Mystic’s Gold Dial

Mystic's Gold Dial
Mystic's Gold DialNameMystic's Gold Dial
FamilyArtifact Piece, Sands of Eon
Part of the Set
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City
Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City
Conversion Exp2520
Max Level17
Artifact AffixScroll of the Hero of Cinder City
2-PieceWhen a nearby party member triggers a Nightsoul Burst, the equipping character regenerates 6 Elemental Energy.
4-PieceAfter the equipping character triggers a reaction related to their Elemental Type, all nearby party members gain a 12% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 15s. If the equipping character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state when triggering this effect, all nearby party members gain an additional 28% Elemental DMG Bonus for the Elemental Types involved in the elemental reaction for 20s. The equipping character can trigger this effect while off-field, and the DMG bonus from Artifact Sets with the same name do not stack.
DescriptionA golden disc shaped like a sun. The draconic patterns on it seem to symbolize the cycle of life and death.

Table of Content
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Item Story

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Main Stats

Demon-Warrior's Feather Mask
Mountain Ranger's Marker
Beast Tamer's Talisman
Mystic's Gold Dial
Wandering Scholar's Claw Cup
Health %
Attack %
Defense %
Energy Recharge %
Elemental Mastery
Attack Flat
Critical Rate %
Critical Damage %
Additional Healing %
Health Flat
Pyro Damage %
Electro Damage %
Cryo Damage %
Hydro Damage %
Anemo Damage %
Geo Damage %
Dendro Damage %
Physical Damage %


Health %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Attack %6.3%8.1%9.9%11.6%13.4%15.2%17.0%18.8%20.6%22.3%24.1%25.9%27.7%29.5%31.3%33.0%34.8%
Defense %7.9%10.1%12.3%14.6%16.8%19.0%21.2%23.5%25.7%27.9%30.2%32.4%34.6%36.8%39.1%41.3%43.5%
Energy Recharge %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%
Elemental Mastery25.232.339.446.653.760.86875.182.289.496.5103.6110.8117.9125132.2139.3


Health %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Attack %7.0%9.0%11.0%12.9%14.9%16.9%18.9%20.9%22.8%24.8%26.8%28.8%30.8%32.8%34.7%36.7%38.7%40.7%42.7%44.6%46.6%
Defense %8.7%11.2%13.7%16.2%18.6%21.1%23.6%26.1%28.6%31.0%33.5%36.0%38.5%40.9%43.4%45.9%48.4%50.8%53.3%55.8%58.3%
Energy Recharge %7.8%10.0%12.2%14.4%16.6%18.8%21.0%23.2%25.4%27.6%29.8%32.0%34.2%36.4%38.6%40.8%43.0%45.2%47.4%49.6%51.8%
Elemental Mastery2835.943.851.859.767.675.583.591.499.3107.2115.2123.1131138.9146.9154.8162.7170.6178.6186.5

Extra Stats


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat167.3191.2215.1239
Health %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Attack Flat10.8912.451415.56
Attack %3.26%3.73%4.2%4.66%
Defense Flat12.9614.8216.6718.52
Defense %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Energy Recharge %3.63%4.14%4.66%5.18%
Elemental Mastery13.0614.9216.7918.65
Critical Rate %2.18%2.49%2.8%3.11%
Critical Damage %4.35%4.97%5.6%6.22%


Tier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4
Health Flat209.13239268.88298.75
Health %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Attack Flat13.6215.5617.5119.45
Attack %4.08%4.66%5.25%5.83%
Defense Flat16.218.5220.8323.15
Defense %5.1%5.83%6.56%7.29%
Energy Recharge %4.53%5.18%5.83%6.48%
Elemental Mastery16.3218.6520.9823.31
Critical Rate %2.72%3.11%3.5%3.89%
Critical Damage %5.44%6.22%6.99%7.77%

Item Story

Ordinarily speaking, mystics born in the canyon of night smoke would have to train for decades to grasp the techniques needed to communicate with the Wayob.
But in this most chaotic of times, even the freshest-faced disciple had to take to the battlefield, guiding the heroic spirits of the fallen home.
This lovely golden disc, lost within the ancient city, once belonged to an equally beautiful little mystic, and the needle upon it always points home.

When the black tide darkened the sun and enveloped the land, the Night Kingdom was also occupied by the vicious hounds of the beast-rifts, and their dark blood was smeared everywhere.
The voices of the ancient Wayob were drowned amidst the sonorous sea of metal and stone clashing and the wailing of tormented life, nigh forgotten by all.
But the tribal shamans knew that for warriors devoured by the dark shadows, even death was a luxury,
And even should their valiant spirits escape the clutches of evil, they would often lose their way in the night realms, finally becoming unable to return home.
To maintain the staying power of the tribes in battle and to reclaim their lost kin, one group of mystics after the next departed the canyon,
And they could be seen fighting everywhere, whether it was a corpse-strewn battlefield, or amidst ruins filled with devastation.

For the young mystic named Liriwu, this was her first time embarking on such a long and arduous journey.
The team of adventurers whose goal was to reach the city above the clouds were battle-hardened veterans one and all, save for her.
Although she had been most earnest in her desire to join, the creatures lurking in the city still far exceeded her imagination.
Her companions had long anticipated this, and so they left her behind in a safe tower before departing quietly,
When the girl who had fled in the face of danger finally made it to their encampment, all that awaited were shattered corpses, the remains of the dragon's hearty meal.

As a mystic, not only had she failed to rescue her allies, but she could not bring their souls back, either.
But if nothing else, she had to bring tales of their end back to their families who yet awaited their return.
"I remember now... our leader said that he had a child, so... Come on, Liriwu, pull yourself together..."
Carrying new hope in her heart, she set out on another path — upon a homeward road for all.

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