
loc_gcg_name_hash"Windborne Bard" Venti
Family, ,
loc_gcg_sourceReward for inviting Venti to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with him
DescriptionA card for the tabletop game, Genius Invokation TCG. It is built tough, and some special printing method has been used for the illustration on the card's face, resulting in a truly exquisite appearance.
loc_gcg_desc_hash"As the four seasons in turn shall say their piece, so the four winds too shall never cease.
"Of course, to look at it differently, I am the one who should be credited here, and not they."
Credits should be given where credits belong — if not for the bard who pens the song, then who shall ensure that these tales are passed on!?"


1 2 Divine Marksmanship
Deals 2 Physical DMG.
3 Skyward Sonnet
Deals 2 Anemo DMG, creates 1 Stormzone.
3 2 Wind's Grand Ode
Deals 2 Anemo DMG, summons 1 Stormeye.

End Phase: Deal 2 Anemo DMG. Your opponent switches to: Character Closest to Your Current Active Character.
Usage(s): 2

After your character or Summon triggers a Swirl reaction: Convert the Elemental Type of this card and change its DMG dealt to the element Swirled. (Can only be converted once before leaving the field)

When you perform "Switch Character": Spend 1 less Elemental Die.
Usage(s): 2

Physical DMG
Physical DMG will not apply any Elements, nor can it engage in Elemental Reactions.

Anemo DMG
Reacts with Elements if they are already applied:
Cryo Swirl: Deals 1 Cryo DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Hydro Swirl: Deals 1 Hydro DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Pyro Swirl: Deals 1 Pyro DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Electro Swirl: Deals 1 Electro DMG to all opposing characters except the target

Character Closest to Your Current Active Character
The opposing "character closest to your current active character" is the opposing character whose position is closest to that of your active character.
If multiple such characters exist, the one with the foremost position will be viewed as being "closest."

After this card's effect is triggered, 1 Usage of it will be consumed.
This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 Usages remaining.

Anemo DMG
Reacts with Elements if they are already applied:
Cryo Swirl: Deals 1 Cryo DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Hydro Swirl: Deals 1 Hydro DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Pyro Swirl: Deals 1 Pyro DMG to all opposing characters except the target
Electro Swirl: Deals 1 Electro DMG to all opposing characters except the target

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