Soul Reaper’s Fatal Round

Soul Reaper's Fatal Round
Soul Reaper's Fatal RoundRelated to Character
DescriptionChasca concentrates her will, firing a single "Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell" that deals Nightsoul-aligned AoE Anemo DMG. Afterward, the Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell will split into 6 Soulseeker Shells, which attack nearby opponents.

Soulseeker Shells
·Deal Nightsoul-aligned Anemo DMG.
·For each Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro character in the party, two Soulseeker Shells will undergo corresponding Elemental Conversions to become "Radiant Soulseeker Shells," which deal Nightsoul-aligned Elemental DMG from a randomly selected one of the corresponding Elemental Types.

None can escape from the moonlight or the whispers of the night, just as no foe can flee her attentive eyes once she's got them in her sights.
Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell DMG88%94.6%101.2%110%116.6%123.2%132%140.8%149.6%158.4%167.2%176%187%198%209%
Soulseeker Shell DMG103.4%111.15%118.91%129.25%137%144.76%155.1%165.44%175.78%186.12%196.46%206.8%219.72%232.65%245.57%
Radiant Soulseeker Shell DMG206.8%222.31%237.82%258.5%274.01%289.52%310.2%330.88%351.56%372.24%392.92%413.6%439.45%465.3%491.15%
Energy Cost606060606060606060606060606060

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