
TitleEclipsing Star
OccupationLiyue Qixing
WeaponWeapon Catalyst
ElementElement Geo
Day of Birth26
Month of Birth8
Vision (Introduced)Geo
Constellation (Introduced)Opus Aequilibrium
Chinese Seuyu杜冥鸦
Japanese Seuyu大原さやか
English SeuyuErin Ebers
Korean SeuyuKwak Kyu-mi
DescriptionThe Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing. Her wealth is unsurpassed in all of Teyvat.
Character Ascension Materials
Prithiva Topaz Sliver
Prithiva Topaz Fragment
Prithiva Topaz Chunk
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
Basalt Pillar
Glaze Lily
Recruit's Insignia
Sergeant's Insignia
Lieutenant's Insignia
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Prosperity
Guide to Prosperity
Philosophies of Prosperity
Spirit Locket of Boreas
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus Geo%MaterialsTotal Materials
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily3
Recruit's Insignia3
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily3
Recruit's Insignia3
Prithiva Topaz Fragment3
Basalt Pillar2
Glaze Lily10
Recruit's Insignia15
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily13
Recruit's Insignia18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment3
Basalt Pillar2
Prithiva Topaz Fragment6
Basalt Pillar4
Glaze Lily20
Sergeant's Insignia12
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily33
Recruit's Insignia18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Basalt Pillar6
Sergeant's Insignia12
Prithiva Topaz Chunk3
Basalt Pillar8
Glaze Lily30
Sergeant's Insignia18
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily63
Recruit's Insignia18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Basalt Pillar14
Sergeant's Insignia30
Prithiva Topaz Chunk3
Prithiva Topaz Chunk6
Basalt Pillar12
Glaze Lily45
Lieutenant's Insignia12
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily108
Recruit's Insignia18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Basalt Pillar26
Sergeant's Insignia30
Prithiva Topaz Chunk9
Lieutenant's Insignia12
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone6
Basalt Pillar20
Glaze Lily60
Lieutenant's Insignia24
Prithiva Topaz Sliver1
Glaze Lily168
Recruit's Insignia18
Prithiva Topaz Fragment9
Basalt Pillar46
Sergeant's Insignia30
Prithiva Topaz Chunk9
Lieutenant's Insignia36
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: Sparkling ScatterNormal Attack: Sparkling Scatter
Normal Attack
Shoots gems that deal Geo DMG.
Upon hit, this grants Ningguang 1 Star Jade.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of stamina to fire off a giant gem that deals Geo DMG.
If Ningguang has any Star Jades, unleashing a Charged Attack will cause the Star Jades to be fired at the enemy as well, dealing additional DMG.

Plunging Attack
Gathering the might of Geo, Ningguang plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Geo DMG upon impact with the ground.
Normal Attack DMG28%30.1%32.2%35%37.1%39.2%42%44.8%47.6%50.4%53.31%57.12%60.93%64.74%68.54%
Charged Attack DMG174.08%187.14%200.19%217.6%230.66%243.71%261.12%278.53%295.94%313.34%331.45%355.12%378.8%402.47%426.15%
DMG per Star Jade49.6%53.32%57.04%62%65.72%69.44%74.4%79.36%84.32%89.28%94.44%101.18%107.93%114.68%121.42%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost505050505050505050505050505050
Plunge DMG56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.16% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
Jade ScreenJade Screen
Ningguang creates a Jade Screen out of gold, obsidian, and her great opulence, dealing AoE Geo DMG.

Jade Screen
·Blocks opponents' projectiles.
·Endurance scales based on Ningguang's Max HP.

Jade Screen is considered a Geo Construct and can be used to block certain attacks, but cannot be climbed. Only one Jade Screen may exist at any one time.

The canvas of stars is written upon this jade screen.
Inherited HP50.1%53.1%56.1%60%63%66%69.9%73.8%77.7%81.6%85.5%89.4%93.3%97.2%101.1%
Skill DMG230.4%247.68%264.96%288%305.28%322.56%345.6%368.64%391.68%414.72%437.76%460.8%489.6%518.4%547.2%
Gathering a great number of gems, Ningguang scatters them all at once, sending homing projectiles at her opponents that deal massive Geo DMG.
If Starshatter is cast when a Jade Screen is nearby, the Jade Screen will fire additional gem projectiles at the same time.

Stars shatter. Silence falls.
DMG Per Gem86.96%93.48%100%108.7%115.22%121.74%130.44%139.14%147.83%156.53%165.22%173.92%184.79%195.66%206.53%
Energy Cost404040404040404040404040404040

Passive Skills

Trove of Marvelous TreasuresTrove of Marvelous Treasures
Displays the location of nearby ore veins used in forging on the mini-map.
Backup PlanBackup Plan
When Ningguang is in possession of Star Jades, her Charged Attack does not consume Stamina.
Strategic ReserveStrategic Reserve
A character that passes through the Jade Screen will gain a 12% Geo DMG Bonus for 10s.


Piercing FragmentsPiercing Fragments
When a Normal Attack hits, it deals AoE DMG.
Shock EffectShock Effect
When Jade Screen is shattered, its CD will reset.
Can occur once every 6s.
Majesty Be the Array of StarsMajesty Be the Array of Stars
Increases the Level of Starshatter by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Exquisite be the Jade, Outshining All BeneathExquisite be the Jade, Outshining All Beneath
Jade Screen increases nearby characters' Elemental RES by 10%.
Invincible Be the Jade ScreenInvincible Be the Jade Screen
Increases the Level of Jade Screen by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Grandeur Be the Seven StarsGrandeur Be the Seven Stars
When Starshatter is used, Ningguang gains 7 Star Jades.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP
Party Switch under 30% HP
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle


Audio Language:
Chat: Antiques
Chat: Trade War
Chat: Investments
When It Rains
When It Snows
When the Sun Is Out
When the Wind Is Blowing
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
* Complete "Farewell, Archaic Lord"
Good Night
About Ningguang: Worldview
About Ningguang: Impression
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Rumors
About Us: Observing
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About Us: Jade Chamber
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share: Banker
Something to Share: Goal
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Interesting Things
About Beidou: Fines
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Beidou: Attitude
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Zhongli
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xingqiu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xiangling
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ganyu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yaoyao
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Keqing
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Jean
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yanfei
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Shenhe
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yun Jin
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yelan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xianyun
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Ningguang: I
More About Ningguang: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Ningguang: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Ningguang: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Ningguang: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Ningguang's Hobbies
Ningguang's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Light Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: II
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsThe "Liyue Qixing" controls all of the commerce that takes place in Liyue Harbor. Its highly-revered position is also coveted by many. Their primary ruling is to play things safe and keep a low profile.
The "Tianquan" of the Qixing, Ningguang, is the only exception.
She is seen as an excellent merchant in the eyes of her rivals, a friendly elder sister to kids, a socialite at the banquets of Yujing Terrace, and a connoisseur of desserts... Ningguang is the talk of the town, and everyone seems to know everything about her. However, they all seem to tell a different story of Ningguang, with great discrepancies between the versions.
Still, if there's one thing all the rumors about her agree on, it's that Ningguang is someone truly extraordinary.
Character Story 1Up above Liyue Harbor, there is a floating palace held up by Plaustrite. It is known as the "Jade Chamber," and it belongs to Ningguang.
On a clear day, one can see almost all of Liyue Harbor from the decks outside the palace gates.
Whenever Ningguang has important business matters to handle, she invariably comes to this floating palace. She strictly forbids anyone from accessing the premises except for her three trusted confidants. Her confidants sort through the relevant information, summarize it and hang the summaries on the wall, while Ningguang rests against the railings, enjoying the view of Liyue and quietly mulling everything over.
She is certain to arrive at the perfect solution before her confidants have finished adding everything to the wall. Once she has made her decision she shreds everything and throws it out of the window, creating something of a snowstorm of paper.
The handwriting on the shredded pieces of paper stands out like ink in the snow to all of the merchants in Liyue Harbor.
For they know that whenever Ningguang's shredded snow falls, a huge change is about to descend on the business community.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2"Ningguang knows everything," foreigners will often find the Liyue locals warning them.
Loophole-hunting guilds, market-manipulating hoarders, smugglers coming ashore with their illicit goods... The Tianquan knows all the details, good, bad, and ugly.
Once, an alchemist from Sumeru was traveling in Liyue and unwittingly happened across the records of a certain noctilucous jade transaction involving the Blackcliff Forge ten years prior. That night, someone from Ningguang's inner circle knocked on his window and invited him to join Ningguang in the Jade Chamber for a talk.
Rumor has it that Ningguang has enchanted the Jade Chamber in such a way that allows her to eavesdrop on everyone in the city's private conversations...
The truth is that Ningguang's eyes and ears are in fact the children who play on the streets in Liyue Harbor.
Between them, they are aware of every confidential meeting, every private conversation, and every new visitor to the city. When Ningguang gathers them around, her promise of delicious treats proves to be an irresistible incentive, and so they tell her everything they know.
Once she has finished carefully cross-referencing everything she has learned from the children against other sources, there is no secret hidden from her in Liyue Harbor.
She understands the value of reciprocity more than anyone, which is why she is more than willing to invest time in mingling with the common folk.
On top of that, she does actually like seeing the children smile.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3Ningguang's attitude to making money is largely the same as anyone else's: You can never have enough.
But money to her is more than just a sign of wealth — each Mora is a trophy of a hard-won victory.
Ningguang is kind and friendly toward the common folk, but this is a side of her that none of her business associates could ever hope to see.
To her, the business world is a playground, and the zero-sum games are the most exciting. Each round she wins against a wealthy merchant brings a gleeful smile to her face as they sigh and reluctantly hand over the Mora, and nothing makes her happier than seeing the guilds bow to her wishes.
Every victory in this game adds to the wealth of the Liyue Qixing. Liyue Harbor prospers as a result, and this in turn creates more business opportunities and more profit for Ningguang. Every member of the Liyue Qixing is more than happy with this perfect cycle of interlocking interests.
People often ask Ningguang why she is still doing business in Liyue Harbor when she has already acquired such vast wealth.
"Vast wealth is a wonderful thing."
Ningguang patiently replies, never able to understand why people would ask such foolish questions.
"Adding another Mora to the pot can hardly make it any less wonderful, now, can it?"
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4Everyone living in Liyue Harbor has to abide by the rules. Those who do so will see their interests protected, while those who violate the rules will be punished accordingly.
The rules are rooted in ancient laws set down by Morax, Liyue Harbor's divine protector, and they are absolute. Over the millennia, each Tianquan has introduced amendments to the rules to ensure they are well aligned with current societal needs.
The laws are compiled and published along with a 279-page commentary, and a copy is given to each citizen of Liyue.
Ningguang likes it this way: Law and order is good for business, and she understands the intricacies of the laws that forge the order better than anyone else.
However, there was a certain ship captain by the name of Beidou who acted with flagrant disregard for the rules, smuggling contraband goods by leveraging her exotic cargo and exclusive business intelligence. To Ningguang, captain Beidou was the black sheep of Liyue Harbor's business community.
As Tianquan, it fell to Ningguang to impose heavy fines on Beidou each time she transgressed the rules. But much to her consternation, Beidou seemed to take these fines in her stride, like water off a duck's back.
Outside of the official channels, too, Ningguang tried to find ways to implore Beidou to change her ways and stop putting the Qixing in such a difficult position. In response, Beidou simply explained away her actions as "enacting justice," "helping the poor" and "keeping the sailors in their jobs." As a firm believer in the principle of live and let live, Beidou had no time for Ningguang's advice.
In the end, Ningguang agreed to disagree and gave up trying to convince the stubborn Beidou to change.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5Being the charming and wealthy woman that she is, Ningguang has never had a shortage of suitors.
It seems that every eligible bachelor, from the young esquires of Yujing Terrace, to accomplished young businessmen, to renowned sea captains, has at some point invested substantial energy into trying to win Ningguang's affection. One rumor even has it that a wealthy businessman from the Court of Fontaine signed a major trade deal with Liyue Harbor for the sole reason that it would mean he could see Ningguang more often.
Ningguang treats all her suitors with an equal measure of kindness and grace, but also keeps them at distance — enough to keep them interested but not push them away. Curiosity got the better of everyone in town, and now everyone wants to know: Who is Ningguang's lover?
Little do they know, Ningguang has no love for finite things, and will certainly not be bound by something that is finite.
The Jade Chamber, a floating palace above Liyue Harbor, belongs to Ningguang alone. It started out about the size of a room, but has since grown so large that in the moonlight it casts its shadow over the whole of Liyue.
A portion of Ningguang's seemingly limitless wealth goes towards hiring skilled craftsmen to continue the expansion and refurbishment of the Jade Chamber, ensuring that it becomes ever more extravagant as time goes by.
To Ningguang, the Jade Chamber is a symbol of her wealth and power, and a sign that her business is flourishing.
Save for Mora, it is the thing Ningguang loves most in the world — because it is infinite.
One day, she insists, it will cast its shadow over all the seven nations of Teyvat.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Chess Game: Liyue MillennialNingguang invented a form of chess to pass the time.
This chessboard not only contains to-scale reproductions of Liyue Harbor's natural and urban geography, vendors, tea houses, shops, hotels and miscellaneous stores, but it also contains six, ten and twelve-sided dice (among others). Players use the dice to determine how far their chess pieces move, and landing on various locations will trigger different events. Victory in-game is decided by the number of counters in each player's hands.
The rules can change at any time according to Ningguang's fancies, and when playing with others, she will always follow the newest rule set that she has on hand.
When she's truly feeling the spirit, she will even design new rules on the spot — no one has yet beaten her at this game, and she has now reached the 32.6th edition of her rulebook.
She marketed the 8th edition of the game to the general public, believing it to be the easiest to understand, but it proved to still be far too complicated for ordinary folk.
Nonetheless, people flock to purchase sets on account of the beauty and intricacy of the model pieces.
In truth, more people buy it for the models than for the game.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionNo one knows how Visions are created — they have always seemed to just appear out of thin air, leaving the countless unacknowledged in the lurch without a clue as to how to get one.
As for Visions left behind after their users die, they are masterless husks without any elemental power, nor is any method of reawakening them known, save for a tiny chance that it may resonate with another — and only one such "other" at a time...
Ningguang's first thought upon seeing such an object a subconscious "oh, look, a new business opportunity."
Putting this up for sale would surely have the rich shelling out for it. And if they can't resonate with it, why, they'll just use it to keep up appearances. A sound call either way...
And if there should be a way to collect such empty shells, could this not become a long term business?
Playing with the jewel in one hand, Ningguang began writing plans for an auction in the other, her smile widening as she thought about the riches to be had — and at that moment, the Vision shone forth its light.
Ningguang's smile froze as the Vision activated.
Her attendants, coming upon the sight of their mistress, awakened Vision in hand, began to congratulate her on having obtained a priceless treasure.
Ningguang, for her part, seemed annoyed instead.
"What's there to be happy about? Once broken, considered sold!"
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

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