%
Guhua Sword: Fatal RainscreenGuhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen
Xingqiu performs twin strikes with his sword, dealing Hydro DMG. At the same time, this ability creates the maximum number of Rain Swords, which will orbit your active character.
The Rain Swords have the following properties:
·When a character takes DMG, the Rain Sword will shatter, reducing the amount of DMG taken.
·Increases the character's resistance to interruption.

20% of Xingqiu's Hydro DMG Bonus will be converted to additional DMG Reduction for the Rain Swords.

The maximum amount of additional DMG Reduction that can be gained this way is 24%.
The initial maximum number of Rain Swords is 3.
Using this ability applies the Wet status onto the character.

"Easier to slay a rain dragon than to sever the rain."
Skill DMG168% + 191.2%180.6% + 205.54%193.2% + 219.88%210% + 239%222.6% + 253.34%235.2% + 267.68%252% + 286.8%268.8% + 305.92%285.6% + 325.04%302.4% + 344.16%319.2% + 363.28%336% + 382.4%357% + 406.3%378% + 430.2%399% + 454.1%
Damage Reduction Ratio20%21%22%23%24%25%26%27%28%29%29%29%29%29%29%
Guhua Sword: RaincutterGuhua Sword: Raincutter
Initiate Rainbow Bladework and fight using an illusory sword rain, while creating the maximum number of Rain Swords.

Rainbow Bladework
·Your active character's Normal Attacks will trigger consecutive sword rain attacks, dealing Hydro DMG.
·Rain Swords will remain at the maximum number throughout the ability's duration.

The "Way of the Rain Cutter" is one of the esoteric secret techniques of the Guhua Sect.
Sword Rain DMG54.27%58.34%62.41%67.84%71.91%75.98%81.41%86.84%92.26%97.69%103.12%108.54%115.33%122.11%128.9%
Energy Cost808080808080808080808080808080

Passive Skills

Flash of GeniusFlash of Genius
When Xingqiu crafts Character Talent Materials, he has a 25% chance to refund a portion of the crafting materials used.
When a Rain Sword is shattered or when its duration expires, it regenerates the current character's HP based on 6% of Xingqiu's Max HP.
Blades Amidst RaindropsBlades Amidst Raindrops
Xingqiu gains a 20% Hydro DMG Bonus.


The Scent RemainedThe Scent Remained
Increases the maximum number of Rain Swords by 1.
Rainbow Upon the Azure SkyRainbow Upon the Azure Sky
Extends the duration of Guhua Sword: Raincutter by 3s.
Decreases the Hydro RES of opponents hit by sword rain attacks by 15% for 4s.
Weaver of VersesWeaver of Verses
Increases the Level of Guhua Sword: Raincutter by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Throughout the duration of Guhua Sword: Raincutter, the DMG dealt by Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen is increased by 50%.
Embrace of RainEmbrace of Rain
Increases the Level of Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Hence, Call Them My Own VersesHence, Call Them My Own Verses
Activating 2 of Guhua Sword: Raincutter's sword rain attacks greatly enhances the third sword rain attack. On hit, the third sword rain attack also regenerates 3 Energy for Xingqiu.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP
Party Switch under 30% HP
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle


Audio Language:
Chat: Night of Solitude
Chat: Literature
Chat: Taking a Break
Chat: Reading
Chat: New Books
When It Rains
After the Rain
When It Snows
When the Sun Is Out
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
About Xingqiu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
About Us: Reading Buddies
About Us: Swornship
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision: Ancient Books
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
About the Vision: Realization
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Something to Share
Interesting Things
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Beidou
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ningguang
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Chongyun
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yun Jin
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Hu Tao
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Qiqi
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xiangling
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xinyan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Albedo
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About Zhongli
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Shenhe
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yelan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Gaming
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Xingqiu: I
More About Xingqiu: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Xingqiu: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Xingqiu: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Xingqiu: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Xingqiu's Hobbies
Xingqiu's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Birthday: Wishing
Birthday: Customs
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Sprint Start: I
Sprint Start: II
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Light Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: II
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsEvery merchant in Liyue Harbor knows of Xingqiu from the Feiyun Commerce Guild.
All see him as a kind and well-mannered young man who is an excellent student, a top talent in every sense.
As the second-born son of the family, Xingqiu is not required to shoulder the burden of managing the Guild's affairs. However, Xingqiu possesses a unique scholarly talent among his peers — that is, the offspring of Liyue's wealthiest merchants — and was often praised by his tutors as a young student.
Xingqiu's elder brother, while learning the family business from their father, firmly believed that Xingqiu would become a great asset to the business one day.
However, little did he know that Xingqiu, after finishing the dauntingly thick volumes on commerce and philosophy, would hollow them out and sneak martial art novels into them, which he read incessantly thereafter.
Sometimes, Xingqiu suddenly disappears for hours at a time with no explanation. When asked why, he simply replies: "A moment of solitude."
Character Story 1To Xingqiu, "a moment of solitude" can mean all sorts of things.
Examples include visiting Wanwen Bookhouse to peruse the latest novels and going to Heyu Tea House to sample Yun Jin's latest drink.
Sometimes, it means that he is off to fight for justice in the name of chivalry.
Defeating bandits on the road, driving away monsters, helping distressed children by fetching their kites from the tree tops... there are all manner of responsibilities that fall into the category of chivalry.
Inspired by tropes from his beloved martial arts novels — such as the king who wears a disguise and mingles with the common folk — Xingqiu does not hesitate to leverage the power of the Feiyun Commerce Guild to resolve more complex issues when violence isn't the answer.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2One day, Xingqiu's older brother came looking for him, only to find he wasn't around. When Xingqiu later returned, he came across his brother in the hallway.
"Your room was a mess, so I cleaned it up. Listen, both you and I are responsible for the reputation of Feiyun Commerce Guild. We have to act the part. If you can't clean up a room, how will you clean up the world? An adeptus once said..."
After half an hour of lecturing, Xingqiu was finally let go, but his brother said something strange at the end:
"I'll not enter your room without permission next time... I'll make sure the maids do the same."
Xingqiu had no idea what he was talking about. However, as his brother turned away, with a despondent look upon his face, he muttered to himself:
"Those books under his bed... No. No, I shouldn't go looking at what kind of books they are... Xingqiu is growing up after all... Don't want to be lecturing him all the time... Puberty perhaps?"
Afterwards, even Xingqiu found it odd. Expecting that one of the maids would have something to say about the stash of martial arts novels under his bed, he had long since prepared his response, but in the end, no one ever bothered to check his room again.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3To keep Xingqiu from spending his whole day at Wanwen Bookhouse in Feiyun Slope, his father agreed to let him learn martial arts from the Guhua Clan. Much to his dismay, Xingqiu quickly discovered that Guhua was a dying art that had been in constant decline for years. There was no proper tuition and it turned out the luxury dojo he had signed up in didn't even belong to the clan — they had just rented it temporarily to keep up appearances.
Xingqiu's father was, of course, fully aware of this state of affairs in advance. To him, the whole thing was just for fun. He thought Xingqiu would be content to learn a spot of bladework for show, not for serious self-defense.
He hadn't counted on the prodigiously intelligent and extremely well-read Xingqiu being as outstanding a talent in Guhua as he was in every other discipline he had turned his hand to. A combination of his own intuition and extensive knowledge of ancient literature meant he was able to completely revitalize the dead art.
Xingqiu was disappointed by Guhua's martial arts program at the beginning, but he found the other tricks they taught to be exactly what he had hoped for.
Quicklime, smoking sand, paper fish, sword-swallowing, fire-breathing... Xingqiu was spoilt for choice.
He decided on the spot that he would learn them all, no matter how long it would take him. He reasoned that they would be useful to have in his repertoire during his future exploits as a chivalrous hero.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4There are two sides to the swashbuckling Xingqiu's personality. While quiet and unassuming in front of strangers, he is gregarious and chatty in the company of close friends and family. Though more restrained than his elder brother, he even has a playful and mischievous side.
The one who usually bears the brunt of his bizarre sense of humor is someone named Chongyun, an exorcist usually found on one of the forest trails around Liyue.
"Chongyun... I found a haunted house for you to practice in..."
"Chongyun, you have to believe me... It wasn't me who laid the traps inside that haunted house— What? It's not haunted? Well... I, uh, couldn't have known that, could I?"
"Chongyun... Don't glare at me like that... Look, you're injured. You'd better just lie there and get some rest."
"Tell you what, Chongyun, we have a maid who learned the art of essential oil therapy in a nobleman's house in Sumeru... How about I ask her to tend to your wounds? You owe me for this, though..."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5The notion of chivalry means different things to different people.
Chivalry means listening to your conscience calling you to action when you see an injustice, right? Or is chivalry simply about knowing right from wrong? No, that's not enough — it must have something to do with being a righteous person...
To Xingqiu, chivalry simply means: be good, and do good.
As a son of a wealthy merchant in Liyue Harbor, he was born to ride the waves in the world of trade. Notions of chivalry should have gradually left him as he grew up.
However, obtaining a Vision changed everything — it meant he was finally able to accomplish those legendary deeds he could only dream of as a child.
Of course, there is no way he can completely divest himself of his duties in the Guild, but so long as he gets to go out and be the hero even occasionally, he is perfectly content with his life.
The only thing that can wipe the smile from Xingqiu's face is when cynics question the true motives of chivalrous heroes.
Rank, reputation, reward, shadowy deals... Whenever Xingqiu hears people smearing the names of true heroes, the expression on his face may not change, but he will be sure to add that person to the special section of his blacklist reserved for people he despises even more than carrots.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
"A Legend of Sword"Xingqiu once wrote a martial arts novel named "A Legend of Sword" based on his own experiences, intending to publish it in Liyue Harbor.
To his surprise, his manuscript was rejected by local publishing houses, who believed that no one would have any interest in a story with "a setting as wildly unrealistic as the plot is banal."
Undeterred, Xingqiu had a few copies printed privately, and sneakily placed them on the shelves of Wanwen Bookhouse during one of his many trips there. But just as the publishers had suspected, it failed to garner much interest from readers. This was quite a blow to Xingqiu's confidence.
Unbeknownst to him, however, a passing merchant from Inazuma did purchase a copy to bring home, where it received rave reviews. Writers the region over attempted to copy the success of "A Legend of Sword," but none succeeded — it maintains permanent residency in the number one bestseller spot to this day.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionThe martial arts school known as the Guhua Clan has been in decline for several hundred years now. In its heyday, the name of the Clan rang like steel throughout the harbor. It was said that the Clan harbored three great secret arts — the ways of the "Light Piercer" for polearms, "Rain Cutter" for swords, and "Life Ender" for those who excelled in both. The three arts would be refined over the generations, and with time would reach their apex. Yet the Clan's strength would continue to wane, leading to them losing their influence... The three arts became diamonds hidden in the rough, quietly awaiting a successor.
After many years, the Guhua Clan would finally get one in Xingqiu. It was he who successfully grasped the ancient "Martial Principle" after merely four years of study.
The Guhua weapon arts stress using the weapon as an extension of your body, and indeed this is a common idea amongst the various schools of martial arts in Liyue. But the way Xingqiu saw it, the basis of the polearm and sword was the use of a Vision. Martial artists were meant to see a Vision as an extension of themselves, and see their weapon as an extension of the Vision. Hence, he says: the arts of both the polearm and the sword are just the art of the "eye."
Having come to this epiphany, Xingqiu took up a quill and penned a verse on the Martial Principle. Reading it, the Guhua head was shaken with tears, declaring that "it is not Xingqiu who needs the Guhua Clan, but the Guhua Clan that needs Xingqiu." Since then, this verse has been sealed up at the Clan headquarters at Wangshan Hall. Disciples are proscribed from reading it, much less outsiders.
The verse reads thus:
Guhua's arts I have studied long, in its secrets I am trained, now its long-lost depths fall upon me like the coming of blessed rain.
The beating heart of Guhua's sword art is as a shower of floating flowers. One amidst may seize a bloom, but those without read only doom.
The Guhua lance is a lantern's dance, like flames in night's deep glooming. Like sparks, they scatter with ease in the dark, then join like the daybreak looming.
They say the sword is as your arm — I say its glint is the beholder's eye, a light like the bright dawn coming.
Those who wander are burdened not. Freely they cut rain, and enlightened they pierce light. Like a snaking dragon, they cannot be subdued. In their right eye the blade, and in the other the spear.
This text should have been free for all to read. The only reason why it was sealed is the dreadful handwriting.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

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