Magenta Fantail Pigeon

Magenta Fantail Pigeon
Magenta Fantail PigeonNameMagenta Fantail Pigeon
FamilyHomeworld, Outdoor Creature, Exterior Furniture, Furniture, Furniture Capturable
Related Monster
Magenta Fantail Pigeon
Magenta Fantail Pigeon
Capturable with Net?
Adeptal Energy100 
Load400 (400)
AE/L Ratio0.25 (0.25)
DescriptionThe beautiful Magenta Fantail Pigeon is a close relative of the pigeon. Although if properly trained they too can carry messages over long distances, few ever use them for that purpose.
They have magenta plumage and fan-shaped tail feathers that resemble a heart. Even though they are meant to deter the Magenta Fantail Pigeon's natural enemies, in the Serenitea Pot where various animals live in harmony, it has become a symbol of friendship instead. Thus, these birds that are usually not too keen on making friends have suddenly become exceptionally popular...

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