Chioriya Boutique – Darkness Disguised Behind a Facade of Fashion

Chioriya Boutique - Darkness Disguised Behind a Facade of Fashion
Chioriya Boutique - Darkness Disguised Behind a Facade of FashionNameChioriya Boutique - Darkness Disguised Behind a Facade of Fashion
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

...Chioriya Boutique, located within our good Court of Fontaine, claims to be a clothing store with a unique style. But there is another side to this tale for those few who look beneath that facade—
Sources in the Fortress of Meropide say that not a few criminals have boasted of wearing Chioriya Boutique's clothes. "I just felt that the atmosphere in there suited me..." convicted felon Lyle said. These words met with wide approval from many of his fellow inmates. Our sources also stated that a prisoner who was recently convicted of violent conduct and battery also openly supported Chiori's designs a year ago.
Upon close investigation of Chioriya's many suppliers, we discovered that there is something more to the discovery that criminals favor its wares. The Boutique is in truth comparable to an invisible hand, like a spider's web that connects these evil-doers. Our investigations show that the Wenger family supplies the ornaments that adorn her designs, and a certain member of this household is a frequent guest at the Fortress... But do birds of a feather not flock together? ...
Not only that, but many customers have also been subject to rough treatment at Chioriya. Mr. Valerian had this to say: "A real brute, that one. Never mind refusing to tailor my clothes! Why, she seized her scissors and began wrecking them, and threw me out the window! A clothing store? More like a thieves's lair if you ask me!"
Doubtless, many of you may have wondered why the glass at Chioriya Boutique often shatters with a loud crash, leaving behind a terrifying mess... Mr. Valerian's unfortunate encounter unveils the truth.
Just the day before this report was going to print, another such act of brutal battery occurred on the streets. Just imagine, if you would, the scene playing out as depicted in the photo above — Chiori, her countenance terrifying as she grabs her competitor Mr. Uther by the scruff, making threatening gestures toward him. This incident was ultimately broken up by Gardes who reached the scene...
When we asked criminals why they appreciated this brand, the answer we received was that Chioriya employs illegal competitive tactics to come out on top, giving hope to evil-doers among us that wrongdoing can still prevail, provided you conceal it under the guise of fashion and beauty...
Perhaps those who purchase clothes from this establishment may, following this establishment's philosophy, prefer to "liquidate" those with whom they have disagreements...
...Is Chioriya Boutique, indeed, a place blindly flattered by fashionistas that keeps an exclusive clientele of crooks?

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