Charity and Creativity

Charity and Creativity
Charity and CreativityNameCharity and Creativity
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips4
DescriptionAfter your shop has been opened, talk to Bernhard to see how your shop is doing.
Before every Customer Flow Cycle starts, distribute funds well and adjust the three "directions" of your shop. Your income will increase when each direction reaches its target point.
If the sum of funds allotted to one "direction" exceeds its target point, you can still obtain bonus earnings.

Table of Content
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3
Tip #4

Tip #1

After your shop has been opened, talk to Bernhard to see how your shop is doing.
Before every Customer Flow Cycle starts, distribute funds well and adjust the three "directions" of your shop. Your income will increase when each direction reaches its target point.
If the sum of funds allotted to one "direction" exceeds its target point, you can still obtain bonus earnings.

Tip #2

After a certain number of Customer Flow Cycles, you can use Shop Stratagems to help you out. You can view the various effects of these Shop Stratagems in the Strategic Overview menu.

Tip #3

After a few Customer Flow Cycles, you can invite assistants to support you in running the shop.
These assistants can each provide a fixed buff to one direction. At the same time, your assistants can gain a certain amount of earnings as reward. The number of times this amount can be awarded is limited. The effect of each assistant will only last for one Customer Flow Cycle, after which you must wait two more cycles before you can hire that same assistant again.

Tip #4

While running your shop, you may meet with some Emergencies and Unexpected Situations.
Deal with these issues as they crop up in time and you will be rewarded. Use your Shop Stratagems and other methods to deal with these circumstances more effectively.

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