Silvershower Heartstrings

Silvershower Heartstrings
Silvershower HeartstringsNameSilvershower Heartstrings
FamilyWeapon, Bow
Conversion Exp300000
Base Attack44.34
Substat TypeHealth %
Base Substat14.4%
Weapon AffixDryas's Nocturne
Affix DescriptionThe equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 12%/24%/40%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 28%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks.
DescriptionLegendary bow of the fairies. Whether on the stage or the battlefield, it can easily touch the hearts of the listener.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop
Feathery Fin
Transoceanic Pearl
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop
Lunar Fin
Transoceanic Chunk
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop
Chasmlight Fin
Xenochromatic Crystal
Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus HP%MaterialsTotal Materials
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin5
Transoceanic Pearl3
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin5
Transoceanic Pearl3
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin18
Transoceanic Pearl12
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin23
Transoceanic Pearl15
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop9
Lunar Fin9
Transoceanic Chunk9
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin23
Transoceanic Pearl15
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop14
Lunar Fin9
Transoceanic Chunk9
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Lunar Fin18
Transoceanic Chunk14
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin23
Transoceanic Pearl15
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop14
Lunar Fin27
Transoceanic Chunk23
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop9
Chasmlight Fin14
Xenochromatic Crystal9
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin23
Transoceanic Pearl15
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop14
Lunar Fin27
Transoceanic Chunk23
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop14
Chasmlight Fin14
Xenochromatic Crystal9
Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop6
Chasmlight Fin27
Xenochromatic Crystal18
Dross of Pure Sacred Dewdrop5
Feathery Fin23
Transoceanic Pearl15
Sublimation of Pure Sacred Dewdrop14
Lunar Fin27
Transoceanic Chunk23
Spring of Pure Sacred Dewdrop14
Chasmlight Fin41
Xenochromatic Crystal27
Essence of Pure Sacred Dewdrop6

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1The equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 12%/24%/40%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 28%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks.
2The equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 15%/30%/50%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 35%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks.
Silvershower Heartstrings
3The equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 18%/36%/60%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 42%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks.
Silvershower Heartstrings
4The equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 21%/42%/70%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 49%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks.
Silvershower Heartstrings
5The equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 24%/48%/80%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 56%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks.
Silvershower Heartstrings

Item Story

Fontaine playwrights often use strings as analogies for hearts — and indeed, this is the oft-used phrase, "heartstrings."
And just like harpstrings, a person's heart will shift in shade and color according to fate's melody.
The term "heartstring" is found in one of the oldest Fontainian plays, "Dryas,"
Although the "string" being referenced there was at first not that of a harp, but of a bow.

The main character was named Aurelius, the ur-form of the identically-named character from Coppelius's famous "The Saga of Aurelius."
According to the script, he was honored as a hero as glorious as gold, who conquered countless traitorous nations and cities for Fontaine.
However, there is no such corresponding figure in recorded history, and as such, he is often regarded as a fictitious invention, much like the figure of Ajax.

Legend has it that while out on a campaign, he fell into a trap laid by his foe, and was lost along with his army amidst the pine forest.
Just as an assassin's blade was about to take his life, silver arrows pierced the air like falling rain.
And as he looked in the direction of the bowstring's quivering pulse, he saw that "the gods had made such loveliness, yet destroyed the mold for pity of mortals."
The young maiden, Dryastis, took his hand, a hand that should never have again felt such delicate touch, and brought him beyond the bloodstained pines.

"I simply desire that no more die here in vain. Too much grief has flowed through the waters already."
"I ask but one thing of you, noble warrior — take this conflict away from this land."
"Taint these pure waters with 'death' no longer. Let us preserve our final home."

Conquering youths often believe their bodies and hearts as tough as the marble that adorns city walls.
But just as all kingdoms must fall into silence, the agitated strings added dissonant notes to the hero's poetic saga...

Millennia of shifting legends and theatrical edits have given this tale all manner of extended developments.
In some versions, the hero, who once subdued cities and nations unnumbered, heeds the words of the fairy maiden.
He accepts the proffered bow from her hands and sounds the withdrawal, only to be slain en route by conniving traitors, his body consigned to the ocean depths.
In other tales, the illustrious Aurelius falls into agonizing, maddening love, he leads his army into the pine forest,
Seeking her out, yearning to see her once more and make her his lover, that she might stay by his side.
The young maiden flees to the riverbank, weeping as she appeals to her pure-water mother to save her from the obsessions of the hero.
The ruler of the Many Waters took pity on her fate, turning her into a pine tree.
Then, the bowstring that once shot love into Aurelius snapped like the heart the arrow had struck, and it fell by the maiden's side in silence, sinking into the countless blooming Pluie Lotuses.
The pained young hero stared at the flowers in the water and would not leave, eventually falling into a deep pool...

Natural philosophers who came after would claim that according to their research, a barbarian tribe named Dryas had once settled here,
Which led to the pine forest being named as such. Such unromantic explanations have never had much to do with theater.
Whether he met his end sinking into the deep sea, to have his will and desire sanded down by the passage of time,
Or if he resurfaced after many years, only to be slain by the new White Armada or the Marechaussee Hunters,
The tale of the youthful hero ended, and Dryastis too was rendered naught but a legend born from chaotic times.

And as to how this bow, that had so disturbed Aurelius's destiny, came to pass into the hands of someone who dwelled deep beneath the waters after changing hands many times,
Then be adorned and modified into a theatrical prop for children's performances in that person's homeland... That is a different tale altogether.

19 responses to “Silvershower Heartstrings”

    • sorry man, but it’s just a 2-5% improvement over r5 Stringless (a good comparison since most people have it and neither weapon has ER), assuming you’re getting only 1 stack. Maybe she could get 2 if it counts a teammate’s bond of life and you’re using her with Arlecchino, but the stat will already be so saturated that it probably won’t help much. For comparison, Aqua Simulacra gives my Yelan a massive 25% dmg increase over my r5 Stringless (most likely on the higher end of a dmg increase but still).

    • i was thinking like you but the problem with yelan is that you can only get 1 stack =( i am gona pull anw cause i either need this or furina’s weapon

    • This actually does look juicy on Yelan. 2nd bis in term of personal damage only behind Aqua but the gap between them is huge.
      This better than stringless and others crit statstick 5* bows EVEN with 1 stack.
      Worse than fav or elegy is a bad arguement since aqua also worse than them at c0.
      Sigewinne got overhated for no reason.

  1. At least Diona can get 2/3 stacks so it’s not a pain if I lose the Furina weapon (copium overdosed)

  2. The first bow that is completely useless on Childe (actually if you count HP% as an improvement to survivability then……)

  3. I’m getting this bow instead of Furina’s sword. Why’d they pair Furina rerun with Sigewinne. It’s so Furinover

  4. if a whale c6r5 her, he literally gets 56% rate from bow + 20% from c6. Added to the standard 5%, he has more than 80% rate, which can be enough to totally avoid it in the build.
    If paired with double cryo or marechausee set, it caps.
    lmao that’s ridiculous
    just crit dmg, hp, and ER

    • She will get 81% crit rate in this case. And don’t forget she will get 110% crit dmg from C6.
      In total, we may reach something like 100% crit rate and 400% crit dmg if we stack only HP%,ER, and Crit dmg, which is insaneeee with C6R5

  5. Good lord 106% HP and 28% CR at R1, this thing is massive for Sigewinne. Hoping Sac bow will at least be a decent alternative to this for some comps, unless HYV decide to reduce her CD significantly from what I’ve seen before (18s according to previous leaks).

  6. 106.15% hp + 28% Elemental Burst CRIT Rate vs 46.9% HP from f2p option Recurve Bow
    This is a huge gap so another p2w char like Nilou.

    • yeah, you def need her to “win”
      idk what but i yeah, try to win soemthing with her syringe in your ass

    • pal, you just picked the most f2p character of the game equipment-wise, all limited 5* could be considered p2w otherwise

      don’t need to lvl up talents
      2-2 artifact set (easier to farm)
      just need hp% in 3 out of 5 artifacts main stats
      doesn’t need ER, ATK or any CRIT
      the only substat that matters is hp and hp% in the plume and flower
      the weapon is the only flaw, but just with the artifacts (easy to farm) u would have 60k hp, more than enough to be an absolute monster
      if you don’t have any Hp% weapon, you wouldn’t even need to lvl up the weapon she is using

      harder to think anything more equipment-f2p than her….


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