
TitleNight-Igniting Flame
WeaponWeapon Claymore
ElementElement Pyro
Day of Birth28
Month of Birth8
Vision (Introduced)Pyro
Constellation (Introduced)Sol Invictus
Chinese Seuyu李晔
Japanese Seuyu小松未可子
English SeuyuKatiana Sarkissian
Korean SeuyuKim Na-yul
Vision (Discovered)Pyro
Constellation (Discovered)Sol Invictus
DescriptionThe leader of Natlan who inherited the Ancient Name of "Kiongozi." She made a vow to illuminate the future of the nation of war with the Sacred Flame.
Character Ascension Materials
Agnidus Agate Sliver
Agnidus Agate Fragment
Agnidus Agate Chunk
Agnidus Agate Gemstone
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
Withering Purpurbloom
Sentry's Wooden Whistle
Warrior's Metal Whistle
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Contention
Guide to Contention
Philosophies of Contention
Eroded Horn
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom3
Sentry's Wooden Whistle3
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom3
Sentry's Wooden Whistle3
Agnidus Agate Fragment3
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core2
Withering Purpurbloom10
Sentry's Wooden Whistle15
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom13
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Agnidus Agate Fragment3
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core2
Agnidus Agate Fragment6
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core4
Withering Purpurbloom20
Warrior's Metal Whistle12
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom33
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core6
Warrior's Metal Whistle12
Agnidus Agate Chunk3
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core8
Withering Purpurbloom30
Warrior's Metal Whistle18
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom63
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core14
Warrior's Metal Whistle30
Agnidus Agate Chunk3
Agnidus Agate Chunk6
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core12
Withering Purpurbloom45
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle12
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom108
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core26
Warrior's Metal Whistle30
Agnidus Agate Chunk9
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle12
Agnidus Agate Gemstone6
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core20
Withering Purpurbloom60
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle24
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Withering Purpurbloom168
Sentry's Wooden Whistle18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core46
Warrior's Metal Whistle30
Agnidus Agate Chunk9
Saurian-Crowned Warrior's Golden Whistle36
Agnidus Agate Gemstone6


Active Skils

Flames Weave LifeFlames Weave Life
Normal Attack
Performs up to 4 consecutive claymore strikes.

Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an especially powerful Severing Splendor strike toward the front.

Plunging Attack
Plunges from mid-air to strike the ground below, damaging opponents along the path and dealing AoE DMG upon impact.
1-Hit DMG80.04%86.55%93.06%102.37%108.88%116.33%126.57%136.8%147.04%158.21%169.38%180.54%191.71%202.88%214.05%
2-Hit DMG36.48%×239.45%×242.42%×246.66%×249.63%×253.02%×257.69%×262.36%×267.02%×272.11%×277.2%×282.29%×287.38%×292.47%×297.56%×2
3-Hit DMG33.22%×335.93%×338.63%×342.49%×345.2%×348.29%×352.54%×356.79%×361.04%×365.67%×370.31%×374.95%×379.58%×384.22%×388.85%×3
4-Hit DMG116.19%125.65%135.11%148.62%158.08%168.89%183.75%198.61%213.47%229.68%245.9%262.11%278.32%294.54%310.75%
Charged Attack DMG193.84%209.62%225.4%247.94%263.72%281.75%306.54%331.34%356.13%383.18%410.23%437.28%464.32%491.37%518.42%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost505050505050505050505050505050
Plunge DMG74.59%80.66%86.73%95.4%101.47%108.41%117.95%127.49%137.03%147.44%157.85%168.26%178.66%189.07%199.48%
Low/High Plunge DMG149.14% / 186.29%161.28% / 201.45%173.42% / 216.62%190.77% / 238.28%202.91% / 253.44%216.78% / 270.77%235.86% / 294.6%254.93% / 318.42%274.01% / 342.25%294.82% / 368.25%315.63% / 394.24%336.44% / 420.23%357.25% / 446.23%378.06% / 472.22%398.87% / 498.21%
The Named MomentThe Named Moment
Calling upon her authority over "conflict," Mavuika summons the All-Fire Armaments passed down through the line of human Archons, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG.
After using this, Mavuika's Nightsoul points are restored to max value, and she enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state.

All-Fire Armaments
Has different forms when Tapped or Held.

"Divine Name Unleashed": The All-Fire Armaments manifest as a Ring of Searing Radiance. The Ring follows the current active character and attacks nearby opponents at intervals, dealing Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG.

"Ancient Name Unbound": The All-Fire Armaments manifest as a Flamestrider. In this state, Mavuika can ride the Flamestrider at high speed, or activate its hidden backup propulsion module to temporarily cross various terrain types and glide in mid-air. Mavuika's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will also be converted to deal Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG which cannot be overridden. When sprinting, she also deals Nightsoul-aligned Pyro DMG to opponents along her path.

While in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, Tapping the Elemental Skill can switch the All-Fire Armaments' form. The Armaments will disappear once Mavuika's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends.

Nightsoul's Blessing: Mavuika
Continuously consumes Nightsoul points according to the All-Fire Armaments' form. Mavuika's Nightsoul's Blessing state ends once her Nightsoul points are exhausted.

If you told Mavuika that in another world vehicles like the Flamestrider required license plates for identification, that would make her happy too:
"Well, mine's the only one that exists here. Guess that means I get to pick whatever plate number I want, huh?"
Skill DMG74.4%79.98%85.56%93%98.58%104.16%111.6%119.04%126.48%133.92%141.36%148.8%158.1%167.4%176.7%
Ring of Searing Radiance DMG128%137.6%147.2%160%169.6%179.2%192%204.8%217.6%230.4%243.2%256%272%288%304%
Ring of Searing Radiance Attack Interval2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s2s
Flamestrider Normal Attack 1-Hit DMG57.26%61.93%66.59%73.25%77.91%83.23%90.56%97.88%105.21%113.2%121.19%129.18%137.17%145.16%153.15%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 2-Hit DMG59.13%63.95%68.76%75.63%80.45%85.95%93.51%101.08%108.64%116.89%125.14%133.39%141.64%149.89%158.15%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 3-Hit DMG69.99%75.68%81.38%89.52%95.21%101.72%110.68%119.63%128.58%138.35%148.11%157.88%167.64%177.41%187.17%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 4-Hit DMG69.7%75.38%81.05%89.16%94.83%101.31%110.23%119.15%128.06%137.79%147.51%157.24%166.97%176.69%186.42%
Flamestrider Normal Attack 5-Hit DMG91%98.41%105.82%116.4%123.81%132.27%143.91%155.55%167.19%179.89%192.59%205.29%217.99%230.68%243.38%
Flamestrider Sprint DMG80.84%87.42%94%103.4%109.98%117.5%127.84%138.18%148.52%159.8%171.08%182.36%193.64%204.92%216.2%
Flamestrider Charged Attack Cyclic DMG98.9%106.95%115%126.5%134.55%143.75%156.4%169.05%181.7%195.5%209.3%223.1%236.9%250.7%264.5%
Flamestrider Charged Attack Final DMG137.6%148.8%160%176%187.2%200%217.6%235.2%252.8%272%291.2%310.4%329.6%348.8%368%
Flamestrider Plunge DMG159.96%172.98%186%204.6%217.62%232.5%252.96%273.42%293.88%316.2%338.52%360.84%383.16%405.48%427.8%
Nightsoul Point Limit808080808080808080808080808080
Hour of Burning SkiesHour of Burning Skies
Let the people's inner voices reach the divine throne in the heavens.
Mavuika's Elemental Burst is not reliant on Energy, but instead, on "Fighting Spirit."

Fighting Spirit
When Mavuika has at least 50% Fighting Spirit, she can consume it all to unleash her Elemental Burst.
Mavuika can obtain Fighting Spirit via the following methods:
· When in combat, Nightsoul points consumed by nearby party members are converted to Fighting Spirit.
· When nearby party members' Normal Attacks hit opponents, Mavuika gains 1.5 Fighting Spirit. This can trigger once every 0.1s.

After using this, Mavuika gains 10 Nightsoul points and enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state. Riding her Flamestrider high in the air, she uses a powerful Sunfell Slice against opponents on the ground, dealing Nightsoul-aligned AoE Pyro DMG and entering the "Crucible of Death and Life" state.

Crucible of Death and Life
During this time, Mavuika's various actions will no longer consume Nightsoul points, and her interruption resistance is increased. Also, the DMG dealt by Sunfell Slice and "Ancient Name Unbound"'s Normal and Charged Attacks is increased based on the amount of Fighting Spirit she has when using the Elemental Burst.
Crucible of Death and Life will be canceled when Mavuika leaves the field.

"—But this time, I want to break the cycle and free us from this fate for good."
Skill DMG444.8%478.16%511.52%556%589.36%622.72%667.2%711.68%756.16%800.64%845.12%889.6%945.2%1000.8%1056.4%
Crucible of Death and Life Duration7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s7s
Sunfell Slice DMG Bonus1.6% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.72% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.84% ATK per Fighting Spirit2% ATK per Fighting Spirit2.12% ATK per Fighting Spirit2.24% ATK per Fighting Spirit2.4% ATK per Fighting Spirit2.56% ATK per Fighting Spirit2.72% ATK per Fighting Spirit2.88% ATK per Fighting Spirit3.04% ATK per Fighting Spirit3.2% ATK per Fighting Spirit3.4% ATK per Fighting Spirit3.6% ATK per Fighting Spirit3.8% ATK per Fighting Spirit
Flamestrider Normal Attack DMG Bonus0.26% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.28% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.3% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.33% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.35% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.37% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.41% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.44% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.47% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.51% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.55% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.58% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.62% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.65% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.69% ATK per Fighting Spirit
Flamestrider Charged Attack DMG Bonus0.52% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.56% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.6% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.66% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.7% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.75% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.82% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.88% ATK per Fighting Spirit0.95% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.02% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.09% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.16% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.24% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.31% ATK per Fighting Spirit1.38% ATK per Fighting Spirit
Fighting Spirit Limit200200200200200200200200200200200200200200200

Passive Skills

Night Realm's Gift: Exhaust ModeNight Realm's Gift: Exhaust Mode
After Nightsoul points have been fully depleted, Mavuika will switch to using Phlogiston to maintain the All-Fire Armaments' Flamestrider form.
While in an area with Phlogiston Mechanics within Natlan, Nightsoul Transmission: Mavuika can be used. When the current active character is sprinting, climbing, swimming, in movement modes caused by certain Talents, or at a certain height in the air, switching to Mavuika will trigger the following: Mavuika enters the Nightsoul's Blessing state and obtains 50% of her maximum Nightsoul points. Nightsoul Transmission can be triggered once every 10s by your own party.
Gift of Flaming FlowersGift of Flaming Flowers
When a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, Mavuika's ATK increases by 30% for 10s.
After using her Elemental Burst, Hour of Burning Skies, every point of Fighting Spirit present when it is used increases the DMG that the current active party member deals by 0.2%. The maximum increase obtainable this way is 40%, and this effect lasts 20s, decaying over this duration until it reaches 0.
Night-Shattering RadianceNight-Shattering Radiance
The party's Nightsoul Transmission CD is decreased by 20%.


The Night-Lord's ExplicationThe Night-Lord's Explication
Mavuika's maximum Nightsoul points are increased to 120, and she gains Fighting Spirit 25% more efficiently.
Additionally, she gains 40% ATK for 8s after gaining Fighting Spirit.
The Ashen PriceThe Ashen Price
When in the Nightsoul's Blessing State, Mavuika's Base ATK is increased by 200, and she obtains the following effects based on All-Fire Armaments' form:
· Ring of Searing Radiance: Nearby opponents' DEF is decreased by 20%.
· Flamestrider: Mavuika's Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, and her Sunfell Slice from the Elemental Burst Hour of Burning Skies deal 60%, 90%, and 120% of her ATK as increased DMG respectively.
The Burning SunThe Burning Sun
Increases the Level of Hour of Burning Skies by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
The Leader's ResolveThe Leader's Resolve
Enhances the effects of the Passive Talent "Kiongozi":
The DMG increase gained after using the Elemental Burst Hour of Burning Skies will not decay over time, and an additional 10% DMG Bonus will be gained.
You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Kiongozi."
The Meaning of TruthThe Meaning of Truth
Increases the Level of The Named Moment by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
"Humanity's Name" Unfettered
The All-Fire Armaments from the Elemental Skill The Named Moment receive all-round improvements:
· Ring of Searing Radiance: When the Ring's attacks hit opponents, a Flamestrider will crash into the struck opponent, dealing 200% of ATK as Nightsoul-aligned AoE Pyro DMG.
· Flamestrider: When Mavuika is riding the Flamestrider, she will also summon a Scorching Ring of Searing Radiance to follow her, which will decrease nearby opponents' DEF by 20% and deal 500% of ATK as Nightsoul-aligned AoE Pyro DMG to nearby opponents once every 3s. Mavuika's terrain-crossing abilities will also be further improved.

Additionally, when Mavuika is riding her Flamestrider and is not in combat, when her Nightsoul points drop to 5, she will gain 80 Nightsoul points. This effect can trigger once every 15s.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP
Party Switch under 30% HP
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle


Audio Language:
Chat: Adventures
Chat: Experience
Chat: Light
When It Snows
When the Sun Is Out
After the Rain
In the Desert
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
About Mavuika: Hair
About Mavuika: Message
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Fighting Side By Side
* Complete "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection"
About Us: Ancient Names
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share
Interesting Things
About Xilonen
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Citlali
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Chasca
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ororon
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Iansan: Being Targeted
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Iansan: Proving Yourself
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Mualani
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Kinich
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Kachina
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Varesa
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ifa
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About The Captain
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About The Seven
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yumemizuki Mizuki
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Mavuika: I
More about Mavuika: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More about Mavuika: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More about Mavuika: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More about Mavuika: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Mavuika's Hobbies
Mavuika's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Skill: IV
Elemental Skill: V
Elemental Skill: VI
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsWhen the name "Mavuika" is mentioned, the citizens of Natlan will not be stingy with their praise, for she has proven herself well-qualified and worthy of respect, be it as a leader or Archon.
She is the pinnacle of strength in Natlan, and she has the bearing to match. Even newly-arrived travelers need only hear her speak at the Stadium of the Sacred Flame to know that she merits being known as the sun.
She is exceedingly awe-inspiring, but is no unsmiling ruler whose ways may as well be set in stone. In informal situations, she is an enthusiastic and friendly big-sister figure, always ready to chat, and ever open to reasonable suggestions.
On the eve of the Pilgrimage of the Return of the Sacred Flame, the Weary Inn is often packed with passionate revelers, and Mavuika can often be found there, playing cards or singing songs with everyone, and even if some drunk person splashes their drink onto her, she doesn't mind at all.
After all, for someone who can ignite their hair to dry off said drink, such incidents are small beans. When such levity is hard to come by, why let something so minor spoil the mood?
But should the person intend to start a drinking contest, it is Mavuika's desire to win that will be kindled. As the "battle" has begun, there can be no room for retreat or surrender. The victor will be determined, one way or the other.
Since becoming Archon, her habits have remained utterly unchanged, and this has allowed her to make many friends across the tribes.
However, not everyone possesses the subtle sense of proper propriety for such a relationship. Indeed, she can be too down-to-earth, and with her lack of airs, some misjudge the situation and get the false impression that they can use their friendship with an Archon to their own benefit.
Strangely enough, though people of this sort are a dime a dozen, they have never caused any major trouble, for Mavuika has never responded to such ridiculous requests — a solemn, icy stare is all she needs to send the other party scampering away.
The sight of those ever-burning eyes casting such a frigid gaze wakes those confused fools up in an instant to the fact that Mavuika is still the leader of a nation, a supreme deity.
A Speaker's Chamber staff member once suggested that she should subject those who so harass her to at least token punishment, lest there be an endless stream of incidents to come, but she refused.
"Archonhood is status, authority, and a spiritual symbol. But it is not who 'I' am."
Character Story 1Theoretically, anyone in Natlan can become the Pyro Archon, so long as they prove that they are the mightiest warrior of their era during a Pilgrimage.
Therefore, the rulers of the nation have varied wildly in personality and style. Some worshipped power and strength, valuing results. To them, any price was acceptable so long as the ends could be achieved.
Mavuika is just the opposite. In the eyes of others, she is undoubtedly your typical "perfectionist" — not only must things be done well, but also beautifully.
To pursue quality and completeness is only human, but doing so often requires extra time. And whenever anyone tells her that such an approach isn't efficient enough, Mavuika has a set of arguments at the ready.
First, there are no standalone events in this world. Tracing events backward reveals causes, while moving forward reveals outcomes. Humans are incapable of analyzing the whole chain of events. All they can do is handle each one as best they can, and avoid leaving hidden pitfalls.
Second, all past events become valuable experiences. Successes serve as references, and failures as lessons. But if matters were dealt with carelessly, all they will leave are warnings to not repeat the same mistakes.
But apart from these two ideas, Mavuika also has a very important reason for her approach that she rarely ever mentions — and that is "fun."
She has a broad range of hobbies, and has unparalleled skill in the various sports and games popular across the tribes, but one sentence can sum up all of these interests — she loves getting better at things.
For example, when she first learned how to rock climb, she would commit every movement her coach made to memory and ask in detail about every last maneuver.
Her next step was to train — and train a lot, making her body remember the trick behind each movement, gradually executing them faster and faster. She even requested someone to record the entire process with a Kamera, all the better to later study any failures or areas where she wasn't fluid enough.
She would also talk with her coach and use various tools and equipment in order to solve problems she encountered, enumerating lists of solutions, and trying out each one in turn before choosing the best.
In this way, Mavuika honed her climbing skills to perfection most quickly indeed, and her questions grew ever harder for her coach to answer, eventually shifting their relationship from that of teacher and student to that of fellow lovers of climbing, delving into their craft together.
In other fields, there were even more exaggerated cases. In some cases, Mavuika would come to surpass "masters" with three to four decades of experience after just a single year of study.
The reason behind this was actually quite simple: Building up skills is easy, but maintaining progress is hard. Once memories have sunk into one's body, it becomes easy for one to grow self-satisfied and complacent, and thus cease to actively think.
As such, one thing Mavuika detests is repetition: If a deed done before must be done again, then it must be done differently in some way, whether by trying something new, or else through reflection and optimization.
But it is difficult for most to see all the effort that she puts into this, and thus, her swift progress is often put down to talent. To this, she can only wryly smile, for who in this world was born with such a surfeit of talent?
"If you want to improve, all you have to do is master the 'skill' of improvement and then just put in the work."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2Mavuika gives the impression of being a most avid outdoorswoman. When not at work or training, she can be seen in all sorts of places, throwing herself at various extreme challenges.
But what people often fail to realize is that she actually can also sit still for long periods of time, staying focused as she reads books and woven scrolls, as she possesses ample patience.
Her other great indoor hobby is solving puzzles, whether these involve logical reasoning or pattern recognition, and regardless if their contents are images, numbers, or even stories. All quickly suck her into a world of her own.
After enjoying time well-spent making deductions and decisions, she even scores these puzzles based on their quality, difficulty, and reasonability, so that her fellow puzzle hobbyists have a reliable standard to refer to.
Yet this hobby of hers came to pose a problem: Puzzle games are usually one-time sources of enjoyment and lack replayability, and Mavuika tends to solve them all too quickly, faster even than the ability of puzzle creators to develop new ones.
As such, while keeping an eye on any new puzzles that come to market, Mavuika also dusts off already-solved puzzles and adds various restrictions and limitations to increase the difficulty or complexity.
For example, while doing a puzzle, she might allow herself to select pieces normally, but flip the pieces when placing them, thus only being able to see if she has the puzzle right after placing every piece and flipping the whole thing back over.
Or perhaps, if the puzzle requires separating multiple connected pieces of metal, she will affix one piece to the table, thus restricting the number of directions in which she can conveniently pull the pieces apart, requiring her to consider alternatives — a restriction that can also be applied to knot puzzles.
Over time, she has compiled the various gameplay challenges she has come up with and puzzle ratings she has given, creating a most valuable curated catalog of puzzles.
At first, she published it at the Speaker's Chamber, hoping that she could help her fellow hobbyists, and also promote this relatively niche hobby while she was at it, but the quickest to seize upon the utility of the resource she created were, in fact, the sellers of puzzles.
They used the recommendation of the Pyro Archon herself to shamelessly peddle their puzzles, but this quickly led to numerous disputes — approval though it be, Mavuika's catalog only indicated her personal preference, while the full scope of human taste in puzzles is vast indeed.
Following that incident, Mavuika no longer publicly discloses her catalog, but if one truly considers oneself a puzzle enthusiast, one can still go to the Speaker's Chamber and request to view it.
...With the caveat that you must first prove yourself an expert by solving a random puzzle selected from Mavuika's collection by the Chamber staff, of course.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3Mavuika was born to a very ordinary family of the Scions of the Canopy. Her mother was bold and passionate but lacked caution, while her father was knowledgeable but taciturn, and the two would constantly clash from the moment they were married.
The birth of their child changed everything — Mavuika was like a small, pure, burning sun, constantly casting rays of warmth in all directions, the streaming light scattering and burning away the barriers and gloom that lay between them.
Young Mavuika was curious about everything and anything, and whenever her father would answer her questions, he always drew a worshipful gaze and warm, genuine smile from her, a process that gradually taught him the joys of communicating with others and sharing his thoughts.
While she gained knowledge from her father, Mavuika would pester her mother to bring her out on adventures every day, and on these, the brave young girl would always charge ahead, scaring her mother half to death. As this repeated time and again, her mother came to realize how her own reckless behavior must have seemed inappropriate in the eyes of others.
Mavuika matured faster than any other child her age, and very quickly, the knowledge she had gleaned from her father allowed her to point out her mother's rashness, and the experiences she had with her mother allowed her to identify her father's overly idealistic thinking.
Like a bridge, she stood between two people who could not at first communicate easily with one another, slowly dissolving the many contradictions and misunderstandings that had accumulated over time. When her father taught her martial arts, her mother would give pointers from the side, and when her mother took her to train Saurians, her father would also come along.
But the thing that really pushed Mavuika to take another step forward was the birth of another angel into the house — her sister, Hine.
Perhaps it was because Mavuika had already taken on responsibilities important to the family's relationships that she quickly got used to the role of an older sister, and step by step, she passed on all that she had learned from her parents to Hine.
Hine was by no means easy to handle. She was naughty at times, quiet at others, and rarely obedient, which often resulted in the other three household members seated at the table simultaneously facepalming with a sigh. But even these were moments filled with warmth.
Once, when Mavuika and her father were teaching her, Hine asked a question:
"If all the Pyro Archons are just humans, how can we be sure that every person who becomes one will be willing to protect us?"
"It's precisely because we are all ordinary people that we don't need such guarantees."
"Daddy, I don't get it! You're talking in riddles again."
"Ask your sister, then. I'm certain she's figured this one out already — a long while ago, in fact."
Mavuika simply smiled and hugged her sister, patting her on her head, and said nothing more on the matter.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4Five hundred years ago, when Mavuika's plan to save Natlan was revealed to the chiefs and elite warriors, there were stark divisions of opinion.
Some believed that the loss of a leader and warrior as important as Mavuika was unacceptable, for there could be no future to speak of if the present era could not be defended.
In the end, however, the vast majority were persuaded by Mavuika or by the various tribal chiefs, for hers was the only plan that provided any hope of victory, even though to those at the time, it seemed incredibly risky, and had slim odds of success anyway.
Guided by an unspoken understanding, the warriors visited her Speaker's Chamber as one, offering their most important belongings to be used as "fuel" in case of any future emergencies.
These brave people were proud of this necessary sacrifice and did not hesitate in the least, but Mavuika called out to each of them before they could leave, offered them a hot drink, and listened to them speak of the story behind those objects.
She was willing to, and indeed, had to carry these stories with her into the future, for memories can surpass time where human lifespans may fail. And though these objects might not endure into the future, so long as someone still sang their stories, they could welcome the victorious dawn alongside the people of the future.
Thus did they all, old friends of Mavuika and relative strangers both, speak freely in the Speaker's Chamber, at times boasting of heroic achievements, and at others shedding silent tears for the passing of close kin and friends.
Each item was well-kept and maintained, and their numbers have only increased over the last five hundred years, up until now.
However, only a very few would finish the last of their drink after telling their story, pause for a moment, and then ask Mavuika if she had similar stories she wanted to share.
And with a smile on her face, she would speak of her parents, of Hine, and of their two mischievous Yumkasaurs, the things she held most dear in the time she was about to lose.
"All of this stuff is pretty important, isn't it..."
"No. All of it ceased to be important the moment we decided on this plan — even me."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5Mavuika always imagined her plan to fight against the Abyss as a lengthy journey, and herself as an adventurer carrying a full pack and marching toward her predetermined goal. Memory and love were the supplies she brought, and they would help see her through confusion and solitude.
Within a world created through meditation, she would manifest this path. A high tower would appear in the distance, the Sacred Flame burning at its summit, lighting her way and showing her the path.
None knew how to get there, nor how far the journey would take her, but as her luggage grew ever lighter, the road stretched ever farther on with each step she took.
Farewell, Atea said to her, and Tenoch, and her mother and sister.
Farewell, Sundjatta told her, and Burkina and Wanjiru also.
The existence of the path to victory was not something to be taken for granted. Rather, it was forged by countless heroes, past and present. Rather than a "savior," then, Mavuika preferred to be known as an "agent."
But this alone was not enough. Her journey was no penance that required only willpower, but rather, decisiveness and wisdom also.
She could never have foreseen such marked variables as the Traveler or The Captain five hundred years prior, but upon learning of them, she only needed a moment's consideration before deciding to incorporate them into the plan.
In addition to any other considerations she might have had based on the realities of the situation, another factor played into her judgment — that both the Traveler and The Captain exhibited traits that mirrored her own.
Were it not for their respective positions, she would have liked nothing more than for the three of them to sit and speak of their travels over grilled meat and drinks. After all, those who travel along the same road, never having a fixed residence, can best resonate with and understand one another.
But she also had a deep understanding of the obstacles therein — having traveled so far, it was only natural to not wish to show the fatigue or weakness in one's heart, and even she was no exception.
She could easily tell stories about her comrades or family with a smile, but rarely could she speak of the sadness sown in the river of time by those happy moments, nor could she take out her long-emptied haversack, point at it, and speak of how it reflected the current state of her heart.
She could not, she would not, and she did not need to.
So, in the end, she kept a suitable distance, just as she always has. Everyone needed the ringing cheers and flowing wine of victory feasts, just as they needed the solitary quiet once the revelry faded.
In this era, perhaps only one person would ever inappropriately knock on her door in those peaceful moments, and that was Citlali.
Perhaps it was her fondness for drink? Or maybe they just made suitable drinking buddies.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
FlamestriderIn emergencies, speed is the difference between life and death. Being well aware of this, Mavuika had long had the idea of constructing a multifunctional powerhouse of a vehicle.
It needed to be both fast and sturdy, such that it would not be damaged while moving at high-speeds, no matter the circumstances.
It needed to be able to traverse a wide variety of terrain, from cliffs to the water's surface, or even the skies. After all, in critical situations, the quickest path is always a straight line.
It also needed sufficient explosive power, such that it could serve as a weapon when necessary. After all, in the event of an Abyssal attack, time spent tangling with monsters was time wasted.
Then, it had to be sufficiently compatible with Pyro, such that she could summon it with a mere flick of her wrist.
"These are my requirements. Well within your capabilities, right, Xilonen?"
Even by themselves, each of her criteria was difficult to fulfill. Put together, the task was truly outrageous. Even an artisan skilled as Xilonen thought Mavuika off her rocker, and understandably so.
But Mavuika had come with much more than just a request. She brought also ideas with which to solve the problems involved — long had she been scouring Natlan for all manner of strangely-shaped Source Mechanisms as yet uncorrupted by the Abyss, along with various design blueprints of unknown provenance.
In the distant past, the ancient dragons too had tried to fight against the Abyss. Their methods were exceptionally brutal, and as a result, they had built many a mighty device that relied on raw power to achieve victory. As for the blueprints, those Mavuika had copied by hand and brought with her.
If the secrets behind the schematics could be unlocked, and the pre-existing devices reverse-engineered, and the useful parts disassembled before being recombined...
Having considered things up to this point, Xilonen looked up at Mavuika's smiling face, and knew she no longer had any reason to refuse, nor did she want to — what artisan would willingly miss out on making such a creation?
Thus the two of them joined forces to delve into the secrets behind the Source Mechanisms. In the process, they discovered that their original assumptions were too simplistic. It was impossible to get all the key components they needed from existing material.
The solution, then, was to use modern smithing techniques to create said parts independently and combine the two elements — a process that involved lots of overheating and explosions en route to solving the Pyro compatibility issue that Source Mechanisms had.
After a long period of development, the prototype Flamestrider was at last complete. No one had ever seen such a beastly creation with such powerful capabilities before, and people lined up to see and applaud it.
Thus did the leader who protects Natlan gain yet another guaranteed source of strength.
Also worth mentioning is the fact that Xilonen declined to take part in the vehicle testing phase that followed, claiming that she had "forgotten to make a second helmet." After all, sitting on the back of that thing while Mavuika is driving is a great way to end up feeling queasy.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionWhen Mavuika was still very young, she had yet to develop a complete concept of life and death. It was at this time that her father achieved victory in the Pilgrimage, and was soon to embark on a glorious journey.
In the culture and traditions of Natlan, to obtain this privilege is to become a hero, and Mavuika was immensely proud of her father for having done so. Thus, when her father came to say his farewells, she couldn't really understand the disquiet on her mother's face.
It was very uncommon for a team fighting in the Night Warden Wars to be completely wiped out, and even should some fall, their lives' flames would be rekindled by the Ode of Resurrection so long as the unit dispatched achieved victory.
At last, news of victory came to the Stadium. It had been three days and nights of vicious battle, and had cost three out of seven warriors, Mavuika's father being among them.
Though she was somewhat worried, Mavuika knew the Rite of Rekindling to be akin to a victory feast. Her father would return to them from the Sacred Flame, just as she remembered, and their family would be reunited.
But, contrary to her expectations, her father was covered in wounds from head to toe, so much so that he could not even stand on his own two feet.
The Ode of Resurrection could rekindle life, but only the fatal wound could be reversed. The wounds that had slowly accumulated as the battle raged on or pre-existing ailments would not be cured. And it was precisely the length of the battle that had brought her father low.
This was the first time Mavuika had seen her father in such a weak state, and the first time she felt the gaze of "death" fixed on her. It was still a thing to be respected and feared, even with the Ode at hand.
Having rarely cried in her life, Mavuika held her tears back this time, too. She simply lowered her head in silence, gripping her father's hand as he lay in his sickbed, her heart filled, in truth, more with regret than sadness.
Perceiving her thoughts, her father told her that this was the truth of "war," that all fear death, but that some would always step forth to fight, because they had something they wished to protect.
But the world of children is not yet governed by so many expectations, and she did not understand why her father, and indeed, all the grown-ups, were willing to shoulder the duty of war.
"Since we're forced to fight this war, then I wish to put an end to it."
Mavuika's eyes flashed like flames as she spoke, and her parents looked at one another, some certainty dawning. They did not rush to deny that notion on account of their daughter's "naivete." Instead, they nodded.
Her parents' acknowledgment steeled her initial resolve, and thus did the gaze of the gods come to rest upon her. And though she would later learn many secrets and know more about the crisis that Natlan faced, she would never doubt the trust she once saw in their eyes.
She believed that this was something that only she could do — not only because she was "Kiongozi" Mavuika, but also because she was her parents' daughter, their pride and joy. She was a daughter of the Scions of the Canopy — a daughter of Natlan.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

707 responses to “Mavuika”

  1. they glazed her so hard just for her banner to flopped like some random. embarrassing

  2. snezhnaya ult transform her into a massive fighter jet. then she shoots icicles and ice rockets at enemy. way cooler than Mavuika 😎

  3. Nathlan is a shit show. Some choco bois stealing the gnosis and running away to give it the their white masters in Snezhnaya would have made it so much better

  4. thought about returning but can’t believe they made an archon gameplay this cringe looking. lost leftover motivation to install again

      • you go back to tyvat, find the f4cking unseen razor for the 1000007th time cause whatever else do you have in life to do?!

    • Buddy stay away from this game and their mentally ill community. Better things are out there.

      Unless you like watching grown ass men argue about which cartoon they jerk off to is better.

      Be my guest.

    • Her combat animations are cringeworthy for sure, as someone who owns 3 sport bikes, I can say her exploration animations are acceptable to good at most.

      Just can’t say the same with the combat animations, she would’ve looked 100x better if she was actually wielding her claymore instead. Seriously, the second hand embarrassment feels too strong when I see her in combat.

        • Trying to say that I can speak for the biker community, those combat animations, especially slamming a bike is absurd and gives all the ick. Even solely for an anime sense, I still think those combat animations are absurd.

          I think majority of people who type on this website simply haven’t matured yet, hence why too many think that her combat animations are okay or good. I’m guessing this is one of those things you’ll only realize or change opinions to when you grow up.

          • You did not just call out people for not sharing your opinion on a highly subjective topic like it’s some political or religious discussion. You in a bike sect or smth? You worship bikes?

    • it’s a matter of preference. her high sell rates says majority of the people don’t think her gameplay cringe.


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