Breeze of Sabaa

Breeze of Sabaa
Breeze of SabaaNameBreeze of Sabaa
Type (Ingame)Character Talent Material
Item Source (Ingame)Purchased from the Shop
DescriptionAn elegant outfit for Nilou, this featherweight dress is seemingly woven of countless flowers, and with it drifts a light fragrance like the east wind at dawn, carrying beauteous blessings from a fairytale land.

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Item Story
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Item Story

Legend has it that the magnificence of Simulanka was spun with "words," and that mystical magical powers might be possessed by any.
Yet the fate proclaimed by the goddess was thus: A day would come when the Fairy of the Forest of Blessings would descend, bearing the great burden of saving the paper residents.
When Nilou was traversing the wondrous dreamscape of this fairytale world she had come to visit, she saw that the origami inhabitants were beset by a crisis, and in great turmoil.
A mysterious illness had spread among them, causing them to gradually lose their memories and sense of self, and their vibrant forest home was on the verge of turning into a lifeless grey wasteland.
The moment Nilou appeared, radiant with light, she became a symbol of hope and the focus of many eager eyes.
It was beyond her power to give them what they wanted right away, yet fortunately, she did not shrink from this heavy burden.
Just as in the beginning of countless stories, a perfectly ordinary protagonist must meet new friends in an unfamiliar land, gradually adapting themselves to the unique situation they find themselves in.
And in the same way that she prepared for the dance at the Sabzeruz Festival, she began knowing nothing; but after a painstaking process of trial-and-error and meticulous memorization, she would learn the steps by heart.
Nilou trusted that even if she could not yet wield the fairy's magic, she could still bring blessings and hope to the people.
Whether illuminated by the bright stage lights of the Grand Bazaar or the endlessly bedazzling colors of the Forest of Blessings, she possessed a unique magic of her own.
Humming away, she taught the origami residents a gentle, twisting melody. As the music floated through the air, strange feelings awakened joyful memories buried at the bottom of their hearts.
Then she began to dance, as lightly as a Crystalfly flutters, dispelling their unease and dispersing the rampant panic like a floral fragrance drifting in on the east wind at dawn.
Having regained their peace of mind, all were able to pass the day without wallowing in fear.
This was the first time that they had slept peacefully since the crisis descended upon the forest.
After returning to her little hut, Nilou sat there and began to quietly flip through the pages of her book, trying to learn more about Simulanka.
According to the records, the Forest Fairy's arrival was the crucial sign, heralding that the Hero of Prophecy was finally coming to rally their companions.
But Nilou did not take this to mean salvation was a given, nor did she sit still and do nothing. Instead, she kept searching for more specific knowledge to find a way to turn the prophecy into reality.
Her aim was to bestow a magical blessing upon the origami inhabitants by staging a grand yet heartfelt dance, and in doing so, resolve the crisis once and for all.
And just as she wished, the rest of the story played out in the mildest manner imaginable.
All their waiting had not been in vain, their perseverance rewarded finally with a happy resolution.
Long after leaving the dreamlike realm of Simulanka, the emotion of that time still resides within this dress; even now, as Nilou dances, the joyful fragrance of ink lingers upon every breath that she takes.
Yet Nilou never wondered why she was chosen as the Forest Fairy—
Perhaps her so-called blessing was this — in a future as deep and distant as the night sky where good and evil coexist, she lit up a star to show people how to find their way through the most beautiful of thoughts.
If this blessing had been conceived by someone who approached every moment in life with gentle-heartedness, this star would have shined with a limited brilliance, a light that would often have failed to penetrate the complex nature of reality.
Only one who was as pure as the morning dew, listening to the unsullied kindness of their inner voice, could have offered up such a sincere, effective blessing that would be accepted by the world.

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Character Outfits
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