“Phlogiston Converter” Experimental Report

Name"Phlogiston Converter" Experimental Report
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

(The record left in this golden light seems to be a rather ancient experimental report...)
Experiment 150: The Type-01 Phlogiston Converter was successful in converting liquid Phlogiston at the experiment site to a solid state.
The extraction of Phlogiston from the converted solid was attempted. It was discovered that the sample was not solid Phlogiston, but another type of rock. It appears to be the product of the fusion of "gaseous Phlogiston" with stones, and frequently occurs during the Tollan Volcano's eruptions. While this specimen is noteworthy, it is not regarded to be practical for our current circumstances.
This unexpected conversion necessitates a comprehensive examination of the Type-01 parameters.
However, time is limited. In order to resist and prevent the descent of those plunderous enemies from beyond the sky, the "State Change" device must be used to convert Phlogiston into more resilient fortifications situated atop Tollan Volcano... Fortifications, yes...
Everything... for our nation...

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