Crane’s Echoing Call

Crane's Echoing Call
Crane's Echoing CallNameCrane's Echoing Call
FamilyWeapon, Catalyst
Conversion Exp300000
Base Attack49.14
Substat TypeAttack %
Base Substat3.6%
Weapon AffixCloudfall Axiom
Affix DescriptionAfter the equipping character hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack, all nearby party members' Plunging Attacks will deal 28% increased DMG for 20s. When nearby party members hit opponents with Plunging Attacks, they will restore 2.5 Energy to the equipping character. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7s. This energy regain effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
DescriptionA fan carved from pure jade, around which swirls an ancient aura of adeptal energy.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir
Feathery Fin
Divining Scroll
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir
Lunar Fin
Sealed Scroll
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir
Chasmlight Fin
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus Atk%MaterialsTotal Materials
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin5
Divining Scroll3
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin5
Divining Scroll3
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir5
Feathery Fin18
Divining Scroll12
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin23
Divining Scroll15
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir5
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir9
Lunar Fin9
Sealed Scroll9
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin23
Divining Scroll15
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir14
Lunar Fin9
Sealed Scroll9
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir5
Lunar Fin18
Sealed Scroll14
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin23
Divining Scroll15
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir14
Lunar Fin27
Sealed Scroll23
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir5
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir9
Chasmlight Fin14
Forbidden Curse Scroll9
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin23
Divining Scroll15
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir14
Lunar Fin27
Sealed Scroll23
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir14
Chasmlight Fin14
Forbidden Curse Scroll9
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir6
Chasmlight Fin27
Forbidden Curse Scroll18
Mist Veiled Lead Elixir5
Feathery Fin23
Divining Scroll15
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir14
Lunar Fin27
Sealed Scroll23
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir14
Chasmlight Fin41
Forbidden Curse Scroll27
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir6

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1After the equipping character hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack, all nearby party members' Plunging Attacks will deal 28% increased DMG for 20s. When nearby party members hit opponents with Plunging Attacks, they will restore 2.5 Energy to the equipping character. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7s. This energy regain effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
2After the equipping character hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack, all nearby party members' Plunging Attacks will deal 41% increased DMG for 20s. When nearby party members hit opponents with Plunging Attacks, they will restore 2.75 Energy to the equipping character. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7s. This energy regain effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
Crane's Echoing Call
3After the equipping character hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack, all nearby party members' Plunging Attacks will deal 54% increased DMG for 20s. When nearby party members hit opponents with Plunging Attacks, they will restore 3 Energy to the equipping character. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7s. This energy regain effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
Crane's Echoing Call
4After the equipping character hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack, all nearby party members' Plunging Attacks will deal 67% increased DMG for 20s. When nearby party members hit opponents with Plunging Attacks, they will restore 3.25 Energy to the equipping character. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7s. This energy regain effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
Crane's Echoing Call
5After the equipping character hits an opponent with a Plunging Attack, all nearby party members' Plunging Attacks will deal 80% increased DMG for 20s. When nearby party members hit opponents with Plunging Attacks, they will restore 3.5 Energy to the equipping character. Energy can be restored this way every 0.7s. This energy regain effect can be triggered even if the equipping character is not on the field.
Crane's Echoing Call

Item Story

This was in the distant past, before the prosperous port city was ever established.
Then, even the abodes of the adepti were not spared from the flaming beacons of war.
The lords once worshipped as gods fought for reasons their own,
Blood and fire, separation and betrayal. All the mortal world was stained.

Those who lost everything in the tumult fled to the mountains, and there they begged for the adepti for shelter.
Doggedly pursuing those survivors were countless monsters who had long since lost their senses.
Their names were unknown, their numbers uncountable, they came on like a flood, destroying all in their path.
The other master that they had once revered had fallen, and their fierce roaring was, in truth, a final mourning howl.

But the mortals then could not have known that the lord who once defended these mountains and waters had now passed,
And that all that stood between them and the onrushing deluge of catastrophe were a few vigilant yaksha who dwelled there.
After several days of fierce battle, white clothes had turned scarlet, and scarlet garments had been stained black. Still, the monsters came on like an endless horde...

As this tale dates to days ancient beyond memory, the tale thereafter has branched out into many versions. Some say that just as all hung in the balance,
An adeptus with azure and white feathers burst from the clouds like a descending gale,
Solitary, solemn, silent, in proud majesty and dignity did this being defend and administer the forebears,
Turning a hopeless cause around by vanquishing what had appeared a limitless tide of monstrosities...

Others say that as things appeared most perilous, two jade-carved cranes hurtled from the skies above,
And in a hail of sigils did they subjugate countless evils as a chill wind disperses an expanse of cloud.
But when all turned to look, Lo! There were no cranes, but an adeptus airborne, folding fan in fair hand...

Still others claim that so far above mortal reach was this adeptus's might that the ancestors but heard a crane's cry,
And before them, the endless monsters were as ash in an instant, like dust that dissipates in the sunlight...

No matter which version of the tale, the people of Liyue thereafter would, when speaking of the adeptus Cloud Retainer,
Would never fail choose their words with some respect. And as for what really happened back then...

"Interested in such distant matters? You truly are a person of some leisure."
"Well, what with a similar mood being upon oneself, one shall speak of it."
"Now, one believes this tale may be naught but eight or nine hours in the telling, but you should pull a chair up, still..."
"...What? Were you trying to slink away while one was distracted!?"

35 responses to “Crane's Echoing Call”

  1. the base attack values are messed up, its lvl 90 base attack is at 553.88, shouldn’t it be at 700~?

  2. So for this weapon it would be optimal for an EQ rotation.

    Let’s see the duration for the 28% Plunge ATK bonus is 20s aftter the equiping character does a Plunge attack.

    Let’s say you are using a Faruzan + Bennet + Xianyun with Xiao.

    So you would begin the rotation with Xianyun E or you could start it with Faruzan E for some CC which would also buff Xianyun’s Attack because her A2 passive. You could also use her burst ( only recommended at C2 ) but there is a major waste in the buffs of her burst.

    I belive a good ratatoin would be Xianyun E, Furan Q, Bennet EQ, Xianyun Q and then Xiao Q. As said before you could do Faruza ECA –> Rotation but up to your taste.

    So let’s see…

    Xiao has a 15 sec duration and the buff is 20 seconds so there are 5 seconds where we can squish in the rest of all the team mates buffs.

    Animations wise all of this teams are quite fast, Bennet being the fastest to complete his animation at less than 1 second and Xianyun being the slowest at around 1.6 seconds but we don’t need to worry all that about her.

    By the time Xiao comes on-field he should take full advantage of all buffs, specially if you have C2 Faruzan or use her burst aftter Bennet.

    The first buffto expire should be Bennet ( 12 sec ), then Faruzan or Xianyun ( 12/18 sec and 16 sec, depending if you have Faruzan’s C2 ) and then the plunge attack bonus should expire at the same time that Xiao’s burst does.

    StormPion basically has no downtime so we don’t worry about that.

    Now, clense and repeat. Re-gain energy and do it again.

  3. I kinda dislike how as of late they put these “mainly energy restoration” passives to make the dmg buffs scaling almost triple with refinements which can make them feel weak at R1 by comparison, as the energy part takes such a big importance at base (R1) which makes its scaling the ‘weak’ one (2.5~3.5 on this case), leaving the other buff part as the ‘strong’ scaling but weak start; unlike older weapons with balanced scaling between their usual 2 buffs (both double at R5)

    Doesn’t help this might be the most niche weapon so far, to activate either passive along with atk% as secondary.

    • Energy restoration I would say is comparable to CR/CDMG in regards to a character’s burst—it’s not just a direct damage translation like other stats especially if you have bursts that do more than just damage (heal, inrease stats, etc.). We also have easy ways to reach break points due to Favonius/Sacrifial weapons, running same-element characters to funnel energy or particle-producing characters like Fischl, Albedo, etc.

      Though I agree that it’s very niche. for the most part you’re not even trying to get multiple copies of these unless you want to free up teammate/stat limitations for Cloud Retainer. It’d be more beneficial to get their cons than R5ing this weapon.


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