Maawe and Monetoo (II)

Maawe and Monetoo (II)
Maawe and Monetoo (II)NameMaawe and Monetoo (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1053
DescriptionA woven scroll from the People of the Springs telling of how Maawe the Saurian whelp created the hot spring. Different paragraphs of this seem to have been penned by poets of different eras.

Item Story

And thus, utterly alone, did Maawe step out into the boundless red wilderness.
Just like a real dragon, it would endure the trials of scorching sun and desolation,
Seeking out noble ambition and fury whilst cultivating a prideful, virtuous nature.
In its wake followed the same Monetoo that had accompanied it through all those innocent dreams,
And on a journey to find fury they set out together, perhaps not so lonely after all.

Eastward Maawe trekked, towards the high mountains shrouded in sulfurous clouds.
There it reached the canyons, there it stood before the pitch-black mines.
Seeing its brethren seeking shiny crystals within the mountain, Maawe called out to greet them,
But from that jet black cavern, the only response was the echo of Maawe's own voice.
It turned out that these kinfolk had long since accustomed themselves to the still and silence around them,
Now reduced to being creatures that lurked among the mountain rocks.
Fury was not to be found among these rocks, so Maawe shrugged and left.

Westward Maawe headed, to the long-dead forest of mirk and gloom.
Passing the bones of its ancestors, it paid respect like a real dragon would.
Before that grand palace woven from countless branches Maawe arrived.
Seeing its brethren flying freely through the canopy, Maawe called out to greet them,
But heard only the wind's rustling and swaying branches in return.
It turned out that these kinfolk had long since accustomed themselves to the still and silence around them,
Now reduced to being creatures that silently stalked the forest depths.
Fury was not to be found by chasing Forest Boars, so Maawe shrugged and left.

Southward Maawe rambled, to the brown prairies where rivers had dried up.
Past the remnants of old dreams, those shattered aspirations of youth,
And past the most ancient of cherished hopes, faded through age and degradation.
Traversing a smoke-shrouded wasteland, Maawe stood before its brethren,
Seeing that they had fallen into distant dreams among the fog, Maawe called out to greet them,
And they responded warmly, inviting Maawe to join them in their wondrous dreaming.
"Our brother, distinguished guest from afar — stay here, we implore you!
Stay in our dreamland, and join us in creating past and present.
Stay in our dreamland, and join us in dreaming of a wonderful tomorrow."
The glorious past and future of dragonkind shone forth, lit up by the miraculous luster of their fantasy.
But just as it was about to succumb to this enchantment, Maawe awoke to the sound of its companion's song.
Fury was not to be found by dreaming, so Maawe shrugged and left.

Northward Maawe wandered, to the untrodden edges of the land.
Past the lavaflow delta, across the silent, blistering wilderness.
Past the land where burning spirits danced, through the gate of stern black stone.
Finally, Maawe and its companion arrived before the wise dragon, sat high upon its throne.
"Young one, for what purpose have you come before me?"
Thus mildly did the wise dragon address Maawe, marveling at what it saw.
"I thought that my brethren's hearts had all been hardened by the war with the heavens,
That the hatred that filled them had made them impervious to my advice.
Yet today comes one before me, and such a young one at that.
Tell me, what do you seek? Perhaps I might grant it as an exception."

So Maawe told the wise dragon the whole story of its journey,
Of the dreams it had once cherished, and cool moonlit nights,
Of warm shadows of red cliffs, and the songs of the Monetoo,
Of being exiled by the matriarch, and setting out in search of elusive fury.

"Young one... A heart so artless, yet so audacious,
You come before me seeking what I too cannot obtain.
Leave this place. You shall not find the fury you seek here."
Closing its obsidian gate, the wise dragon answered Maawe no more.

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