Main Cannon, Make Ready… Fire!

Main Cannon, Make Ready... Fire!
Main Cannon, Make Ready... Fire!NameMain Cannon, Make Ready... Fire!
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips4
DescriptionIn the Main Cannon, Make Ready... Fire! challenge, Travelers will be tasked with keeping the sea clear of any monster encampments.
The Waverider's two armaments are capable of dealing considerable damage to light floating towers, but cannot damage heavy floating towers. Travelers will need to leave their Waverider to board heavy towers and cross swords with the monsters.

Table of Content
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3
Tip #4

Tip #1

In the Main Cannon, Make Ready... Fire! challenge, Travelers will be tasked with keeping the sea clear of any monster encampments.
The Waverider's two armaments are capable of dealing considerable damage to light floating towers, but cannot damage heavy floating towers. Travelers will need to leave their Waverider to board heavy towers and cross swords with the monsters.

Tip #2

Some floating enemy structures are shielded by a Violent Wind Barrier, which prevents Travelers and their Waveriders from approaching.
These wind barriers are sustained by three Violent Wind Emitters which are controlled by Anemo Samachurls. The wind emitters will revolve around the outside of the wind barrier and can only be destroyed using heavy cannons or explosive barrels. After all three wind emitters are destroyed, the Violent Wind Barrier will dissipate.

Tip #3

Collect Pithy Pearls to greatly decrease the cooldown of your Heavy Cannon and bring the barriers down faster!

Tip #4

Whirlpools may appear near enemy encampments.
Whirlpools will continuously pull in nearby Waveriders and Travelers. Once caught by the Whirlpool, the Waverider will start taking continuous damage and Travelers' Stamina will be rapidly consumed.
If the Waverider is destroyed, Travelers will automatically be ejected from the Waverider, so be wary out there on the high seas!

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