| Name | Suspicious Gilded Tajine |
Type (Ingame) | Food |
Family | Crafted Item, Buff Item, Food, Vendor Food |
Rarity |    |
Effect | Increases all party members' Max HP by 20% for 300s. In Co-Op Mode, this effect only applies to your own character(s). |
Item Source (Ingame) | Obtained by cooking
Description | A stewed meat dish. Though it appears edible enough, a single taste reveals that the meat is dry as bones, almost as if one is chewing on branches. Did something go wrong with the lid? Or was the application of the pot at fault? |
One response to “Suspicious Gilded Tajine”
Now THIS is food buff! 😀 One good reason to pull Dehya considering she can make it be 30% more HP.