
TitleLonesome Transcendence
OccupationCloud Retainer's Abode
WeaponWeapon Polearm
ElementElement Cryo
Day of Birth10
Month of Birth3
Vision (Introduced)Cryo
Constellation (Introduced)Crista Doloris
Chinese Seuyu秦紫翼
Japanese Seuyu川澄綾子
English SeuyuChelsea Kwoka
Korean SeuyuLee Hyeon-jin
DescriptionAn adepti disciple with a most unusual air about her. Having spent much time cultivating in isolation in Liyue's mountains, she has become every bit as cool and distant as the adepti themselves.
Character Ascension Materials
Shivada Jade Sliver
Shivada Jade Fragment
Shivada Jade Chunk
Shivada Jade Gemstone
Dragonheir's False Fin
Whopperflower Nectar
Shimmering Nectar
Energy Nectar
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Prosperity
Guide to Prosperity
Philosophies of Prosperity
Hellfire Butterfly
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus Atk%MaterialsTotal Materials
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar3
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar3
Shivada Jade Fragment3
Dragonheir's False Fin2
Whopperflower Nectar15
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar18
Shivada Jade Fragment3
Dragonheir's False Fin2
Shivada Jade Fragment6
Dragonheir's False Fin4
Shimmering Nectar12
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar18
Shivada Jade Fragment9
Dragonheir's False Fin6
Shimmering Nectar12
Shivada Jade Chunk3
Dragonheir's False Fin8
Shimmering Nectar18
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar18
Shivada Jade Fragment9
Dragonheir's False Fin14
Shimmering Nectar30
Shivada Jade Chunk3
Shivada Jade Chunk6
Dragonheir's False Fin12
Energy Nectar12
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar18
Shivada Jade Fragment9
Dragonheir's False Fin26
Shimmering Nectar30
Shivada Jade Chunk9
Energy Nectar12
Shivada Jade Gemstone6
Dragonheir's False Fin20
Energy Nectar24
Shivada Jade Sliver1
Whopperflower Nectar18
Shivada Jade Fragment9
Dragonheir's False Fin46
Shimmering Nectar30
Shivada Jade Chunk9
Energy Nectar36
Shivada Jade Gemstone6


Active Skils

Dawnstar PiercerDawnstar Piercer
Normal Attack
Performs up to 5 consecutive spear strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to opponents along the way.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit DMG43.26%46.78%50.3%55.33%58.85%62.88%68.41%73.94%79.47%85.51%91.55%97.58%103.62%109.65%115.69%
2-Hit DMG40.25%43.52%46.8%51.48%54.76%58.5%63.65%68.8%73.94%79.56%85.18%90.79%96.41%102.02%107.64%
3-Hit DMG53.32%57.66%62%68.2%72.54%77.5%84.32%91.14%97.96%105.4%112.84%120.28%127.72%135.16%142.6%
4-Hit DMG26.32% + 26.32%28.46% + 28.46%30.6% + 30.6%33.66% + 33.66%35.8% + 35.8%38.25% + 38.25%41.62% + 41.62%44.98% + 44.98%48.35% + 48.35%52.02% + 52.02%55.69% + 55.69%59.36% + 59.36%63.04% + 63.04%66.71% + 66.71%70.38% + 70.38%
5-Hit DMG65.62%70.96%76.3%83.93%89.27%95.38%103.77%112.16%120.55%129.71%138.87%148.02%157.18%166.33%175.49%
Charged Attack DMG110.67%119.68%128.69%141.56%150.57%160.86%175.02%189.17%203.33%218.77%234.22%249.66%265.1%280.54%295.99%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost252525252525252525252525252525
Plunge DMG63.93%69.14%74.34%81.77%86.98%92.93%101.1%109.28%117.46%126.38%135.3%144.22%153.14%162.06%170.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG127.84% / 159.68%138.24% / 172.67%148.65% / 185.67%163.51% / 204.24%173.92% / 217.23%185.81% / 232.09%202.16% / 252.51%218.51% / 272.93%234.86% / 293.36%252.7% / 315.64%270.54% / 337.92%288.38% / 360.2%306.22% / 382.48%324.05% / 404.76%341.89% / 427.04%
Spring Spirit SummoningSpring Spirit Summoning
The frosted dew, silvery and dense, shall exorcise all demons.
Grants all nearby party members the Icy Quill effect and deals Cryo DMG in different ways based on whether it is pressed or held.

Rushes forward together with a Talisman Spirit, dealing Cryo DMG to opponents along the path.

Commands the Talisman Spirit to deal AoE Cryo DMG.

Icy Quill
When Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts deal Cryo DMG to opponents, the DMG dealt is increased based on Shenhe's current ATK.

The Icy Quill's effects will be cleared once its duration ends or after being triggered a certain number of times. When held rather than pressed, the Icy Quill's effect lasts longer and can be triggered more times.
When one Cryo DMG instance strikes multiple opponents, the effect is triggered multiple times based on the number of opponents hit. The number of times the effect is triggered is calculated independently for each party member with the Icy Quill.

The power of the spirits is no falsehood. Burdened with her orders, the divine maiden hurries on!
Press Skill DMG139.2%149.64%160.08%174%184.44%194.88%208.8%222.72%236.64%250.56%264.48%278.4%295.8%313.2%330.6%
Hold Skill DMG188.8%202.96%217.12%236%250.16%264.32%283.2%302.08%320.96%339.84%358.72%377.6%401.2%424.8%448.4%
DMG Bonus45.66% ATK49.08% ATK52.5% ATK57.07% ATK60.49% ATK63.92% ATK68.48% ATK73.05% ATK77.62% ATK82.18% ATK86.75% ATK91.31% ATK97.02% ATK102.73% ATK108.43% ATK
Press/Hold Duration10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s10s / 15s
Press/Hold Trigger Quota5 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 75 / 7
Press CD10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s
Hold CD15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s
Divine Maiden's DeliveranceDivine Maiden's Deliverance
Unleashes the power of the Talisman Spirit, allowing it to roam free in this plane, dealing AoE Cryo DMG.
The Talisman Spirit then creates a field that decreases the Cryo RES and Physical RES of opponents within it. It also deals periodic Cryo DMG to opponents within the field.

The way of the adepti is not defined only by the mysterious and fantastical. Only by observing the changes in the heavens and the earth, and understanding the laws of cause and effect in this realm, may its essence be understood.
Skill DMG100.8%108.36%115.92%126%133.56%141.12%151.2%161.28%171.36%181.44%191.52%201.6%214.2%226.8%239.4%
RES Decrease6%7%8%9%10%11%12%13%14%15%15%15%15%15%15%
Energy Cost808080808080808080808080808080

Passive Skills

Precise Comings and GoingsPrecise Comings and Goings
Gains 25% more rewards when dispatched on a Liyue Expedition for 20 hours.
Deific EmbraceDeific Embrace
An active character within the field created by Divine Maiden's Deliverance gains 15% Cryo DMG Bonus.
Spirit Communion SealSpirit Communion Seal
After Shenhe uses Spring Spirit Summoning, she will grant all nearby party members the following effects:
· Press: Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG increased by 15% for 10s.
· Hold: Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG increased by 15% for 15s.


Clarity of HeartClarity of Heart
Spring Spirit Summoning can be used 1 more time.
Centered SpiritCentered Spirit
Divine Maiden's Deliverance lasts for 6 seconds longer. Active characters within the skill's field deal 15% increased Cryo CRIT DMG.
Increases the Level of Spring Spirit Summoning by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
When characters under the effect of Icy Quill applied by Shenhe trigger its DMG Bonus effects, Shenhe will gain a Skyfrost Mantra stack:
· When Shenhe uses Spring Spirit Summoning, she will consume all stacks of Skyfrost Mantra, increasing the DMG of that Spring Spirit Summoning by 5% for each stack consumed.
· Max 50 stacks. Stacks last for 60s.
Divine AttainmentDivine Attainment
Increases the Level of Divine Maiden's Deliverance by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Mystical AbandonMystical Abandon
When characters trigger Icy Quill's effects using Normal and Charged Attack DMG, it does not count toward the Trigger Quota.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP
Party Switch under 30% HP
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle


Audio Language:
Chat: Home
Chat: Motto
Chat: A Blind Polearm
When It Rains
After the Rain
When Thunder Strikes
When the Wind Is Blowing
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Shenhe: Instinct
About Shenhe: Different
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Manners
About Us: Red Ropes
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share
Interesting Things
About Ningguang
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Beidou
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yun Jin
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ganyu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Chongyun
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xingqiu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Zhongli
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Baizhu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Hu Tao
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xiao
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xianyun
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Shenhe: I
More About Shenhe: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Shenhe: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Shenhe: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Shenhe: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Shenhe's Hobbies
Shenhe's Troubles
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Skill: IV
Elemental Skill: V
Elemental Skill: VI
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Light Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: II
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsShenhe was originally from a branch family of exorcists, but due to a series of coincidences, she became the disciple of an adeptus.
She is a student solely of Cloud Retainer in name, but her impressive constitution and intelligence quickly won several other adepti over.
She would go on to learn from them all, eventually becoming a master of adeptal arts in her own right as a mortal.
She very much looks the part as well in her unique temperament and manner of carrying herself — indeed, it would be no understatement to name her a true adeptus upon meeting her for the first time.
However, it is precisely due to the long years of tutelage that she has lacked company save for the adepti and odd passing illuminated beast.
This isolation has caused her to grow distant and indifferent.
Character Story 1Sometimes, a few rumors will escape from Liyue's small community of pilgrims to make the rounds in the city's back streets.
These tales often depict someone being in a hopeless situation in some desperate place, when suddenly—
A wandering white-haired adeptus comes to their rescue in the nick of time...
Most such stories are a collection of lovely, intoxicating clichés, little different from the oft-told street-tales of fated marriages and the like.
But if one were to ask that white-haired adeptus to tell the story, it would take a vastly different shape:
"Some annoying creatures worm their way into the mountains from time to time. I simply get rid of them to prevent them from disturbing my master's meditations."
"If some people did wind up getting caught in the crossfire and injured... Well, it was their decision to come here. There isn't much I can do about that."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2Shenhe is in all likelihood the least accustomed to mortal life amongst those who take on an adeptal appearance.
Having been sequestered in the mountains since a young age, she lacks experience and common sense, which makes it difficult for her to relate to people normally.
To ordinary people, there are many solutions to any given problem. But to Shenhe, any solution that is not the simplest and most direct one may as well not exist.
For example, she almost never considers "negotiation" as a solution to being at cross-purposes with others, mostly resorting to "threats" instead. After all, it is simple and efficacious. A good solution, no?
She has also spent much time ruminating on problems that are truly esoteric.
For example: Why do we need to pay for food?
Is there any difference between intimidating civilians and intimidating bandits?
She even truly believes that her master, Cloud Retainer, is a most brilliant and eloquent conversationalist.
In a certain sense, she can be considered very pure.
Much like a child, she relies on her chaotic yet straightforward intuition and logic to get her through life.
Mountain Shaper once had this to say about her:
"Little Shenhe is not only stronger than most — she also possesses a unique character."
"She knows not the world, understands not common sense, distinguishes few cuisines, and acknowledges no hierarchies."
"It may not be such an easy thing for Cloud Retainer to tutor her."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3Liyue has no lack of folktales about meetings with the adepti, and many of these concern relative nobodies whom an adeptus took under their wing, thus elevating them greatly.
However, the circumstances under which Shenhe's fate became tied to the adeptal abodes was no such glorious thing. If anything, it was an experience characterized by anguish.
When she was five, her mother passed away, and her father, having loved his wife dearly, found that agony hard to bear.
Over time, this agony turned into resentment, and this resentment birthed obsession, by which he was driven wandering throughout the land like a man gone mad.
He left for close to a year, never stopping, never able to sleep soundly, ever searching for some technique that might bring his wife back.
At last, when the year was almost out, he returned in joyous frenzy.
Her father had brought with him a secret art known as "Fate Transference"—
By making a ritual sacrifice to the seelie summoned by this art, a living person's body could be exchanged for a dead one's life.
At that time, Shenhe was yet utterly unaware of the disaster that would befall. She was only an ordinary child, overjoyed at her long-absent father's return.
He claimed that he had a surprise awaiting her in a cave in the mountains behind and that he would take her there immediately. She was ecstatic...
But the scene that followed would be burned into her mind forever.
Her father summoned that hideous, horrifying black "seelie" into that cave, its blood-red eyes craving her delectable life-force.
Stupefied, Shenhe knew not from whence it had come, nor what it wanted from this place.
Crises often paralyze people. One thought only, however, crept into the young Shenhe's mind.
This creature wanted to eat her, but she did not want to die. She wanted to live!
Gripping her mother's keepsake, an exorcism dagger, she faced that dark "seelie," trembling yet resolute...
Several days later, an adeptus following the trail of great evil would investigate the cave, only to find the little girl collapsed inside — spent, famished, parched, her life hanging by a thread.
Taking pity on the lass' ruinous fate, and seeing that she possessed great talent, having repelled some terrifying force on her own, the adeptus would bring her back, heal her, and instruct her in the adeptal path.
If not for that, Shenhe would not be as she is today.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4Even the most diffident heart, cooled from living and training in the mountains for over a decade, might sometimes experience strange surges.
So it was with Shenhe. On impulse, she came down from the mountains one night to return to what was once her home.
She did not know how she felt about her home or her family. She was merely driven by some nebulous desire:
To live in the house that was once hers, and to see what became of her father, lost in his obsession.
She learned from neighbors that he had passed away several years prior only when she got there.
Her childhood home had also been demolished by pawnbrokers — and thus had all the traces of her memory dissipated.
She did not care about the attention she was attracting, and did not answer a single one of the questions asked by those in the vicinity.
She simply stood there, listening to the howls that swept through the depths of her heart.
Was it hatred? Mania? Relief?
They were all there, and yet none tarried for even an instant. It was as if her heart were an old well without ripples.
No, like a barren well with no water upon which there might be ripples.
She stood there for a long time, before departing again before the astonished eyes of all.
Each step was slow indeed, but she never once turned back.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5Liyue has its own fortune-telling, destiny-reading methods, similar to astrology.
Of these, there are two fates that people seek to avoid at all costs.
One is that of the "solitary star," which dictates that one will be separated from friends and family, living alone all one's days.
The other is "disastrous evil," which means that one will face many hardships and perils.
When the adepti rescued Shenhe, Moon Carver did once read her fortune.
The signs showed that she was marked by both the "solitary star" and "disastrous evil," and that she was also plagued by intense homicidal urges — she was thus a person of supremely ominous destiny, doomed to harm both herself and others.
To ensure that she could grow up safely and not harm any innocents, the adepti bound her soul using red ropes.
This binding had the effect of restraining both her evil fate and her violent tendencies, but also shackled many emotions that should have originally belonged to a human.
From then on, she became more and more disaffected by trivial matters, and even things most might consider important were but dust to her.
She became ever less human, and ever more like a lovely yet cold statue.
But surprisingly, she felt something stir within her when she encountered that Traveler from a distant land:
Long-dormant emotions, now strangers to her, came loose all at once from the depths of fate's tableau.
Perhaps it really was as Moon Carver once said: that heaven might dictate fates, but destiny's tale is written by mortals. The tale of Shenhe and the mortal world had not yet ended...
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
White Jade CombOnce upon a time, Shenhe had a full head of black hair.
When she was first brought to Mt. Hulao, she would not say a word. The only thing she proved willing to do was to climb the mountain and watch the sea of clouds.
It was well, however, that she would sleep when tired, drink the dew of the mountains when thirsty, and would chew on a few stalks of Qingxin when hungry.
Cloud Retainer took this all in, but did not disturb the girl, instead making this comb of white jade from a sacred stone and giving it to her.
The adeptus said that if she ever wished to sever her ties with the mortal world and enter adeptal tutelage, she should brush her hair thrice with this comb, and it would be counted as a rite of apprenticeship.
Shenhe did exactly as the adeptus said without any hesitation. And something strange happened then — for as the jade comb brushed through Shenhe's hair once, a layer of her black locks turned a frosty silver from root to tip.
On the second brush, but half her hair remained dark.
When the process was complete, only a flowing curtain of snow remained.
Today, Shenhe still keeps this comb on her person as a symbol of her connection to the adepti.
Through her years of training, she has long since come to understand the meaning behind those three brush strokes:
The first to uproot useless anxiety, the second to forsake joy and sorrow, and the third to walk this path into old age without regret.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionFew people know how the young girl in the cave, intended as a sacrifice by her own father, had been able to stand against the monster for days and nights on end by herself.
Though Shenhe was born into an exorcist family, her maddened father had not taught her a single thing about exorcism.
And like many at that innocent age, she was also wholly unused to facing life's perils alone.
But in that aphotic cave, bereft of parental protection — indeed, betrayed by kin — Shenhe underwent a metamorphosis.
Just as Moon Carver's readings had shown, the sleeping calamitous fates, violent urges, and unyielding spirit within her burst their bonds all at once.
Those things served as an unseen shield and invisible blade, arming the girl's frail form.
They gave her strength, gave her claws and fangs, allowing her to attack that wretched creature before her, to swear to tear it to shreds — to prove that she, and not it, was the cruelest evil that stalked the darkness.
Their life-and-death battle across the next few days was one without end. Hunter and hunted switched places many times, the conflict locked in stalemate...
As the shadow of death loomed large, the gods looked upon the extraordinary girl with favor.
With the bright, crystalline object falling into Shenhe's hands, the balance tipped irrevocably in her favor and the victor was decided.
The vivid icy light pierced through the dark like skyglow, showing the path to the future.
In the past, it had guided Shenhe from her miserable fate. In the future, it would also lead her back to the mortal realm.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

70 responses to “Shenhe”

  1. idk why people kept/keep playing her with ayaka
    her dmg bonus is one of the biggest bullshit in the game… 5-7 hits, retard and garbage
    ayaka hits several times with her ult, not to mention you want to use her skill right before; hence that buff disappears immediately
    even yun jin, 4 star, has 30 hits… and we all know about bennet, no need to explain anything
    she increases a lot the dmg, but it’s very conditional and not worth it for multiple times
    she could be a great option only with nukes, and in fact to me her really best teammates are chong and rosaria in melt teams. A few strikes but hard, not fkn ayaka burst
    even ganyu CA is better if well built for nukes

    • with C1 Shenhe, you can feed 21 quills to Ayaka’s burst if you time it correctly. Not to mention, since Ayaka’s burst snapshots bennet’s buff and deals dmg off field, Shenhe can stay on field to refresh stacks and benefit from Bennet’s burst, so Ayaka benefits from bennet TWICE for 21 hits.

    • omg i wish i read this before pulling her, you cant even use a single charge att combo without it running out before, massive disappointment. Imo we need a schnee powercreep her kit is so fucking ancient.

  2. her kit in short words:

    Bennet, Gorou, Faruzan, Sara –> 4 star, unlimited buff for their skill/burst duration
    Shenhe –> 5star, buff for 5-7 hits, an minor unlimited debuff with her burst

      • she’s only useful when actual broken support characters like Kazuha and Furina are present in the team. Imagine getting a 5* support that only buffs 1 element to rely on generalist buffers to be good

    • You forgot cryo DMG buff, NA/CA or skill/burst DMG buff, battering, easy to build with just triple atk%, only looking for ER and crit sub if fav lance.

      Shenhe is more than just her quills. And Res shred in her burst is always nice to have.

      Faruzan and Sara need C6 to be efficient enough. (I don’t have C6 Faruzan ;_;), Bennett needs C1 to be reliable (easy with starglitter shop). Gorou is fine even at C0 but better at C6 (which I don’t have either)


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