Pankration Ring Challenge

Pankration Ring Challenge
Pankration Ring ChallengeNamePankration Ring Challenge
CategoryGameplay Tutorial
Amount of Tips1
DescriptionThe targets will come up in order. When the targeting light turns blue, you must attack the targets in the order in which they came up. Successfully following this order 4 times will complete the challenge. Conversely, attacking in the wrong order a certain number of times will cause you to fail.
Manually interrupting the challenge or leaving the challenge area will also cause you to fail.

Tip #1

The targets will come up in order. When the targeting light turns blue, you must attack the targets in the order in which they came up. Successfully following this order 4 times will complete the challenge. Conversely, attacking in the wrong order a certain number of times will cause you to fail.
Manually interrupting the challenge or leaving the challenge area will also cause you to fail.

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