| Name | Annex's Spotless Dome |
Family | Crafted Item, Homeworld, Ceiling, Indoor Furniture, Furniture |
Rarity |    |
Placement | Indoor |
Adeptal Energy | 30  |
Load | 0 (0) |
Trust | 60 |
Description | The standard ceiling of the Illusory Annex resembles traditional architecture domes, with a circular central space that greatly enhances the sense of space within the building and improves overall lighting effects. They say that the dome's unique configuration also has the marvelous effect of contributing to indoor circulation, keeping the air inside relatively fresh. However, by contrast, the flowing air, while swirling about carefully groomed hair and skirts, also stirs up dust. This means dust cannot accumulate in specific corners for an extended period, but also evenly distributes it throughout the entire room. If one deceived by the brief cleanliness of the room should neglect to clean it, dust will soon become the master of this room. But then again, what room is not ultimately subject to the mastery of dust? |
You are all fakes. I will not take any insults towards my girl. My girl is still the best cryo ther...