| Name | Eroded Scale-Feather |
Type (Ingame) | Character Level-Up Material |
Family | Talent Item, Talent Boss Item, Crafted Item, Ingredient, Alchemy Ingredient |
Rarity |      |
Item Source (Ingame) | Lv. 70+ Lord of Eroded Primal Fire Challenge Reward
Description | A pitch-black scale that fell to the ground after the battle against the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire. The ancient dragons once used their fallen scales as a means to transmit secret messages and edicts. This scale has been utterly corroded by the power of darkness, the light that was once engraved upon it wholly devoured, leaving naught but twisted, dark remnants. |
Description (Codex) | A pitch-black scale that fell to the ground after the battle against the Lord of Eroded Primal Fire. The ancient dragons once inscribed white scales in golden script and used them as tokens to symbolize pacts or secret orders. Later, the radiance divided in the Flamelord's eyes was similarly engraved on a split white dragon scale. This scale has been utterly corroded by the power of darkness, the light that was once engraved upon it wholly devoured, leaving naught but twisted, dark remnants in its place. |
does anyone know how fast he shoots? the leak video seemed quite slow