Kagura’s Verity

Kagura's VerityNameKagura's Verity
FamilyWeapon, Catalyst
Conversion Exp300000
Base Attack45.94
Substat TypeCritical Damage %
Base Substat14.4%
Weapon AffixKagura Dance of the Sacred Sakura
Affix DescriptionGains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 12% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 12% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.
DescriptionThe bells used when performing the Kagura Dance, blessed by the Guuji herself. The scent of the Sacred Sakura tree lingers on it.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant
Concealed Claw
Spectral Husk
Mask of the Tiger's Bite
Concealed Unguis
Spectral Heart
Mask of the One-Horned
Concealed Talon
Spectral Nucleus
Mask of the Kijin

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus CritDMG%MaterialsTotal Materials
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw5
Spectral Husk3
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw5
Spectral Husk3
Mask of the Tiger's Bite5
Concealed Claw18
Spectral Husk12
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw23
Spectral Husk15
Mask of the Tiger's Bite5
Mask of the Tiger's Bite9
Concealed Unguis9
Spectral Heart9
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw23
Spectral Husk15
Mask of the Tiger's Bite14
Concealed Unguis9
Spectral Heart9
Mask of the One-Horned5
Concealed Unguis18
Spectral Heart14
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw23
Spectral Husk15
Mask of the Tiger's Bite14
Concealed Unguis27
Spectral Heart23
Mask of the One-Horned5
Mask of the One-Horned9
Concealed Talon14
Spectral Nucleus9
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw23
Spectral Husk15
Mask of the Tiger's Bite14
Concealed Unguis27
Spectral Heart23
Mask of the One-Horned14
Concealed Talon14
Spectral Nucleus9
Mask of the Kijin6
Concealed Talon27
Spectral Nucleus18
Mask of the Wicked Lieutenant5
Concealed Claw23
Spectral Husk15
Mask of the Tiger's Bite14
Concealed Unguis27
Spectral Heart23
Mask of the One-Horned14
Concealed Talon41
Spectral Nucleus27
Mask of the Kijin6

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1Gains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 12% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 12% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.
2Gains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 15% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 15% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.
Kagura's Verity
3Gains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 18% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 18% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.
Kagura's Verity
4Gains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 21% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 21% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.
Kagura's Verity
5Gains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 24% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 24% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.
Kagura's Verity

Item Story

Where once there were dances before the throne, the sounds of the bells still linger.
The white silhouette, once something to pursue, never returned, yet it remains an unceasing dream from which one cannot wake...

"I was a silly little thing back then, nowhere near as intelligent as our great matriarch Hakushin."
"Groping about clumsily, I was a whelp foraging through the snow, hoping to draw Her Excellency's attention."
"Funnily enough, it was exactly because of my foolhardy courage that Her Excellency had pity on me."
"And that's how I came into her service. You know, warming her hands and feet and all. Very great honor."

"Lady Saiguu would later depart, never to return, and those seniors of mine would also be lost due to various other reasons."
"And that was how someone as bumbling as I took up the role of "Miko" and grew into the person you know today."
"Thus it was in this way that the unfortunate task of putting a smile on Her Excellency's face fell squarely on my shoulders."
"The night when I first performed the Kagura dance, I felt the weight of the 'past.'"

The tinkling of the bells grew distant, and the great silver kitsune, master and friend, disappeared into the winding river of dreams.
The bells sounded again, and the obstinate sandbar loosened and dissolved into the swirling current.
The pure white, gentle figure of the past had long drifted into dark memory.
So the lone daughter of the great kitsune lineage would take up the Kagura bells, and dance for the vibrant "now."

I knew a young and obstinate tengu warrior, and used the pretext of "training" to bluff her into asceticism in the mountains,
But sensing her unruly nature, I recommended her to those block-headed Kujou.
And though I once had a competition against an obstinate oni and was defeated by dint of sheer perseverance...
I did add a few little tricks to make our contest more interesting.
I corresponded with a half-adeptus from a distant land, and gifted her fresh and supple ocean plants.
Still, I felt keenly that I could not understand her almost foolish love. Is that not a form of bondage for the adepti?
The moonlight sweeps across the imperial garden through branch and petal, alighting upon the empty courtyard.
That scene still glows brightly in my shallow heart like countless glimmering jewels...

"In the short span of these few hundred years, I have walked the earth in many guises."
"Though I have not had the fortune to have deep relationships with ordinary people, I came to know human beauty deeply."
"And Her Excellency, whom I might dare to call friend, should have more time yet to roam this world."
"So let us see this imperfect world together and enjoy its obsessions with love and hate, with meetings and partings."

With Her Excellency engrossed in her dream-real of Eternity, someone needed to look out for the common folk.
To quell the resentment of the wicked oni Kuroami, I once showed but a hint of the ominous power I wield.
And the great disturbance caused by Kosanta the Bald Tanuki would be made sport of with a little application of magic.
The marauding pirate Rinzou, terror of the archipelago, would also be betrayed over some small discordance in plans.
And as for that blank slate, that immortal eccentric...
I hope "he" will find his way and not become a threat to us all.
The darkened remains of the swordmaster's soul, the beasts of catastrophe hiding in the sacred forest, they were all wiped out...
Compared to the dream of Eternity Her Excellency pursues, such things were but fleeting interludes,
And the wait for her to come around seemed to stretch out infinitely, but I knew that time was on our side.

"I mean, a Euthymia without wind or moon, with lotuses and udumbara that do not wither,"
"I'm sorry, but the loneliness would get to me. I'd be bored to tears."
"I'd much rather snap off Thunder Sakura branches in a drunken haze and cavort with the impudent youkai."
"And no, these are not stories of the ancient past, but of a future full of hope."
"So, You Excellency, might I still have the pleasure of joining you to watch the first pale purple buds that emerge when the snow next melts?"
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16 responses to “Kagura's Verity”

  1. could this be good on Wriothesley? i’m in need of critDMG other than the dang widsith. i’m not sure how the skill bonus would translate though, since his skill buffs his NA and has a long cooldown. thoughts? i’m really only thinking about this since the yae + xiao banner could give me good weapons.

  2. It is good for wanderer if you use skill then cancel it instantly then do your rotation with your other 3 characters then use skill again and you have the full passive

  3. So where do you suggest players get the Widsith? You do realize the Widsith is a gacha weapon too, right? And you’re more likely to get it on rate-up on the Weapon Banner than anywhere else.

    Also, it’s passive has such a long cooldown that unless you’re using it at R5, it can actually perform objectively worse than some 4* options. Getting R5 requires luck or a lot of pulls for most players.

  4. The weapon of the failed 5* Yae is awful on Wanderer (Widsith is better), don’t waste money on the scam weapon banner.

    • Why are you guys still calling Yae a failure? Even with the semi-random targeting, she’s still ever-so-slightly more reliable than Fischl is for maintaining Electro pressure, not to mention that she can easily apply it to multiple foes at once in a cycle (although I do agree that her catalyst is a bit wasted on her due to the lack of elemental mastery for her skill – I bet you that you didn’t read that talent at all.)

    • Yae has been great since dendro released and her aggravate team is more than strong enough to destroy any abyss even with the average f2p level of investment. You’re probably one of those ignorant facebook dwellers who just parrot anything you see on the internet and never even tried Yae yourself.

  5. Could this be good for wanderer?? I really want to pull on yae and childes weapon banner but at the same time I am also itto haver and scara wanter… hmm

    • It is, the buff last for 16 seconds which nahida can easily maintain. This is just my speculation, but going EM circlet if you’re using CDM weapon (and vice versa) is actually great. My current set use triple EM with widsith r5.


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