| Name | Painted Vision: Of Mountains and Skies Distant |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, Artwork, Indoor Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity |     |
Placement | Indoor |
Adeptal Energy | 90  |
Load | 85 (64) |
Trust | 90 |
AE/L Ratio | 1.06 (1.41) |
Description | A traditional Inazuman hanging picture showing distant mountains and clouds against vast skies. The canvas used in such paintings are exceedingly supple and can be compared to the finest silks and satin while still maintain an inexpensive price point, the reason for which is that the fabric processing method has its origins in the Kamisato Clan itself. It is said that over a century ago, the Kamisato Clan Head bent much thought to use painting and calligraphy to improve the cultural lives of the common folk. To lower the bar required to take part in such activities, this clan head hired textile artisans and developed a variety of processes that lowered the cost of the consumables involved in painting and calligraphy, such that ordinary citizens did not need to worry about such expenses. |
You are all fakes. I will not take any insults towards my girl. My girl is still the best cryo ther...