Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)

Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Ancient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)NameAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969350, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionAncient Chronicle of the Dreamseeker Priest (II)

Item Story

Angakuk, Angakuk.
Where will I hear that voice from beneath the earth...
Or a rumbling from even deeper underground. If you will it so, send forth an envoy.
Before dawn's first light, we shall take up arms to quell the Night Kingdom's unrest.
When I am ready, Angakuk, make your warrior manifest, Angakuk.

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