Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby

Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby
Leisure Device: Bouncy TubbyNameLeisure Device: Bouncy Tubby
FamilyCrafted Item, Homeworld, Realm Mechanism, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy90 
Load200 (200)
AE/L Ratio0.45 (0.45)
DescriptionA furnishing device created by an unknown adeptus, who sent a sample of it and the requisite blueprint in a package to Tubby on an auspicious date. The device's exterior very much resembles the tea bowl lid-wearing Tubby herself, and its round form is very cute indeed. The tea bowl is uniquely constructed, and you've heard that it contains all manner of adeptal materials that give it a mysterious tenacity, such that you can reach rather high heights when jumping atop it. In that regard, this item is quite similar to certain curious objects that one may find in Teyvat, which likely played a role in Tubby applying the "Leisure Device" appellation to it.
Paimon had related her desire to leap up to the treetops and mountains in single bounds while traversing the Serenitea Pot quite a while back, to which Tubby had designed various contraptions, but all of which had proved unsatisfactory. Some had even resembled catapults or trebuchets for which "throwing Paimon from Liyue Harbor to Yaoguang Shoal" would have been no empty boast. While stymied by this problem, Tubby related it to Chubby by chance, and the latter would remember it...

Obtained From


Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby
Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby
White Iron Chunk6
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Leisure Device: Bouncy Tubby
Leisure Device: Bouncy TubbyFurniture Recipe, Recipe
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