
TitlePhysic of Purity
OccupationSumeru City
WeaponWeapon Catalyst
ElementElement Dendro
Day of Birth27
Month of Birth10
Vision (Introduced)Dendro
Constellation (Introduced)Sapientia Oromasdis
Chinese Seuyu花玲
Japanese Seuyu田村ゆかり
English SeuyuKimberley Anne Campbell
Korean SeuyuPark Shi-yoon
Vision (Discovered)Dendro
Constellation (Discovered)Sapientia Oromasdis
DescriptionA caged bird secluded within the confines of the Sanctuary of Surasthana who can only see the world in her dreams.
Character Ascension Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver
Nagadus Emerald Fragment
Nagadus Emerald Chunk
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone
Quelled Creeper
Kalpalata Lotus
Fungal Spores
Luminescent Pollen
Crystalline Cyst Dust
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Ingenuity
Guide to Ingenuity
Philosophies of Ingenuity
Puppet Strings
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items
Stories (Alt)


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus EMMaterialsTotal Materials
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus3
Fungal Spores3
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus3
Fungal Spores3
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Quelled Creeper2
Kalpalata Lotus10
Fungal Spores15
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus13
Fungal Spores18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment3
Quelled Creeper2
Nagadus Emerald Fragment6
Quelled Creeper4
Kalpalata Lotus20
Luminescent Pollen12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus33
Fungal Spores18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Quelled Creeper6
Luminescent Pollen12
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Quelled Creeper8
Kalpalata Lotus30
Luminescent Pollen18
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus63
Fungal Spores18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Quelled Creeper14
Luminescent Pollen30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk3
Nagadus Emerald Chunk6
Quelled Creeper12
Kalpalata Lotus45
Crystalline Cyst Dust12
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus108
Fungal Spores18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Quelled Creeper26
Luminescent Pollen30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Crystalline Cyst Dust12
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6
Quelled Creeper20
Kalpalata Lotus60
Crystalline Cyst Dust24
Nagadus Emerald Sliver1
Kalpalata Lotus168
Fungal Spores18
Nagadus Emerald Fragment9
Quelled Creeper46
Luminescent Pollen30
Nagadus Emerald Chunk9
Crystalline Cyst Dust36
Nagadus Emerald Gemstone6


Active Skils

Normal Attack: AkaraNormal Attack: Akara
Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 attacks that deal Dendro DMG to opponents in front of her.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to deal AoE Dendro DMG to opponents in front of her after a short casting time.

Plunging Attack
Calling upon the might of Dendro, Nahida plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Dendro DMG upon impact with the ground.
1-Hit DMG40.3%43.33%46.35%50.38%53.4%56.43%60.46%64.49%68.52%72.55%76.58%80.61%85.65%90.69%95.72%
2-Hit DMG36.97%39.75%42.52%46.22%48.99%51.76%55.46%59.16%62.86%66.55%70.25%73.95%78.57%83.19%87.81%
3-Hit DMG45.87%49.32%52.76%57.34%60.78%64.22%68.81%73.4%77.99%82.57%87.16%91.75%97.48%103.22%108.95%
4-Hit DMG58.41%62.79%67.17%73.01%77.39%81.77%87.61%93.45%99.29%105.13%110.97%116.81%124.11%131.41%138.72%
Charged Attack DMG132%141.9%151.8%165%174.9%184.8%198%211.2%224.4%237.6%250.8%264%280.5%297%313.5%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost505050505050505050505050505050
Plunge DMG56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.17% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
All Schemes to KnowAll Schemes to Know
Sends forth karmic bonds of wood and tree from her side, dealing AoE Dendro DMG and marking up to 8 opponents hit with the Seed of Skandha.
When held, this skill will trigger differently.

Enters Aiming Mode, which will allow you to select a limited number of opponents within a limited area. During this time, Nahida's resistance to interruption will be increased.
When released, this skill deals Dendro DMG to these opponents and marks them with the Seed of Skandha.
Aiming Mode will last up to 5s and can select a maximum of 8 opponents.

Seed of Skandha
Opponents who have been marked by the Seed of Skandha will be linked to one another up till a certain distance.
After you trigger Elemental Reactions on opponents who are affected by the Seeds of Skandha or when they take DMG from Dendro Cores (including Burgeon and Hyperbloom DMG), Nahida will unleash Tri-Karma Purification on the opponents and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on her ATK and Elemental Mastery.
You can trigger at most 1 Tri-Karma Purification within a short period of time.

Lo, the god of grass and trees shines her ultimate truth into the void, illuminating the origin and destruction of the three karmas.
Press DMG98.4%105.78%113.16%123%130.38%137.76%147.6%157.44%167.28%177.12%186.96%196.8%209.1%221.4%233.7%
Hold DMG130.4%140.18%149.96%163%172.78%182.56%195.6%208.64%221.68%234.72%247.76%260.8%277.1%293.4%309.7%
Tri-Karma Purification DMG103.2% ATK + 206.4% Elemental Mastery110.94% ATK + 221.88% Elemental Mastery118.68% ATK + 237.36% Elemental Mastery129% ATK + 258% Elemental Mastery136.74% ATK + 273.48% Elemental Mastery144.48% ATK + 288.96% Elemental Mastery154.8% ATK + 309.6% Elemental Mastery165.12% ATK + 330.24% Elemental Mastery175.44% ATK + 350.88% Elemental Mastery185.76% ATK + 371.52% Elemental Mastery196.08% ATK + 392.16% Elemental Mastery206.4% ATK + 412.8% Elemental Mastery219.3% ATK + 438.6% Elemental Mastery232.2% ATK + 464.4% Elemental Mastery245.1% ATK + 490.2% Elemental Mastery
Tri-Karma Purification Trigger Interval2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s2.5s
Seed of Skandha Duration25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s25s
Press CD5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s5s
Hold CD6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s6s
Illusory HeartIllusory Heart
Manifests the Court of Dreams and expands the Shrine of Maya.

When the Shrine of Maya field is unleashed, the following effects will be separately unleashed based on the Elemental Types present within the party.
·Pyro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is increased.
·Electro: While Nahida remains within the Shrine of Maya, the interval between each Tri-Karma Purification from "All Schemes to Know" is decreased.
·Hydro: The Shrine of Maya's duration is increased.

If there are at least 2 party members of the aforementioned Elemental Types present when the field is deployed, the aforementioned effects will be increased further.

Even if Nahida is not on the field, these bonuses will still take effect so long as party members are within the Shrine of Maya.

Perhaps all that dwell under the bowers of trees are naught but a fleeting upside-down dream in the eyes of the God of Wisdom.
Pyro: DMG Bonus1 Character 14.88%1 Character 16%1 Character 17.11%1 Character 18.6%1 Character 19.72%1 Character 20.83%1 Character 22.32%1 Character 23.81%1 Character 25.3%1 Character 26.78%1 Character 28.27%1 Character 29.76%1 Character 31.62%1 Character 33.48%1 Character 35.34%
Pyro: DMG Bonus2 Characters 22.32%2 Characters 23.99%2 Characters 25.67%2 Characters 27.9%2 Characters 29.57%2 Characters 31.25%2 Characters 33.48%2 Characters 35.71%2 Characters 37.94%2 Characters 40.18%2 Characters 42.41%2 Characters 44.64%2 Characters 47.43%2 Characters 50.22%2 Characters 53.01%
Electro: Trigger Interval Decrease1 Character 0.25s1 Character 0.27s1 Character 0.29s1 Character 0.31s1 Character 0.33s1 Character 0.35s1 Character 0.37s1 Character 0.4s1 Character 0.42s1 Character 0.45s1 Character 0.47s1 Character 0.5s1 Character 0.53s1 Character 0.56s1 Character 0.59s
Electro: Trigger Interval Decrease2 Characters 0.37s2 Characters 0.4s2 Characters 0.43s2 Characters 0.47s2 Characters 0.49s2 Characters 0.52s2 Characters 0.56s2 Characters 0.6s2 Characters 0.63s2 Characters 0.67s2 Characters 0.71s2 Characters 0.74s2 Characters 0.79s2 Characters 0.84s2 Characters 0.88s
Hydro: Duration Extension1 Character 3.34s1 Character 3.59s1 Character 3.85s1 Character 4.18s1 Character 4.43s1 Character 4.68s1 Character 5.02s1 Character 5.35s1 Character 5.68s1 Character 6.02s1 Character 6.35s1 Character 6.69s1 Character 7.11s1 Character 7.52s1 Character 7.94s
Hydro: Duration Extension2 Characters 5.02s2 Characters 5.39s2 Characters 5.77s2 Characters 6.27s2 Characters 6.65s2 Characters 7.02s2 Characters 7.52s2 Characters 8.03s2 Characters 8.53s2 Characters 9.03s2 Characters 9.53s2 Characters 10.03s2 Characters 10.66s2 Characters 11.29s2 Characters 11.91s
Base Duration15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s15s
Energy Cost505050505050505050505050505050

Passive Skills

On All Things MeditatedOn All Things Meditated
Nahida can use All Schemes to Know to interact with some harvestable items within a fixed AoE.
This skill may even have some other effects...
Compassion IlluminatedCompassion Illuminated
When unleashing Illusory Heart, the Shrine of Maya will gain the following effects:
The Elemental Mastery of the active character within the field will be increased by 25% of the Elemental Mastery of the party member with the highest Elemental Mastery.
You can gain a maximum of 250 Elemental Mastery in this manner.
Awakening ElucidatedAwakening Elucidated
Each point of Nahida's Elemental Mastery beyond 200 will grant 0.1% Bonus DMG and 0.03% CRIT Rate to Tri-Karma Purification from All Schemes to Know.
A maximum of 80% Bonus DMG and 24% CRIT Rate can be granted to Tri-Karma Purification in this manner.


The Seed of Stored KnowledgeThe Seed of Stored Knowledge
When the Shrine of Maya is unleashed and the Elemental Types of the party members are being tabulated, the count will add 1 to the number of Pyro, Electro, and Hydro characters respectively.
The Root of All FullnessThe Root of All Fullness
Opponents that are marked by Seeds of Skandha applied by Nahida herself will be affected by the following effects:
·Burning, Bloom, Hyperbloom, and Burgeon Reaction DMG they receive can score CRIT Hits. CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG are fixed at 20% and 100% respectively.
·Within 8s of being affected by Quicken, Aggravate, Spread, DEF is decreased by 30%.
The Shoot of Conscious AttainmentThe Shoot of Conscious Attainment
Increases the Level of All Schemes to Know by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
The Stem of Manifest InferenceThe Stem of Manifest Inference
When 1/2/3/4 (or more) nearby opponents are affected by All Schemes to Know's Seeds of Skandha, Nahida's Elemental Mastery will be increased by 100/120/140/160.
The Leaves of Enlightening SpeechThe Leaves of Enlightening Speech
Increases the Level of Illusory Heart by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
The Fruit of Reason's CulminationThe Fruit of Reason's Culmination
When Nahida hits an opponent affected by All Schemes to Know's Seeds of Skandha with Normal or Charged Attacks after unleashing Illusory Heart, she will use Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion on this opponent and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on 200% of Nahida's ATK and 400% of her Elemental Mastery.
DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion is considered Elemental Skill DMG and can be triggered once every 0.2s.
This effect can last up to 10s and will be removed after Nahida has unleashed 6 instances of Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle
Idle Performance


Audio Language:
Chat: Invitation
Chat: Concerns
Chat: Feelings
When It Rains
When Thunder Strikes
When It Snows
When the Sun Is Out
When It's Windy
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Good Night
About Nahida: Knowledge
About Nahida: Obsession
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Story Time
About Us: Journey
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share
Interesting Things: A Flower Yet to Blossom
About Cyno: Jokes
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Cyno: Duty
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Tighnari
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Collei
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Alhaitham
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Nilou
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Dori
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Kaveh
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Faruzan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About The Seven: Introduction
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About The Seven: Games
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About The Balladeer
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Furina
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Nahida: I
More About Nahida: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Nahida: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Nahida: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Nahida: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Nahida's Hobbies
Nahida's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Skill: IV
Elemental Skill: V
Elemental Skill: VI
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Heavy Hit Taken: II
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsGreater Lord Rukkhadevata created Sumeru's rainforest and bestowed wisdom upon the people of Sumeru through the Akademiya. Despite her departure long ago, her name is still praised in the stories told in every household in Sumeru.
On the other hand, Lesser Lord Kusanali, who was whisked back by the sages to the Sanctuary of Surasthana following the former's fall, has been more of a symbol — one that signifies that the protection of divinity never ceased to exist on this land.
But the answers to who she is, how she descended, and what powers she has, are rarely known.
From the highest sage's vague response and evasive attitude toward people's inquiry about Lesser Lord Kusanali, the people in Sumeru deduced that they should no longer expect merciful wisdom to descend from on high as before.
The Akasha, the sublime legacy left by Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, is just as handy and helpful as it has always been. What people are not aware of is that the Akasha today has become the ears and eyes of the newborn deity.
Through the Akasha, she has observed every bit of human emotions and attitudes. She is aware of their devotion to the old goddess, their disillusionment with their new deity, and the many comments that "The God of Wisdom will never come back."
She knows in her heart that she must keep learning and grow up as quickly as she can to stand up and face the threats from the most abysmal corners of the world. This is her inevitable duty.
Thus, whether she is misunderstood or underappreciated, Nahida makes no argument against it.
Character Story 1The process of learning and growth is joyful, and knowledge concerning this world always satisfies Nahida's exuberant curiosity.
Gradually, Nahida came to grasp the principles of nature and the elements, understanding the ecology of the sky and the sea. She could even compose what she learned into fascinating dreams that are logical, yet beyond imagination.
Such dreams are, in essence, the same as Nahida's marvelous metaphors — they all lead to a dawning understanding of the similarities between two otherwise unrelated things.
But there are times when she meditates on things yet struggles to figure them out, and such incidents usually concern events related to people or society.
For example, when honesty and truth could exempt a person from punishment, some people might turn silent and deceitful; and when with their beloved ones, some people would hurt others with brutal words.
It feels as if the contradictions of the entire world are focused through and manifested by human beings, whose fickle emotions are perplexing to Nahida.
In such moments, her metaphors would not work. Nor could she find any system in this world as a reference for such chaos.
She could only explain it by the fact that the difference between every person's uniqueness creates diverse reactions when they undergo similar emotions.
But this was not a satisfactory answer to Nahida. To better know human beings, plain knowledge and dogma alone would never suffice.
Perhaps it was from that moment on that Nahida came to understand why "she" had to stand firmly by human beings' side and even made tremendous sacrifices for their sake.
For each and every one of "them" is a unique existence in this world.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2Nahida's life might be uniform, but she owns the most fantastic and lively dream in all of Sumeru.
The knowledge she learns through the Akasha during the day is presented vividly in her dreams at night. As she learns more knowledge, her dreams become even more intricate and full of life.
The dreams not only relax her mind, but also give her chances to examine her new knowledge to see if it goes against common sense or if she is missing any details.
When Dusk Birds first appeared in Nahida's dream, those birds soared through the sky in a standing posture with their wings folded.
It looked abnormal and caught Nahida's attention immediately. Nahida thus learned how wings worked, after which the Dusk Birds could fly freely in her dreams.
Next, she adopted similar methods to fix Shroomboars that slept underwater, Radishes that grew on apple trees, and crystalflies with mismatched wing colors.
Knowledge shall not be a mere approach to justify things in this world, it could also be used to satisfy her need for pure innocent fun.
Technically, Shroomboars can only walk on the ground. Now that she understood how wings work, wouldn't Shroomboars with wings fly all the same?
And where there are flying Shroomboars, it is only natural to have crocodiles that walk on their hind legs and Harra Fruits who speak human languages...
The way Nahida develops her knowledge system has subsequently created a little amusement park for her, free of disturbance. In her dreams, she is in the embrace of boundless happiness.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3Children have yet to be well-informed and are easily swayed by emotions, but it does not mean that they can be disrespected or mocked.
Frustration and disappointments do indeed grant them a taste of reality — but at the cost of robbing them of innocent thoughts and exuberant emotions.
The children who unluckily run across such negativity would always hear a gentle, warm voice on some ordinary night.
She listens attentively to the children, uses her wonderful metaphors to clarify principles to them, plays with them, and talks about their favorite games and snacks... until dawn.
Though the night is short, such company would let the children believe that there is still someone in this world who understands them.
Hatred and frustration are thus melted away by the warmth in their hearts, and the children would gain an opportunity to make a change in their lives such that they can grow in confidence and gladness.
However, none of them could recognize to whom the gentle, warm voice belonged. Everyone knows, after all, that Greater Lord Rukkhadevata had departed a long time ago.
A group of children gathered in secret and discussed this mystical phenomenon. Suddenly, a child who seemed to know a lot more than their peers mentioned a somewhat unusual name, "Lesser Lord Kusanali."
They soon accepted that theory. And, of course, none of their parents believed them.
But what did that matter? Lesser Lord Kusanali was already their friend.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4The greenery-planning personnel in Sumeru City once received a mysterious letter. The sender was, apparently, "An Enthusiastic and Perfectly Leisurely Citizen of Sumeru City."
The letter contained detailed suggestions and thoughtful planning that took both the weather and practicality into consideration.
Judging by the professionalism of the letter's contents, it was natural to assume that the letter was from a well-known Amurta researcher who would prefer to stay anonymous.
Despite the writer's anonymity, the greenery-planning personnel carried out their work in the city exactly as stated in the letter, as if they were implementing orders from their superior.
The outcome reaped high praise. Later one day, Nahida borrowed Katheryne's body and took a walk on the streets in the city. To her great joy, she found out that the arrangement of plants was exactly the same as she had expected.
The letter was from Nahida, of course. She had written it because she thought that though knowledge is important, practice is also essential.
But with the exceedingly strict control the sages exercised, Nahida had to persuade them with great effort before they agreed to let her send this seemingly useless letter anonymously.
But so encouraged was Nahida by the great success of her first attempt at putting knowledge into practice that in the following days, even when she walked, she was ever so full of elated confidence.
But then she rounded a corner and noticed unexpectedly that several flowers of completely mismatched colors had been planted together.
After careful examination, she found out that it was because she had not considered the possibility that one of the flower species might change colors, nor had she specified the cultivation environment for the flowers very strictly in her plans.
Then it occurred to her that this bunch of flowers could have been here for dozens of days, during which everyone might have witnessed her "complete lack of aesthetic sense"...
That day, many claimed that they saw Ms. Katheryne, who usually stood behind the reception desk with a confident smile, crouching next to a pot of flowers, her hands covering her blushing face.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5How might one eradicate the threat that forbidden knowledge poses to Irminsul?
Nahida used to believe that she was the one who had the answer, but never did she realize that she was also the answer herself.
One who takes action will certainly leave one's traces behind. When one wishes to eradicate oneself, a paradox would thus occur.
That is why it is inevitable that one must depend on others to accomplish this goal.
By the time Nahida had figured this out, time was running out, leaving her no room for further consideration. The knowledge accumulated through the years could not even help her find a solution to the pressing dilemma before her.
But just as ████ said, as one with wisdom, one should feel joy upon the discovery of the answer.
She was not born just to accomplish such cruel deeds. Only after eradicating forbidden knowledge could she focus on Sumeru's future and plan for the prosperity and happiness that her nation could call its own.
Will a nation walking into the future still remember a name that no longer exists? It does not matter.
"Does it really not matter?"
Nahida would have definitely proposed otherwise. Shame, then, that their time was too short. In that blink of an eye, ████ did not even leave her a chance to retort.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Nahida's "Toy Box"Though it looks no different from a regular box, this container has a variety of experimental replicas within it.
Nahida has a strong interest in popular games of all sorts. Their rules are simple, but they are also fun and profound. Be it puzzles or battle games, the fascination they inspire can be long-lasting.
Games are simple but not simplistic, exemplifying the wisdom of their designers. Deconstructing and reshaping things also make for valuable opportunities to learn.
However, the Akademiya researchers never supported her novel ideas, nor would they satisfy her wish for more toys. So, she compromised and asked for only wood and some tools.
Following the instructions offered by the Akasha and applying her imagination, she managed to create various toys, such as chessboards, cards, puzzle pieces, and three-dimensional locks...
The sense of achievement from finishing making toys brought Nahida brief satisfaction, but she soon found this out:
She could not find an opponent for any battle-type games, and as the maker, she knew the solutions to all her puzzle games.
"If only there were someone else around to try these out."
So she has always hoped. But before that suitable person shows up, these toys shall stay in their box for now.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
GnosisThe existence of the Akasha is the means, not an end in itself. The moment when the forbidden knowledge was eradicated was the moment when the Akasha had accomplished its mission.
The one who had coveted the power of the Gnosis had written the entire drama from the start, and would show themselves as the curtains fell.
Nahida, using the Gnosis of a foreign land as leverage, deprived the cunning foe of his "segments" as insurance.
But the enemy immediately requested for a bargain as well, offering up critical knowledge of the world's "truth."
His knowledge of the values rooted in this land was without peer, and thus had he intended to take advantage of Nahida's curiosity and sense of responsibility from the very beginning. Indeed, the way he saw it, there could be no bargaining chip more suitable than knowledge.
With one Gnosis still in her hands, Nahida could not help but hesitate. She barely knew more about the Gnoses than she knew the "truth" of the world.
The Gnosis, to her, was but a core that gathers a mass of elemental power at her discretion. But if there is nothing more to a Gnosis, why was a god so eager to gather all of them together?
Shaking hands in bargain means an equal compromise for both sides, a far cry from any victory. On the other hand, turning down the bargain indicates a certain type of "ignorance," which, obviously, would more easily invite a loss of control.
Thus did the "God of Wisdom" instantly find her answer...
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

Stories (Alt)

Character DetailsLong ago, the Dendro Archon created Sumeru's rainforest and bestowed wisdom upon the people of Sumeru through the Akademiya. Her name is praised in thousands of stories that are written to admire her deeds and virtues.
In the eyes of people in Sumeru, the existence of the Dendro Archon is more of a symbol — by which they ascertain that the protection of divinity upon this land has persisted since antiquity.
The Dendro Archon is revered by the highest sages in Sumeru City and venerated by the citizens unswervingly.
And the powerful Akasha System is Lesser Lord Kusanali's eyes and ears.
The Akasha enables her to observe and learn about people's emotions and gives her omnipresent sight and hearing so that she can understand voices that are not praise.
The more she sees, the more she knows that she must learn constantly. Only through that can she enrich her experience, honing her skills to become powerful enough to face the threats from the most abysmal corners of the world.
There is no escape from this, her inexorable duty.
Even though very few feel unsatisfied with the status quo, Nahida still remains steadfast. Her tenacity comes from conviction. She knows it better than anyone else — that, here, she is the one that all people rely on and trust in.
Character Story 1The process of learning and growing is joyful, and knowledge concerning this world always satisfies Nahida's exuberant curiosity.
Gradually, Nahida came to grasp the principles of nature and the elements, understanding the ecology of the sky and the sea. She could even compose what she learned into fascinating dreams that are logical, yet beyond imagination.
Such dreams are, in essence, the same as Nahida's marvelous metaphors — they all lead to a dawning understanding of the similarities between two otherwise unrelated things.
But there are times when she meditates on things yet struggles to figure them out, and such incidents usually concern events related to people or society.
For example, when honesty and truth could exempt a person from punishment, some people might turn silent and deceitful; and when with their beloved ones, some people would hurt others with brutal words.
It feels as if the contradictions of the entire world are focused through and manifested by human beings, whose fickle emotions are perplexing to Nahida.
In such moments, her metaphors would not work. Nor could she find any system in this world as a reference for such chaos.
She could only explain it by the fact that the difference between every person's uniqueness creates diverse reactions when they undergo similar emotions.
But this was not a satisfactory answer to Nahida. To better know human beings, plain knowledge and dogma alone would never suffice.
Perhaps it was from that moment on that Nahida came to understand why ████ had to stand firmly by human beings' side and even made tremendous sacrifices for their sake.
For each and every one of "them" is a unique existence in this world.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 3Children have yet to be well-informed and are easily swayed by emotions, but it does not mean that they can be disrespected or mocked.
Frustration and disappointments do indeed grant them a taste of reality — but at the cost of robbing them of innocent thoughts and exuberant emotions.
The children who unluckily run across such negativity would always hear a gentle, warm voice on some ordinary night.
She listens attentively to the children, uses her wonderful metaphors to clarify principles to them, plays with them, and talks about their favorite games and snacks... until dawn.
Though the night is short, such company would let the children believe that there is still someone in this world who understands them.
Hatred and frustration are thus melted away by the warmth in their hearts, and the children would gain an opportunity to make a change in their lives such that they can grow in confidence and gladness.
However, none of them could recognize to whom the voice in their dreams belonged. The Dendro Archon is powerful, but she must have many more important matters to attend to. Would she really come to personally tend to a few children?
And so the children gathered in secret and discussed this mystical phenomenon. Numerous were the possibilities they came up with, and they discussed at length about each imaginative explanation.
But in the end, the conclusion was, unsurprisingly, that only Lesser Lord Kusanali could be capable of a deed so kind and so caring. Or, to put it otherwise, that was the only conclusion that these children were willing to believe in.
And, of course, none of their parents believed them. But what did that matter? Lesser Lord Kusanali was already their friend.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4The greenery planning personnel in Sumeru City once received a mysterious letter. The sender was, apparently, "An Enthusiastic and Perfectly Leisurely Citizen of Sumeru City."
The letter contained detailed suggestions and thoughtful planning that took both the weather and practicality into consideration.
Judging by the professionalism of the letter's contents, it was natural to assume that the letter was from a well-known Amurta researcher who would prefer to stay anonymous.
Despite the writer's anonymity, the greenery planning personnel carried out their work in the city exactly as stated in the letter, as if they were implementing orders from their superior.
The outcome reaped high praise. Later one day, when Nahida was finally able to take a break, she took a walk on the streets of Sumeru City. To her great joy, she found out that the arrangement of plants was exactly the same as she had expected.
The letter was from Nahida, of course. She had written it because she thought that though knowledge is important, practice is also essential.
As a goddess, Nahida has higher priorities than planning the positions of some plants. But after careful consideration, she made up her mind and sent this seemingly useless letter anonymously all the same.
So encouraged was she by the great success of her first attempt at putting knowledge into practice that in the following days, even when she walked, she was ever so full of elated confidence.
But then she rounded a corner and noticed unexpectedly that several flowers of completely mismatched colors had been planted together.
After careful examination, she found out that it was because she had not considered the possibility that one of the flower species might change colors, nor had she specified the cultivation environment for the flowers very strictly in her plans.
Then it occurred to her that this bunch of flowers could have been here for dozens of days, during which everyone might have witnessed her "complete lack of aesthetic sense"...
That day, many claimed that they saw Lesser Lord Kusanali crouching next to a pot of flowers, her hands covering her blushing face.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Nahida's "Toy Box"Though it looks no different from a regular box, this container has a variety of experimental replicas within it.
Nahida has a strong interest in popular games of all sorts. Their rules are simple, but they are also fun and profound. Be it puzzles or battle games, the fascination they inspire can be long-lasting.
Games are simple but not simplistic, exemplifying the wisdom of their designers. Deconstructing and reshaping things also make for valuable opportunities to learn.
Instead of purchasing toys from the bazaar, Nahida believes that making a toy from scratch brings a deeper understanding of the knowledge that lies behind it. To this end, she soon collected some wood and tools.
Following the instructions offered by the Akasha and applying her imagination, she managed to create various toys, such as chessboards, cards, puzzle pieces, and three-dimensional locks...
The sense of achievement from finishing making toys brought Nahida brief satisfaction, but she soon found this out:
She could not find an opponent for any battle-type games, and as the maker, she knew the solutions to all her puzzle games.
"If only there were someone else around to try these out."
So she has always hoped. But before that suitable person shows up, these toys shall stay in their box for now.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4

1,756 responses to “Nahida”

  1. Is it already known if the increase in CR/CD in PassiveSkill-3 is reflected in the Karmic Oblivion in C6?

  2. For clarification: the decrease in Tri-karma Purification interval given by her burst if there are Electro character in the party isn’t going to mess reactions up, right? Because they synced the regular interval with the ICD…

  3. In spanish, the number of crit its worng, should be 0,03.

    “Al superar los 200 pts. de Maestría Elemental, por cada cada punto de más que tenga Nahida, aumenta en un 0.1% el daño del trikarma acrisolador de Omnisciencia y en un 0.3% su Prob. CRIT.”

  4. One thing I was wondering, is there any information on what is the limit of distance between two enemies in a linked state generated by her E.

      • This is very good information, thank you.
        This shows me that I don’t have to worry about the distance too much because I can reach the distance where the enemy will attack me with the bow!

      • how about her E casting distance, is that as long as the target in her E frame would effected, or is that any distance limited?

        • The best I can found:

          In this video @ 3:30 minutes mark, it shows her skill can capture as far as the items are visible. But I’m not sure if that range can be applied to enemies as well.

          Also, IMO being able to hit super far doesn’t mean it would be super good, as the skill damage is not that great + ICD limitation. Also IMO, the only units who can benefit from that extra range are bow characters (except cryo, geo, and anemo ofc) and C2 Yae, so it won’t matter much.

    • If it was c2 i would say go c2. But c1 or weapon, it’s up to you. You have to think which characters you’re going to pull, how is your artifacts and which characters do you want to use with her.

    • When she is off-field, the Elemental Mastery gained from Q does not apply.
      Then she herself has to aim for 1000 Elemental Mastery in the basic state, so

      C2 > C0 + Weapon > C1

      It will look like this The lower her Elemental Mastery is below 1000, the lower her Critical Ability will be!
      As for C2, even ignoring Elemental Mastery, the debuff against defense is too strong to rate her this way

  5. Another loli… People are starting to notice the number of lolis in genshin and it isn’t a good look. It is getting harder and harder to defend the game online unfortunately.

    • I you see a loli in a video game and you only think they exist for sexual reason then you are the weird one, also why do you have to defend a game just ignore what stupid shit people say about a game they never played

      • Loli literally comes from the name Lolita, which is a book about a man’s troubled relationship with a minor with that name.

        You might as well call them jail bait and pretend it’s not sexual lol.

        How casually you guys throw these terms around is insane.

      • ———–> “Instead of this… jailbait scenario with a toddler but old enough..”

        Old enough for what, exactly? What do fictional characters in Genshin do besides fight monsters?

        • Or you could answer the question. It’s simple, really.
          If you’re not just thinking about playing the game when you log into Genshin, that’s your own problem. Please don’t harass the rest of us with it.

        • Answer your gaslighting, you mean? Ironic, how you don’t answer my argument.

          Hey, if you noticed, I have an argument there about what hyv is doing with these characters, instead you chose to gaslight me and demand me to answer your gaslighting question?

          Oh my, maybe I should also gaslight you instead to make you taste your own medicine? Why’re you so against the idea of protecting children? Are you perhaps… one of those creeps? Oh crap, stay away from me.

          You see, either you address the argument, or we can continue with this gaslighting back and forth, making each other question own’s motive continuously. And since you’re the one who started with the gaslighting, you decide.

        • I’m not against protecting children. But I’m talking about real, living breathing children. Actual human beings. The characters in Genshin are purely works of normal fiction, dude. None of them have been show to be subjected to inappropriate or predatory behavior in the game. Your problem is that you’re blurring the lines of reality and fantasy and blaming other people for it.

          “stay away from me.”
          ^^^ You spend way too much time on the internet if you’re taking the game this seriously.

        • this sashimi thinks that every one that doesnt agree with him or doesnt have the same views with him is a “troll” or “gaslighter”.

          Must be one of those Karens that easily get “offended” (or pretended to) if they start to realize they dont make sense ?‍♂️.

          He blatantly says every one is gaslighting him/her when in fact he is doing it, I recommend you to read the definition of that word. You dont sound smart at all, you are just throwing tantrum around.

          Dont get offended because you got exposed by your own comment. We can already see the problem by just decoding your comments from-

          -“old enough body” from what actually?? We need certain body type to fight monsters?? Lets say you make them Keqing body type, you think there are no creeps looking for Keqing body type? maybe youre playing the game for that purpose. You are just sad you dont get the body type you want to …… nvm ?.

          -“Klee is 50 yrs old” huh?? youre the type who dont check your own facts, you just believe what you wanted to believe. Karen in the making.

      • If you look at these kid characters and “feel” a type of way, you’re the one with the problem. Don’t go projecting that to everyone else playing the game.

        • Gaslighter number 2.

          Or also a troll, idk.

          There’s a trend with these kind of people to gaslight someone. They don’t even talk about the argument being presented.

          I’m talking about how hyv make these toddlers not actually toddlers, like a 50 years old elf in toddler body, giving creeps reason to justify themselves doing disgusting things. And what do these gaslighter talk about? That’s right, gaslight me into the creeps. As if I’m not clear enough with my intent by calling them CREEPS and things they do as DISGUSTING.

          Continue gaslighting, maybe someday it’ll work. Or maybe, these people are part of the CREEPS, gaslight those who complaint so nothing changed, and they can continue doing DISGUSTING things to these characters with underaged body but “technically legal” lore.

        • Why are you bringing creepy topics to a site completely dedicated to factual and numerical data about the game? The rest of us discuss builds and team compositions. What you do in your spare time is your choice, but you don’t need to bring your disgusting creep-stalking habits here.

        • Ok, I’m conviced that you’re a troll. Deliberately skirt around the argument. And as soon as the gaslighting failed, you start mentioning twitter. Ok, troll… you’ve caught me, I’m your fish. Congrats.

        • I don’t care if you think I’m a troll. You’ve been spamming this site about your disgusting interpretation of child models for months – starting with non-stop daily spam about Nahida on almost every page of Heizou’s comment section since his release.

          Genshin is an action RPG with no depictions of explicit behavior or actions. It’s just a lore and action game. If the word “loli” conjures thoughts of disgusting creeps in your mind, that’s your own problem.

          Fish? Gaslighting? Go outside and get some fresh air. It’ll clear your mind and you’ll realize the world doesn’t revolve around your fixation with Genshin’s child-like characters.

    • What’s the problem with lolis exactly? It’s like sayin’ there are too many “Medium Male Characters”

      • Most of those medium male characters are actual teenagers. Depicted as actual teenager. The only unique “technically legal” case are xiao and venti. Maybe perhaps albedo. And at least, they’re not shota sized.

        The problem with toddler characters in this game, none of them are actual children, except for diona, who work as a fking bartender. I have no issue with actual child character, it’s creative freedom. The problem is the way they’re doing it, making every single one of them not actually children, which are commonly referred to in anime term as “jail bait”.

        One or two of them? Sure, whatever… but literally every single one of them? Really? Something is not right here…

        • Klee is a child. And Diona is a teen, not a child. (Still, Diona isn’t of legal age) Assuming you mean 12 years old or younger as children. (I’ve seen people refer to 25 yo and younger as children, so I dunno, but for me it’s 12 yo or younger)

          Also, jailbait isn’t an anime term, it’s a common slang that doesn’t originate from anime. Jailbait means the opposite of what you said. It’s when someone below the age of consent looks like someone of legal age and is considered attractive. The closest in GI would be Fischl, but even then you can tell she is a teen. Why is it called a jailbait is pretty obvious, you do a girl thinking she is 22 years old, and then you find out she was 15 years old all along, so they sent you to jail. No one will send you to jail for doing a 30 year old woman, even if she looks 10 years old.

    • do not project your perverted thoughts on other people
      if you see anything of sexualized nature in game like GI you should seriously get a help and not spewing bullcrap about it on forums

      • i mean… to say there ISN’T anything of sexualized nature is just as naïve as saying the children are sexualized. Need i show you Mona’s old skin, her story quest, Rosaria, Lisa, Shenhe…

      • If I remember correctly, the OP ( or maybe hillichurl sashimi) mentioned a while back on the old HH forums that they ran into some lame, explicit poll on another site. Ever since then, they’ve been obsessed with letting creeps live rent-free in their head. Who knows what other unofficial content they’ve been looking at to make them think so much about such nasty stuff all the time.

    • Calling out hyv’s gross characterization on every single loli character got my comment removed?

      Okay then… I’m not angry, just disappointed. Considering there’re lots of comments here that call nahida as waifu and not getting removed so rapidly like mine who calls them out, I believe the mod who removed mine is of certain interest. I know the owner of this site is a woman, you might wanna check on some of your mod here… not a good look honestly.

      • I think you take the term “waifu” a tad too serious. Most people who use “waifu” nowadays use it in an ironic way. They call whoever is one of their favourites “thier waifu” with not much thought or explicit reason besides them liking the character. Yes, there are people who take the term WAYY more serious, but that’s the minority. People who call Nahida their waifu likely just love how adorable she is, or something. At least, that is the case for me. It’s not as serious as you may think

      • Your real problem is that you don’t see how you are in the wrong here. Those people don’t do any harm to any1, and you are “calling out” real people who did nothing wrong, you are the problem bro.

    • If you manage to get 1000EM her karmic retribution, at talent level 10, should do at least (2100 from atk multiplier + 3300 from EM)5400*1.8=9720. That’s without any kind of dmg bonus, non-crit and non-spread. So, if you’re good with 10k then yeah, if you want more, then she needs crit/dmg% bonus/reactions.

      • yeah and def and resi? I mean you can shred resi but def lowers your dmg by 50% when there is no level gab between your char and the enemy.

    • not really if u get 1000 em her elemental skill will have 29% base crit rate, if u use her with another chracter with 1000 em she gonna have extra 200 em so you can balance all around em loking for sub stats with some crit rate, crit damage or look for a Crown of crit rate with em on sub stat.

    • A little bit. Of course, having 1000EM on her will provide her with an additional 24% crit rate. Although she mainly will be doing big PP damage through reactions with others (like blooms from Nilou, or aggravates), soo, if you can manage 1000 EM, you’ll need like 7-ish crit rate rolls total. Buut, honestly, if you go F2P, it’s best to stick around 700 EM and use a EM/EM/crit piece instead. If you seek a decent chunk of sub DPS damage, that is. At least, that’s my personal opinion .3.

      • If you have good EM (+/- 1000) Wandering Evenstar refinement 3 is already better than Magic Guide refinement 5, just test it on any Genshin calculator and you’ll see it.

        • I tested on gidmgcalculator and the difference between R5 Wandering and R5 Magic Guide at 1K EM is really low, like less tan 100 dmg par hit of TriKarma, if passive active 100% of time. If passive is not activated, R5 Magic guide is behind.
          I’ll use R5 Wandering because Gacha gave me 7 of this instead of tons of Xiphos, and my Nilou’s bloom team (2h/2d with Nahida) will have dendro aura on ennemis and not hydro.

          • About Magic guide, does it matter if the team consists of electro or hydro characters? and does the effect occur even if the character wasn’t on the field?
            I think Wandering should be the best option for general usage. But, in terms of accessibility Magic guide is definitely the winner.

    • Yes, but the calcs are made with 100% uptime, and quicken is considered a dendro aura, not an electro one, so…

        • Quicken acts like a dendro aura, and it can coexist with both Electro and Dendro aura. Let’s say you apply Quicken and then an instance of Electro. You’ll get an Aggravate on the enemy, and the enemy will be affected by both a Quicken and an Electro aura. If you then apply Dendro, you’ll do a Spread and reset the duration of Quicken because it also reacts with the Electro.

          Having 100% uptime on Magic Guide basically requires faster Electro than Dendro, which should be relatively easy if you’re using Nahida as a solo Dendro and as an off-field unit, since her E can only hit if an elemental reaction happened. For on-field Nahida it could be harder to maintain, however.


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