The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (VI)

The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (VI)
The Little Witch and the Undying Fire (VI)NameThe Little Witch and the Undying Fire (VI)
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyBook, loc_fam_book_family_1051
Description"Is it still necessary to write this, the present moment being what it is?" "Allow me, then. Opportunities to return to this world are few and far between. Alice would think the same: If we don't continue, then everything would have been meaningless from the start."

Item Story

The little witch hurried to where her teacher was. She wanted to question her teacher face-to-face about why the test had ended, and why she was not to be permitted to become a witch. She wanted to throw things to the ground in front her teacher — though of course, she would only chuck the ones that could survive the impact and that she could practically lift herself while avoiding her teacher's favorite teacup. Of course, should the situation warrant it, she was even willing to smash her own second-favorite teacup to show how serious this all was. After all, she'd bought that one herself rather than it having been given to her by friends. She valued such gifts as much as the friends themselves, and would never use them as part of an emotional outburst.

"Octavia's back. Go catch up with her."
That was what her teacher said calmly the moment they saw each other again. In an instant, the emotions that the little witch had stored up, brewed, fermented, plotted, and rehearsed pouring out countless times vanished.
Octavia was a good friend of hers, and a good friend also of the legendary old witch. Her home had been destroyed, but as she lacked the courage to fight back, she had taken up a life of eternal wandering.
She had seen many worlds, and had told the little witch many tales about the sky beyond the sky.

"The entire cosmos is going to die soon. Things peaked but not long ago, and are about to go south very fast." Octavia was sitting in a yard swathed in flowing sunlight, pouring tea into the teacups she and the little witch loved most.
The little witch pulled a chair up and sat in it. "You returned so suddenly," she said, "we didn't even prepare a chair for you. You're probably sitting in the old witch's chair now."
"Many stars across the cosmos have gone out. I do not know how much time is left," Octavia said, "so I wanted to come back to see you."
"Is that why my teacher and the others stopped all the witch tests? Because you came back and told them this?" The little witch asked.
"Perhaps. In such a world, all things lose meaning, and there is no longer any need for you to become a witch."
"Then I shan't be angry at my teacher any longer," the little witch said.
"But will you be mad at me? I caused you to lose your chance to become one," O said.
"I will, if you never return after leaving this time," came the little witch's reply. "I'll go to the bedroom to get your chair."
"I can just sit in that old witch's chair, can't I? She's too old to get up and come sit in it nowadays."
"That's no good! That chair's hers, just as your chair's yours," the little witch argued her case earnestly with O. "To each person a chair. That way, even if they are not present, their memories will be seated still. So we absolutely can't use the wrong chairs."
Octavia smiled helplessly.

And by way of apology for interrupting the process of the little witch becoming a proper one, she gave the latter a piece of news:
"The 'undying fire' really exists. It may be found at—"

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