The Feline Firm (II)

The Feline Firm (II)
The Feline Firm (II)NameThe Feline Firm (II)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1052
DescriptionHaving deciphered the Felinese spell, Perroux finds the entrance to the firm, and just like that, "jumps into the shadows beneath"... And then?

Item Story

"You're here! Please, have a seat."
The cats were quite happy.
"Yeah! It sure wasn't easy finding your offices."
That night, Perroux had followed the directions given in the invitation, looking, searching.
As it turned out, there was a single carriage among the trash carriages with a broken wheel that was always parked in place. Beneath it, he had found a dark hole that had merged with the shadows, with faint light and indistinct sounds coming from within, as well as a spiral staircase descending downward.
And this was the well-hidden Feline Firm.
"This is the nature of strays, please try to understand."
Golden eyes narrowed, the cat with stripes like those of a tiger seemed to speak humbly, yet its tail was arched most proudly.
Perroux recognized it immediately. This fellow would often laze about upon the Master's windowsill, languidly swishing his tail. As for the others, Perroux was not quite so familiar.
The tiger-striped tabby cat introduced each of them:
The Boss Cat, none other than the tabby himself.
The Enforcer, the cat to the left with a full-sleeve tattoo.
The calico to the right was quite clever. The letter to Perroux had been written by a brush fashioned from hairs pulled from every cat, and written by this very calico.
"And then there's this firewood cat too. Bit ugly and mangy, missing some fur, but don't even think about underestimating her!"
These were the very cats that comprised the Feline Firm, which solved the problems that perplexed the cats of the city.

"In that case, just what difficulties has the Feline Firm resolved?"
Perroux asked curiously.
The tabby's tail twitched to the left, and the cat with the full-sleeve came forward.
"I'm the muscle here, see? The full-sleeve they call me, yeah? Our Boss snorezilla over there, he gives me commissions, and I'm the one that what solves them, see?"
"That cat boss, he opened up a right big fancy hotel, yeah? Every bit as tip-top as what the humans got~ When it first opened, was tons of customers t'be had."
The cats even had their own grand hotel! Perroux nearly reached for his notebook to write it all down.
Even Perroux had only passed by the door, peering inside with envy. That feeling was like... picking up a candy wrapper as a child, and being unable to stop himself from licking it.
"But wouldn't-cha know, Boss's snoring was so roaring loud, the customers couldn't even catch a single wink! Business took a dive, see?"
"Then one day, a horde of rats showed up and started bitin' them customer's things and whatnot, yeah? Then Boss showed them what for, was the hero, eh?"
"After that, whenever customers heard his snores, theys would be at peace, and say 'good kitty, good kitty~'"
"But yous see, that hotel didn't have any rats in the first place, yeah? It was all me, catchin' 'em at night and bringing 'em back, then catchin' 'em again, you follow?"

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