Maawe and Monetoo (I)

Maawe and Monetoo (I)
Maawe and Monetoo (I)NameMaawe and Monetoo (I)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1053
DescriptionA woven scroll from the People of the Springs telling of how Maawe the Saurian whelp created the hot spring. Different paragraphs of this seem to have been penned by poets of different eras.

Item Story

Legends tell that in a time long past, proud dragons roamed freely across the expanses of Natlan, a land they called their home.
Back then, before the humans of this land had formed their tribes, dragons were both larger and haughtier than the Saurians of the present day.
Just as humans do now, the dragons had different tribes of their own, each ruled by ancient matriarchs.
Back then, there were no hot springs that bubbled up from the earth, no lakes that glittered as calmly and clearly as gemstones.
Oh, and certainly none of those clamorous wandering bards or phlegmatic hot spring poets.

Back then, among the dragons that roamed this vast land of crimson earth, there was a young one that was not like the others.
In their pride, dragons have always looked down upon the other beings of this world, whether they were envoys of the heavens or puny mortal souls.
Even the wars of old could not erase their sense of overweening dignity; on the contrary, it was through these very fires of tribulation that their tenacity and pride were forged.
But this young dragon was different. It was fascinated by the songs of the Monetoo, and in secret was even given to observing human behavior.
Its name was Maawe, which in an ancient, long-forgotten language, meant "bit of string."

Young Maawe had not lived through the ancient wars and could not understand the "virtues" of dragonkind.
As far as it was concerned, nothing was more pleasing than cool moonlit nights and the warm shadows of red cliffs.
"Such blatant indolence! How can this be tolerated in the Dragonlord's Palace? The puerile whelp must rediscover the ambition and fury of its noble heritage."
Thus spake the dragon matriarch, decreeing that the young Maawe must leave the tribe to grow up like a "real dragon"—
To harden its heart, to become as tenaciously proud as obsidian, and to be guided alone by cruel, lofty ambition...

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