Ancient Natural History Excerpts

Ancient Natural History Excerpts
Ancient Natural History ExcerptsNameAncient Natural History Excerpts
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, Non-Codex Lore Item

Item Story

Oceanids are beautiful creatures nurtured by the land of Fontaine. According to legend, the gentle Egeria shed the first tear, from which the first Oceanid was born. Some say that Egeria felt great sympathy for dragons, and others say she felt great sadness over the eventual fate of humanity. Now, all that we have left is a metaphorical representation whose true meaning remains unclear: "The lizard's bones dissolved into mud, from which swans emerged."
The newborn Oceanid was bestowed with the task of comprehending all forms of life: to seek an understanding of the diverse array of species and to love every creature. It emerged from the sea of life, possessing the power of metamorphosis. Egeria wished it to use this power to etch the essence of living creatures into its being and it gradually developed a yearning for life. Once it gained enough understanding of humanity, it shed its first tear upon the earth. We have used "she" to refer to the first and her lineage ever since.
This is the origin of Oceanids.
(A small addendum: Perhaps you believe that this kind of document has no scientific value, asserting that physical evidence and records suggest that the origin of Oceanids predates Egeria and the even earlier realm of Remuria, and you reckon that only Evolutionary Diversity of Forest Pigs: Field Tracking Research on Geographically Distinct Forms counts as genuine research. So, I have a question for you: Do you dare to explore our own origins? The gods unleash thunder in anger, and goddesses cry oceans in sorrow — these things are real.)

Oceanids display considerable disparities in cognitive capacity, partially due to differences in lifespan resulting in very different levels of experience and knowledge regarding the world, but substantial individual variation in the Oceanids themselves also contributes to this phenomenon. Some Oceanids are simply too obtuse to complete tasks related to the continent's water systems and are thus confined to Fontaine, where they assist in soothing human emotions.

The increase in the number of Oceanids (we have previously considered breeding, proliferation, and reproduction, but none are suitable terms) does not require any pairing off or matchmaking. After gaining sufficient understanding and emotion, they approach the Hydro Archon or an elder for permission to claim... um, a thing, which results in their division into little Oceanids.
This thing is highly abstract, and in order to make its name more comprehensible to humans, we refer to it as a "Helixsplit." However, what it is exactly remains unknown. Some believe it could be a drop of pure water essence, nurtured by the emotions and intelligence of the parent, eventually giving rise to life. Others speculate that it might be a single sound, a name, possibly even a forbidden utterance, capable of stirring the cycle of elemental forces and drawing on the desire that doesn't exist with the pure water bodies of Oceanids, allowing new life to be attracted into the world. Still, others propose that it serves as a permit, granting permission for the dreams and desires within Oceanids to be bestowed with a new name — much like the names of childhood dreams throughout the ages.
However, this is a story between Oceanids, and humans have no hope to know it.

The propagation of all Oceanids needs to be officially registered. If something were to happen to Egeria (No disrespect intended— may she keep some blessings for herself), the Oceanid elders will also ensure the continuation of their species. But in the event of a more calamitous occurrence, what will happen to the Oceanids?

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