Shop Colors

Shop Colors
Shop ColorsNameShop Colors
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips2
DescriptionThe gifts from the Fecund Hamper include special decorations known as Shop Components that can be used to decorate the storefront you have in Charity and Creativity. The decorations are split into Shop Frames, Shop Ornaments (I), Shop Ornaments (II), Landscape Accessories, and Storefront Furnishings.
You can only add components once you have placed your Shop Frame.

Tip #1

The gifts from the Fecund Hamper include special decorations known as Shop Components that can be used to decorate the storefront you have in Charity and Creativity. The decorations are split into Shop Frames, Shop Ornaments (I), Shop Ornaments (II), Landscape Accessories, and Storefront Furnishings.
You can only add components once you have placed your Shop Frame.

Tip #2

During Shop Colors, collect a certain number of Shop Components and set them up at your shop to obtain the corresponding rewards. Shop Components can be used in your Serenitea Pot to continue setting up your shop.

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