| Name | Embrace of Winds |
loc_gcg_name_hash | Venti: Embrace of Winds |
loc_gcg_card_name_hash | Embrace of Winds |
Family | , , |
Rarity |    |
loc_gcg_golden_variant | Embrace of Winds |
loc_gcg_source | Reward for inviting Venti to a duel at The Cat's Tail and achieving all corresponding challenge objectives |
Description | A card for the tabletop game, Genius Invokation TCG. It is built tough, and some special printing method has been used for the illustration on the card's face, resulting in a truly exquisite appearance. |
loc_gcg_desc_hash | "Watch your step." |
loc_gcg_card_desc_hash | Combat Action: When your active character is Venti, equip this card. After Venti equips this card, immediately use Skyward Sonnet once. After a Stormzone created by your Venti, who has this card equipped, is triggered, the next Normal Attack performed by your character in this Round will cost 1 less Unaligned Element. (You must have Venti in your deck to add this card to your deck.)
Stormzone | When you perform "Switch Character": Spend 1 less Elemental Die. Usage(s): 2 |
Unaligned Element | You may use Elemental Dice of any element to pay this type of cost. |
Combat Action | After you finish 1 Combat Action, it will be your opponent's turn. Playing a card from your Hand with this rule is also a Combat Action rather than a Fast Action. |
Usage(s) | After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed. This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining. |
Her name could even be Escoffie, after Auguste Escoffier, a legendary French chef who modernized an...