Phantom in Boots

Phantom in Boots
Phantom in BootsNamePhantom in Boots
Type (Ingame)Character Talent Material
Item Source (Ingame)Purchased from the Shop
DescriptionKirara's outfit. The swashbuckling feline of fairytale fame, the crafty courier of dearly-held dreams... is pleased to make your acquaintance!

Table of Content
Item Story
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Item Story

Simulanka's rules dictate that the essence of all life in it must conform to the image created by the Goddess of Fate.
In other words, Kirara's intrepid manner corresponds to a certain character in the fairy tale that the goddess penned.
However, despite her — and your — travels all across Simulanka, you never heard the tale of any such itinerant hero.
Confused, you asked the detective, for you knew that he had heard the goddess's voice, and was the keeper of a great many secrets.

And so, from his lips you drew this tale—
Amongst the multitude of creatures, the cat was favored of the goddess, such that she even tried to create a realm just for them within Simulanka.
As in her great plan, this new realm would be filled with feline residents of all sizes and fur colors.
Here, happiness would be distributed according to principles of balance, and every resident's happy smile would be perfectly calibrated.
The cats would never feel sad, and the worst their mood could be was similar to "as if a furball was tickling their throat."
However, they would never be able to cough it out no matter how hard they tried, for that would be a negative emotion that they could never make manifest.
With eternal, unchanging joy, and sorrow unable to be birthed, the scales of the heart were not balanced — nor was this setting.
Yet the goddess's attention was divided amongst her other manuscripts, and so this story was put on hold even as it waited to unfold.
"Stories, at their heart, yearn to make sense," or so the goddess is rumored to have said to herself after the fact.
When internal contradictions are not resolved, the pattern of the plot's progression can become perverted, seeking to resolve these absurdities itself.
Thus did an itinerant feline heroine appear in the corner of the draft manuscript and, while the goddess was distracted, escape between the margins.
She stole wrath, tears, and sorrowful sighs from other pages in the manuscript, and she distributed them in every street throughout the country of cats.
The residents' smiling iron masks began to melt, and they began to diverge from the predetermined paths fate had written for them.
"A cat's true nature is to be willful and free," the crafty heroine declared.
The goddess was not displeased at this interdiction by one of her creations. If anything, the heroine's defiance caused her to make a decision.
She would leave this imperfect idea, now put to paper, be. The realm of cats should indeed be a freer place.

No wonder, then, that you could find no trace of this gallant cat, for that rebellious figure never slipped out from the paper folds, but could only exist in the world's blueprint memory.
As you were deep in thought, you caught a glimpse of Kirara's bright eyes. She seemed truly taken with this tale.
"Heh, guess I know why I'm dressed like that itinerant heroine now!"
"Isn't that just because you happen to be a cat?" So you thought, but you did not voice it.
"The heroine brought everyone's missing desires back to them — don't you think that's a lot like what a courier does?"
"Delivering everything your customers need to them, and making sure they're satisfied..."
"At their core, both jobs are pretty much the same!"
Kirara's tail stood up proudly as she said these words.
Her passion for delivering goods moved even you, and so you accepted the proposed equivalence, even though it remained unclear if Simulanka's rules would uphold such a statement.
"That's right. Delivery is an amazing vocation!"

Obtained From


Character Outfits
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IconNameRarityWeaponElementAscension Materials
Nagadus Emerald Chunk
Evergloom Ring
Spectral Heart
Amakumo Fruit
Philosophies of Transience
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