| Name | Teahouse Round Stool: Pain Point Reduction |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, Seating, Indoor Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity |   |
Placement | Indoor |
Adeptal Energy | 30  |
Load | 85 (64) |
Trust | 30 |
AE/L Ratio | 0.35 (0.47) |
Description | A high-legged stool used in Komore Teahouse. It is built from Maple Wood and utilizes a design from abroad to better suit slightly higher table counters. The Yashiro Commission and the Kamisato Clan do have some closely-held traditions, but they can hardly be considered set in their ways, either. Among the Tri-Commission units, the Yashiro and Kanjou Commissions have the same attitude towards imports from overseas. That is to say that if they can be used to improve local lives, then they shall indeed be used. The two commissions have both promoted this particular design, and research has shown that it has decreased the odds of senior citizens being afflicted with hip injuries by a decent amount. As such, one can now easily find cheaper Otogi Wood versions of these in street-side shops everywhere. |
5.6 Character Possibly named Akeffi, Effie or even Écofée based on the Chinese transliter...