Night Realm’s Gift: Heart of Unity

Night Realm's Gift: Heart of Unity
Night Realm's Gift: Heart of UnityRelated to Character
DescriptionAfter her Nightsoul points are depleted, Kachina will switch to consuming Phlogiston to maintain her Nightsoul's Blessing.
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, she can use Nightsoul Transmission: Kachina. When the active character is currently sprinting, climbing, in a movement mode caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, the following will trigger when switching to Kachina: Kachina will enter the Nightsoul's Blessing state and ride Turbo Twirly when taking the field while gaining 30 Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own team.

Additionally, while in Natlan, Kachina will consume 90% less Stamina when climbing while riding Turbo Twirly.

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