| Name | Sour Bait |
Type (Ingame) | Bait |
Family | Crafted Item, Fishing, Fishing Bait |
Rarity |   |
Description | A type of bait based on flour mixed with the pulp and seeds of Bulle Fruit. When tossed into the water, it quickly spreads a sweet and sour fragrance that is irresistible to fishes such as Heartfeather Bass. A group of anglers once resorted to eating this bait in an emergency after they had run out of supplies, and were poisoned as a result. To prevent such accidents from happening again, this type of bait was made much sourer than it was before — so sour in fact that simply holding it up to their noses makes people feel dizzy and causes their eyes to stream, let alone putting it in their mouths...
Suitable for catching Heartfeather Bass. |
You are all fakes. I will not take any insults towards my girl. My girl is still the best cryo ther...