Of Thorns and Crowns

Of Thorns and Crowns
Of Thorns and CrownsNameOf Thorns and Crowns
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Related to event
Of Thorns and Crowns
Of Thorns and Crowns
Amount of Tips3
DescriptionIn "Of Thorns and Crowns," every stage involves 2 rounds of combat. In the "Trial of Thorns," you must complete challenge objectives via the stipulated methods. The better you do in the "Trial of Thorns," the more buffs you shall receive in the "Canticle of Crowns."

Table of Content
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3

Tip #1

In "Of Thorns and Crowns," every stage involves 2 rounds of combat. In the "Trial of Thorns," you must complete challenge objectives via the stipulated methods. The better you do in the "Trial of Thorns," the more buffs you shall receive in the "Canticle of Crowns."

Tip #2

In the "Canticle of Crowns," you must use the special buffs you gained to defeat as many foes as possible within the time limit, earning the highest score you can.

Tip #3

In battle, Wayob Manifestations will deploy their Arena: Moment of Trial, creating a shield for themselves and absorbing all party members' Elemental Energy. Characters in the Arena deal greatly increased DMG. If the shield is broken before the Arena expires, they will also regain a large amount of Energy. However, should you fail to break the shield, Manifestations will generate a barrier based on the value of the remaining Shield.

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