| Name | Blazing Heartfeather Bass |
Family | Homeworld, Outdoor Ornamental Fish, Exterior Furniture, Indoor Ornamental Fish, Indoor Furniture |
Rarity | |
Placement | Exterior, Indoor |
Regular Variant | Blazing Heartfeather Bass |
Related Monster | Blazing Heartfeather Bass |
Capturable with Net? | ❌ |
Description | A valuable Ornamental Fish that may be kept as a pet in the Pool of Sapphire Grace and Shaded Clarity. A peculiar species that look like a heart from the side, and are said to be related to bass. Their dorsal and ventral fins are comprised of flexible bones that are as slender as feathers, hence why researchers proposed the name "Heartfeather Bass." "Blazing Heartfeather Bass" have a unique coloration that shines like sunlight, making them extremely eye-catching in the water. This is said to be a special self-defense strategy which causes other fish that rely on their vision to mistake them for unknown burning objects, keeping potential predators away as a result. Contrary to their flaming appearance, they actually maintain a low body temperature and have a relatively modest food intake. Sometimes, they even go out of their way to stay in the shallows just to get some sunshine. |
will lanyan be viable for ganyu? or should i still pull for Zhongli ???