| Name | Deepwood Dweller's Estimation |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, Sumeru, Exterior Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity |    |
Placement | Exterior |
Adeptal Energy | 60  |
Load | 65 (47) |
Trust | 60 |
AE/L Ratio | 0.92 (1.28) |
Description | Huts, which are common in rainforests, balance difficulty, labor, and the materials needed for one person to build them in a short period of time, making them the first choice for adventurers. It is just the right size for an adventurer's entire pack. But the environment of the rainforest is quite complex, such that only experienced adventurers can cope with it. So when Forest Rangers find tents like this, they always mark the spot on their maps so they can quickly come to help if needed. |
You are all fakes. I will not take any insults towards my girl. My girl is still the best cryo ther...