Sparkling Scatter

Sparkling Scatter
Sparkling ScatterRelated to Character
DescriptionNormal Attack
Shoots gems that deal Geo DMG.
Upon hit, this grants Ningguang 1 Star Jade.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of stamina to fire off a giant gem that deals Geo DMG.
If Ningguang has any Star Jades, unleashing a Charged Attack will cause the Star Jades to be fired at the enemy as well, dealing additional DMG.

Plunging Attack
Gathering the might of Geo, Ningguang plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Geo DMG upon impact with the ground.
Normal Attack DMG28%30.1%32.2%35%37.1%39.2%42%44.8%47.6%50.4%53.31%57.12%60.93%64.74%68.54%
Charged Attack DMG174.08%187.14%200.19%217.6%230.66%243.71%261.12%278.53%295.94%313.34%331.45%355.12%378.8%402.47%426.15%
DMG per Star Jade49.6%53.32%57.04%62%65.72%69.44%74.4%79.36%84.32%89.28%94.44%101.18%107.93%114.68%121.42%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost505050505050505050505050505050
Plunge DMG56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.17% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%

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