Rocking Carriage

Rocking Carriage
Rocking CarriageNameRocking Carriage
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips4
DescriptionWhile the Flower Carriage is moving, you can change your route to avoid obstacles and collect as many flowers as possible, thus completing the challenge.

Table of Content
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3
Tip #4

Tip #1

While the Flower Carriage is moving, you can change your route to avoid obstacles and collect as many flowers as possible, thus completing the challenge.

Tip #2

The Flower Carriage will automatically collect nearby flowers for a short time after you collect a Clustered Blessing.

Tip #3

The flowers you obtain will grant you bonus points for a period of time after obtaining a Blooming Boon.

Tip #4

The Flower Carriage will become immune to the negative effects of collisions with obstacles for a period of time after obtaining a Buttressing Blessing.

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