Name | Faruzan | |
loc_gcg_name_hash | "Enigmatic Machinist" Faruzan | |
loc_gcg_card_name_hash | Faruzan | |
Family | , , | |
Rarity | ||
loc_gcg_stat_hp | 10 | |
loc_gcg_golden_variant | Faruzan | |
loc_gcg_source | Reward for inviting Faruzan to a duel at The Cat's Tail and claiming victory in a Friendly Fracas with her | |
Description | A card for the tabletop game, Genius Invokation TCG. It is built tough, and some special printing method has been used for the illustration on the card's face, resulting in a truly exquisite appearance. | |
loc_gcg_desc_hash | Simple machines, mysterious world. |
1 2 Parthian Shot |
Deals 2 |
3 Wind Realm of Nasamjnin |
Deals 3 |
3 2 The Wind's Secret Ways |
Deals 1 |
Dazzling Polyhedron |
Manifest Gale |
Physical DMG will not apply any Elements, nor can it engage in Elemental Reactions. |
Reacts with Elements if they are already applied: |
You may use Elemental Dice of any element to pay this type of cost. |
Before your Action Phase, should the total number of your Elemental Dice be even, your Normal Attack will be considered a Charged Attack. |
(Only 1 such effect can be on the same side of the playing field) |
After this card's effect is triggered, 1 This card will be discarded immediately once it has 0 |
Physical DMG will not apply any Elements, nor can it engage in Elemental Reactions. |
Reacts with Elements if they are already applied: |
Will this weapon's passive work on her elemental skill as a sub-DPS?