Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites

Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites
Hundred-Pace Hurling RitesNameHundred-Pace Hurling Rites
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips10
DescriptionIn Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites, players can throw Darts. Hitting any spot on the Holding Pots with Darts will award points. Holding the Throw button will allow you to aim. Release to throw the Dart. Hit as many Holding Pots as you can within the time limit to score points. The challenge will end once time is up or there are no more Pots left on the field.

Table of Content
Tip #1
Tip #2
Tip #3
Tip #4
Tip #5
Tip #6
Tip #7
Tip #8
Tip #9
Tip #10

Tip #1

In Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites, players can throw Darts. Hitting any spot on the Holding Pots with Darts will award points. Holding the Throw button will allow you to aim. Release to throw the Dart. Hit as many Holding Pots as you can within the time limit to score points. The challenge will end once time is up or there are no more Pots left on the field.

Tip #2

This is an ordinary Holding Pot created by the organizer, which will award 25 points when hit.

Tip #3

Sleight Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer that will award 25 points when hit. For a short time after, you can fire off multiple Darts consecutively by holding the Throw button.

Tip #4

Quaker Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer that will award 20 points when hit. These pots will explode when hit, destroying all Holding Pots in a fixed area. Pots shattered by this will also count towards your score.

Tip #5

Agile Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer that will move between two points and award 60 points when hit.

Tip #6

Hiding Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer that will appear at certain locations after a given period. Hiding Pots will change positions whenever they are hit, and must be hit 3 times to be fully destroyed. The first hit on a Hiding Pot will award 20 points, the second 30 points, and the third 40. However, if it is not destroyed within a certain period of time, it will be moved off the field.

Tip #7

Consuming Pots are special Holding Pots created by the organizer. It will constantly move and when in motion, it will touch other Holding Pots and store them within itself. Pots thus consumed will not grant you any points. A Consuming Pot needs to be hit multiple times consecutively to be destroyed. After it is hit 3 times in a row, it will grow smaller. Each hit will award 5 points. Each time a Consuming Pot shrinks, you will gain 20 points, and destroying it completely will award 100 points.

Tip #8

The Ring of Rites is a special item created by the organizer. If thrown Darts pass through the Ring to hit a Holding Pot, the score gained will be doubled. The Ring will disappear after appearing for a while.

Tip #9

The Beam of Blocking will obstruct thrown Darts. Hit it a certain number of times to destroy it.

Tip #10

In the Hundred-Pace Hurling Rites: Ritual Stage, Holding Pots will constantly appear. Hit as many as possible to score points. After the time runs out, the challenge will end.

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