Like an Omen of Daybreak

Like an Omen of Daybreak
Like an Omen of DaybreakNameLike an Omen of Daybreak
FamilyHomeworld, Small Shrub, Exterior Furniture, Furniture
Adeptal Energy10 
Load50 (50)
AE/L Ratio0.2 (0.2)
Description"Gah, I didn't think that the sunlight blazing into your eyes after rushing work through the night would be so painfully piercing..."
The young woman suffering from a lack of sleep was somewhat confused when she heard her fellow students complain as such to one another...
She was no stranger to such an experience, in truth. Several times, when she was startled awake from sleep, the skies would already be roiling with the colors that presaged the dawn.
But in truth, that light wasn't that eye-piercing, really. Instead, it reminded her more of a certain sort of inconspicuous plant's leaves. Come to think of it, she could no longer remember the name of that plant despite its rather common nature...

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