
FamilyWeapon, Claymore
Conversion Exp300000
Base Attack47.54
Substat TypeCritical Rate %
Base Substat4.8%
Weapon AffixMany Oaths of Dawn and Dusk
Affix DescriptionIncreases ATK by 20%. When party members obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 18%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.
DescriptionA weapon once used by a young maiden who forsook her family name, stained with the blood of enemies and loved ones both.
Weapon Ascension Materials
Fragment of an Ancient Chord
Rift Core
Meshing Gear
Chapter of an Ancient Chord
Foreign Synapse
Mechanical Spur Gear
Movement of an Ancient Chord
Alien Life Core
Artificed Dynamic Gear
Echo of an Ancient Chord

Table of Content
Weapon Stats
Weapon Affix
Item Story

Weapon Stats

LvAtkBonus CritRate%MaterialsTotal Materials
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core5
Meshing Gear3
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core5
Meshing Gear3
Chapter of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core18
Meshing Gear12
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core23
Meshing Gear15
Chapter of an Ancient Chord5
Chapter of an Ancient Chord9
Foreign Synapse9
Mechanical Spur Gear9
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core23
Meshing Gear15
Chapter of an Ancient Chord14
Foreign Synapse9
Mechanical Spur Gear9
Movement of an Ancient Chord5
Foreign Synapse18
Mechanical Spur Gear14
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core23
Meshing Gear15
Chapter of an Ancient Chord14
Foreign Synapse27
Mechanical Spur Gear23
Movement of an Ancient Chord5
Movement of an Ancient Chord9
Alien Life Core14
Artificed Dynamic Gear9
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core23
Meshing Gear15
Chapter of an Ancient Chord14
Foreign Synapse27
Mechanical Spur Gear23
Movement of an Ancient Chord14
Alien Life Core14
Artificed Dynamic Gear9
Echo of an Ancient Chord6
Alien Life Core27
Artificed Dynamic Gear18
Fragment of an Ancient Chord5
Rift Core23
Meshing Gear15
Chapter of an Ancient Chord14
Foreign Synapse27
Mechanical Spur Gear23
Movement of an Ancient Chord14
Alien Life Core41
Artificed Dynamic Gear27
Echo of an Ancient Chord6

Weapon Affix

LvAffix ProgressionMaterials
1Increases ATK by 20%. When party members obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 18%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.
2Increases ATK by 25%. When party members obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 22.5%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.
3Increases ATK by 30%. When party members obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 27%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.
4Increases ATK by 35%. When party members obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 31.5%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.
5Increases ATK by 40%. When party members obtain Elemental Shards from Crystallize reactions, the equipping character will gain 1 Seal, increasing Elemental Skill DMG by 36%. The Seal lasts for 15s, and the equipper may have up to 2 Seals at once. All of the equipper's Seals will disappear 0.2s after their Elemental Skill deals DMG.

Item Story

"Listen well, dear Leticia. Remember that you are the eldest daughter of House Randolph."
"Understand that when we nobles sit down, we tilt the ship of state."
"And when we fall, we take countless homes and common folk with us in our crashing ruin."
"So listen well, dear Leticia."
"You must maintain your noble bearing and purity of appearance. Do not be quick to show anger, sadness, or joy."
"For our family name can grant a commoner prosperity, or send them to the Fleuve Cendre."

But though her father spoke thus, a young lady was still a young lady before she was a noble.
When one's hands are unfettered by soot or machine oil, one's heart will hanker after "adventure."
Behind her father, brother, and servants' backs, she would don a disguise and step into the subterranean city that knew neither sun nor rain.
She just wanted to see the lives of those base folk who had no control over their destinies.
Perhaps this might even be more interesting than Parsifal's magic! Such was the young lady's secret excitement.
But adventure was quite different from what she anticipated. For it was a thing unarranged by others,
And so became a tale she could not tell to her peers or her aristocratic friends during their reunions.
And when perils unseen — like music, lies, or poisoned wine — were about to be unsheathed and show their keen edge...

"Oh my. Whose daughter might you be, gentle lady, and what brings you to our Fleuve Cendre?"
It was a gentle, familiar light that cast the appalling, encroaching shadows aside.
His name was right on the tip of her tongue, but what slipped out instead was a question as to how her disguise had been discovered.
"Well, you're a terrible liar, for one. You've as much as admitted to being an outsider now, haven't you?"
"...And my dear lady, your clothes lack either soot or machine oil, nor have they ever been stained by blood..."
"And also, from the way you walk, you don't wear pants very often."

When asked why Reed, whom she knew, could walk freely in the Fleuve Cendre, the young man said:
"I do hope that you agree that your good father, brother, and house-servants need not know what goes on here."
"Like the Boss says, 'Let all that the sun shines upon belong to them, and let the Fleuve Cendre belong to us.'"
"Dear Leticia, please forget, at least for a time, that you are the eldest daughter of House Randolph,"
"And come with me, as but a mere person, and with your bright eyes, that have never been covered in dust,"
"See the world where your compatriots live, who, just like you, have red blood flowing in their veins, passions, and loves."
Still, this was quite a different adventure from what she had expected, and, as fate would have it,
She would experience much that she could not tell her aristocratic friends and peers, or her servants, when they would meet and chat and laugh...

"Leticia, your noble soul is one I adore."
"No longer will our axes be swung at the trees."
"And if one day, I should be lost to the glories of this world,"
"By your hand shall my fate be reckoned..."

When she met her father once more, years later, she had already taken on the name of the rose,
And she was no longer used to the fancy dresses once foisted on her, but was far more accustomed to the weight of an axe in her hand.
Yet she could not get used to the now fragile, hoary appearance of the dignified, gentle father she remembered.

"Dearest father, I have made a pact with my beloved, an oath to those I love."
"That I am still alive means that our blood is not yet spent."
"And I have yet to allow the Randolph name to be indelibly stained on my account."

"My dearest Leticia. Not a day goes by when I do not light a candle for you."
"Even now, though you wish to forsake our family name, we are still father and daughter."
"These trivial games have ended. Please, return home."
"Your child is innocent, and I will not abandon your flesh and blood for some fatuity."
"And as for your husband, well, there is some Randolph magic that can be worked there..."

But in dreams, she finally remembered. "At that time, the pounding barrage of the naval cannons had not shaken us."
"No outsiders should have known the secret paths by which the hunters infiltrated."
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50 responses to “Verdict”

  1. Even on Navia this is literally just a sidegrade to serpent spine bruh. It does look cool tho but meh, flop after flop.

    • I think the “Floptaine” narrative is a bit dumb, but I will agree that Verdict is merely a sidegrade to Serpent Spine. Honestly, it might even be a downgrade. I’ve been swapping between them on Navia to test out damage and, with the team I’m using, my R5 Serpent Spine will always result in higher damage.

    • I personally think its good that the signature doest severely outdamage a more affordable option but ok

  2. Would Beacon of the Reed Sea a good replacement over Virdict? I don’t know if I want to roll for this or not as it’s only really good on Navia and probably very few other characters depending

  3. either my diluc’s gonna be eating well with this or my ayato with mistsplitter. either way i’ll be happy

    i could also just land on the 25% chance and get nothing but ig we’ll see lol

  4. This is such a pretty weapon for Navia. I would’ve want to pull it to pamper my Navia but I don’t want another Mistsplitter and I’m on guarantee (lost on Tome/Homa to an r2 Skyward Pride lol) also the passive is very niche and limited only to E skill damage buff and I kinda want that it could get some buff to her pretty burst too.

  5. Being her signature weapon, Verdict is obviously Navia’s BIS (possibly by a significant margin compared to her next best offering). Considered it will be paired with Ayaka’s signature Mistsplitter Reforged which is great for many characters, it probably would be worth to on the weapon banner when this weapon debuts, assuming you are getting Navia first.

    But for other characters? It could be a decent stat stat stick thanks to the high base damage and crit rate sub-stat. Diluc, Freminet, and Dehya could make good use out of the elemental skill damage bonus this weapon gives (as elemental skill damage is a big part of their overall damage), but finding a Geo character to pair with them in order to trigger crystalize will be difficult. Zhong Li could work for Diluc and Dehya, but it will be a pain for Freminet since physical builds don’t have room for a geo teammate (he needs super-conduit and shattered more). This could be good for Cyro focused Freminet however.

  6. the problem with this weapon is that it forces u to use a geo unit in your team. it’s really only viable for navia. even though it’s stats are really good, there is no point in getting this weapon for basically one character. like what other claymore geo character enjoys the passive of this weapon? itto is a geo geo claymore dps but he scales better with defense and elemental skill dmg is pretty useless for him since most of his dps is behind his burst. same thing is true for noelle. now any other claymore user like beidou, eula, chongyun, razor, xinyan, dori etc don’t want a geo in their team and don’t do much with their skills either(except diluc). this weapon is sadly a really bad value for any f2p.

  7. Since Ayaka will probaly be paired with Navai’s banner
    It means that Mistsplitter will be paired with this weapon…
    I want Mistsplitter, Verdict can definitly be good on my beidou if I get it, since I dont have any crit asc claymore
    But I’ll be honest
    I don’t like Axes… It looks pretty ugly to me


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