
TitleWise Innocence
OccupationYanfei Legal Consultancy
WeaponWeapon Catalyst
ElementElement Pyro
Day of Birth28
Month of Birth7
Vision (Introduced)Pyro
Constellation (Introduced)Bestia Iustitia
Chinese Seuyu苏子芜
Japanese Seuyu花守ゆみり
English SeuyuLizzie Freeman
Korean SeuyuJo Kyeong-lee
DescriptionA well-known legal adviser active in Liyue Harbor. A brilliant young lady in whose veins runs the blood of an illuminated beast.
Character Ascension Materials
Agnidus Agate Sliver
Agnidus Agate Fragment
Agnidus Agate Chunk
Agnidus Agate Gemstone
Juvenile Jade
Noctilucous Jade
Treasure Hoarder Insignia
Silver Raven Insignia
Golden Raven Insignia
Skill Ascension Materials
Teachings of Gold
Guide to Gold
Philosophies of Gold
Bloodjade Branch
Crown of Insight

Table of Content
Skill Ascension
Related Items


LvHPAtkDefCritRate%CritDMG%Bonus Pyro%MaterialsTotal Materials
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade3
Treasure Hoarder Insignia3
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade3
Treasure Hoarder Insignia3
Agnidus Agate Fragment3
Juvenile Jade2
Noctilucous Jade10
Treasure Hoarder Insignia15
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade13
Treasure Hoarder Insignia18
Agnidus Agate Fragment3
Juvenile Jade2
Agnidus Agate Fragment6
Juvenile Jade4
Noctilucous Jade20
Silver Raven Insignia12
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade33
Treasure Hoarder Insignia18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Juvenile Jade6
Silver Raven Insignia12
Agnidus Agate Chunk3
Juvenile Jade8
Noctilucous Jade30
Silver Raven Insignia18
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade63
Treasure Hoarder Insignia18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Juvenile Jade14
Silver Raven Insignia30
Agnidus Agate Chunk3
Agnidus Agate Chunk6
Juvenile Jade12
Noctilucous Jade45
Golden Raven Insignia12
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade108
Treasure Hoarder Insignia18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Juvenile Jade26
Silver Raven Insignia30
Agnidus Agate Chunk9
Golden Raven Insignia12
Agnidus Agate Gemstone6
Juvenile Jade20
Noctilucous Jade60
Golden Raven Insignia24
Agnidus Agate Sliver1
Noctilucous Jade168
Treasure Hoarder Insignia18
Agnidus Agate Fragment9
Juvenile Jade46
Silver Raven Insignia30
Agnidus Agate Chunk9
Golden Raven Insignia36
Agnidus Agate Gemstone6


Active Skils

Seal of ApprovalSeal of Approval
Normal Attack
Shoots fireballs that deal up to three counts of Pyro DMG.
When Yanfei's Normal Attacks hit enemies, they will grant her a single Scarlet Seal. Yanfei may possess a maximum of 3 Scarlet Seals, and each time this effect is triggered, the duration of currently possessed Scarlet Seals will refresh.
Each Scarlet Seal will decrease Yanfei's Stamina consumption and will disappear when she leaves the field.

Charged Attack
Consumes Stamina and all Scarlet Seals before dealing AoE Pyro DMG to opponents after a short casting time.
This Charged Attack's AoE and DMG will increase according to the amount of Scarlet Seals consumed.

Plunging Attack
Gathering the power of Pyro, Yanfei plunges towards the ground from mid-air, damaging all opponents in her path. Deals AoE Pyro DMG upon impact with the ground.
1-Hit DMG58.34%62.72%67.09%72.93%77.3%81.68%87.51%93.35%99.18%105.01%110.85%116.68%123.98%131.27%138.56%
2-Hit DMG52.13%56.04%59.94%65.16%69.07%72.98%78.19%83.4%88.61%93.83%99.04%104.25%110.77%117.28%123.8%
3-Hit DMG76.01%81.71%87.41%95.02%100.72%106.42%114.02%121.62%129.22%136.82%144.42%152.03%161.53%171.03%180.53%
Charged Attack98.23% / 115.56% / 132.9% / 150.23% / 167.57%104.11% / 122.48% / 140.86% / 159.23% / 177.6%109.99% / 129.4% / 148.81% / 168.23% / 187.64%117.64% / 138.4% / 159.16% / 179.92% / 200.68%123.52% / 145.32% / 167.12% / 188.92% / 210.71%129.4% / 152.24% / 175.08% / 197.91% / 220.75%137.05% / 161.24% / 185.42% / 209.61% / 233.79%144.7% / 170.23% / 195.77% / 221.3% / 246.84%152.34% / 179.23% / 206.11% / 233% / 259.88%159.99% / 188.22% / 216.46% / 244.69% / 272.92%167.64% / 197.22% / 226.8% / 256.39% / 285.97%175.28% / 206.22% / 237.15% / 268.08% / 299.01%182.93% / 215.21% / 247.49% / 279.78% / 312.06%190.58% / 224.21% / 257.84% / 291.47% / 325.1%198.22% / 233.2% / 268.18% / 303.17% / 338.15%
Charged Attack Stamina Cost505050505050505050505050505050
Scarlet Seal Stamina Consumption Decrease15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal15% Per Seal
Scarlet Seal Duration10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s10s
Plunge DMG56.83%61.45%66.08%72.69%77.31%82.6%89.87%97.14%104.41%112.34%120.27%128.2%136.12%144.05%151.98%
Low/High Plunge DMG113.63% / 141.93%122.88% / 153.49%132.13% / 165.04%145.35% / 181.54%154.59% / 193.1%165.16% / 206.3%179.7% / 224.45%194.23% / 242.61%208.77% / 260.76%224.62% / 280.57%240.48% / 300.37%256.34% / 320.18%272.19% / 339.98%288.05% / 359.79%303.9% / 379.59%
Signed EdictSigned Edict
Summons blistering flames that deal AoE Pyro DMG.
Opponents hit by the flames will grant Yanfei the maximum number of Scarlet Seals.

Apart from their legal uses, Yanfei's seals also come with her customized additional terms and conditions. Well, it's not as if the Ministry of Civil Affairs can change the laws of nature.
Skill DMG169.6%182.32%195.04%212%224.72%237.44%254.4%271.36%288.32%305.28%322.24%339.2%360.4%381.6%402.8%
Done DealDone Deal
Triggers a spray of intense flames that rush at nearby opponents, dealing AoE Pyro DMG, granting Yanfei the maximum number of Scarlet Seals, and applying Brilliance to her.

Has the following effects:
·Grants Yanfei a Scarlet Seal at fixed intervals.
·Increases the DMG dealt by her Charged Attacks.
The effects of Brilliance will end if Yanfei leaves the field or falls in battle.

"Here are the full terms for this matter of life and death — by which I mean my life and your death!"
Skill DMG182.4%196.08%209.76%228%241.68%255.36%273.6%291.84%310.08%328.32%346.56%364.8%387.6%410.4%433.2%
Scarlet Seal Grant Interval1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s1s
Charged Attack DMG Bonus33.4%35.4%37.4%40%42%44%46.6%49.2%51.8%54.4%57%59.6%62.2%64.8%67.4%
Energy Cost808080808080808080808080808080

Passive Skills

Encyclopedic ExpertiseEncyclopedic Expertise
Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Liyue on the mini-map.
When Yanfei consumes Scarlet Seals by using a Charged Attack, each Scarlet Seal will increase Yanfei's Pyro DMG Bonus by 5%. This effect lasts for 6s. When a Charged Attack is used again during the effect's duration, it will dispel the previous effect.
Blazing EyeBlazing Eye
When Yanfei's Charged Attack deals a CRIT Hit to opponents, she will deal an additional instance of AoE Pyro DMG equal to 80% of her ATK. This DMG counts as Charged Attack DMG.


The Law Knows No KindnessThe Law Knows No Kindness
When Yanfei uses her Charged Attack, each existing Scarlet Seal additionally reduces the stamina cost of this Charged Attack by 10% and increases resistance against interruption during its release.
Right of Final InterpretationRight of Final Interpretation
Increases Yanfei's Charged Attack CRIT Rate by 20% against enemies below 50% HP.
Samadhi Fire-ForgedSamadhi Fire-Forged
Increases the Level of Signed Edict by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Supreme AmnestySupreme Amnesty
When Done Deal is used:
Creates a shield that absorbs up to 45% of Yanfei's Max HP for 15s.
This shield absorbs Pyro DMG 250% more effectively.
Abiding AffidavitAbiding Affidavit
Increases the Level of Done Deal by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Extra ClauseExtra Clause
Increases the maximum number of Scarlet Seals by 1.

Skill Ascension


Party Switch
Party Switch when teammate is under 30% HP
Party Switch under 30% HP
Opening Chest
Normal Attack
Medium Attack
Heavy Attack
Taking Damage (Low)
Taking Damage (High)
Battle Skill #1
Battle Skill #3
Sprinting Starts
Heavy Breathing (Climbing)
Open World Gliding (Start)
Open World Idle
Idle Performance


Audio Language:
Chat: The Law
Chat: Work
Chat: Reading
When It Rains
When It Snows
When the Sun Is Out
Good Morning
Good Afternoon
Good Evening
Good Night
About Yanfei: Atmosphere
About Yanfei: Weakness
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Us: Rates
About Us: Relationships
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
About the Vision
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share: Balance
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Something to Share: The Rule of Law
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Interesting Things
About Qiqi
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ganyu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Xingqiu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Hu Tao
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Zhongli
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Ningguang
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Keqing
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Eula
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Yelan
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
About Kuki Shinobu
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Yanfei: I
More About Yanfei: II
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
More About Yanfei: III
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
More About Yanfei: IV
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
More About Yanfei: V
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Yanfei's Hobbies
Yanfei's Troubles
Favorite Food
Least Favorite Food
Receiving a Gift: I
Receiving a Gift: II
Receiving a Gift: III
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 1
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 2
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 4
Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
* Unlocks at Ascension Phase 6
Elemental Skill: I
Elemental Skill: II
Elemental Skill: III
Elemental Burst: I
Elemental Burst: II
Elemental Burst: III
Opening Treasure Chest: I
Opening Treasure Chest: II
Opening Treasure Chest: III
Low HP: I
Low HP: II
Ally at Low HP: I
Ally at Low HP: II
Fallen: I
Fallen: II
Fallen: III
Heavy Hit Taken: I
Joining Party: I
Joining Party: II
Joining Party: III


Character DetailsLiyue is a port that prizes contracts and trade, and it is a place where wealth accumulates.
Merchants from various nations are active here, which has contributed to Liyue's abundance, but has also brought up many disagreements. The Tianquan, Ningguang, has written a very comprehensive compendium of laws to deal with this, but not everyone has the patience to study them.
Thus was born the role of the legal adviser in Liyue society. Highly familiar with Liyue's laws, they help those in need to navigate any contradictions, earning recompense for their efforts.
Yanfei is the premier legal adviser in Liyue Harbor.
She is always able to obtain the most benefits for her clients, insofar as the law will allow. Some even call her "the law that walks."
But in truth, what Yanfei — one of the few half-illuminated-beasts who have yet to sign a contract with Rex Lapis — really wants to do is live a free and happy life.
As for the copy of "The General Law of Liyue" that she carries around on her person, Yanfei has this to say:
"If you don't wish to be bound by the rules, you have to first understand them all."
Character Story 1As the most sought-after legal adviser in Liyue Harbor, Yanfei's rates are also top-of-the-line.
Even so, she never lacks for people coming to seek appointments. After all, merchants are not stingy about mediation fees, but are very picky indeed about the mediator.
"Money is no object — we must have Yanfei come and settle this matter for us."
Many rate Yanfei in this fashion, not only for her quick-thinking or her masterful oratory, but also because she very greatly emphasizes the cornerstone of the law — "fairness."
Her mediations often end in win-win situations, and even merchants with daggers drawn will temporarily set their prejudices aside.
Though she is unbound by a contract, Yanfei has made her own contribution to the peace and prosperity of Liyue.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 2
Character Story 2As a legal adviser, Yanfei does have her fair share of weaknesses. An example is the mediation of civil disputes that involve emotions and relationships.
Divorces, inheritances, custody disputes, senior care, severances... The list continues.
It is said that upright officials are hapless in household affairs, and so it also is with Yanfei, who grew up surrounded by love — these matters fall right into her blind corner.
Sometimes, she will find that both sides have reason on their side, and other times she will find them to both be unreasonable. Child custody disputes are the absolute worst, as no matter how she settles them, the settlement will have a great psychological impact on the innocent children. Even if Yanfei chooses to soldier on, she will only tire herself out.
"Hopefully, everyone can meet the right person and be spared this particular grief."
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 3
Character Story 3As a result of her greatly tolerant nature, Yanfei has a wide variety of personal relationships throughout Liyue.
There is no need to worry about rubbing a sore spot, and you'll be able to get along with her whether you're an avid conversationalist or not.
Of course, this is true as long as you don't attempt to debate with her or start a conversation about the legal profession... Yanfei in work mode is a completely different beast to deal with.
Additionally, Yanfei has cultivated the habit of being overly rigorous from her long years of studying the law. When chatting, Yanfei will vigorously eliminate any ambiguity or loopholes present in the discourse and can seem like a bit of a chatterbox. When she realizes this, Yanfei is wont to knock herself on the head with a book in irritation.
However, so long as she constantly bathes in a sea of legal literature, this habit will probably be quite hard to break.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
Character Story 4When investigating the law, Yanfei's habit is to look past the cold letters of the law to perceive their point of origin.
As such, she is also something of a master of "reading comprehension" in her relationships.
Once, the Traveler met Yanfei by chance and said, "Huh. Didn't expect to see you here."
This should have been a line that one might hear just about anywhere, but it wound up holding a completely different meaning for Yanfei.
"Didn't expect to meet you here" implied that the Traveler had at least thought about a scenario in which they would meet. Then why the use of "didn't expect"? One could only postulate that the Traveler had some expectation of where she might appear, and that her current location was not such a place. But whence came the expectation? Could it be that the Traveler had always been paying attention to her in secret?
"Does this mean that the Traveler...?"
Yanfei tossed and turned in bed that night, unable to sleep.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 5
Character Story 5Yanfei's most prized possession is the steelyard balance that her father gave her.
It is said that this balance was a treasure given by Rex Lapis that can be used to measure the value of all things. For convenience, Yanfei tends to use Mora to balance the scales, which is to say that she uses Mora to evaluate objects.
The prices of many objects have slowly changed over the years, but weighing an object with this balance only gives its value at the time Mora was created, leaving the rest to Yanfei to exercise her own wisdom and judgment.
Across the measurements of countless objects, Yanfei is able to see the changes in Liyue. Some objects that were once common have become vanishingly rare, and some exotic objects of the past have been rendered pedestrian today.
This steelyard balance reminds her that many things cannot be valued by the standards of the world.
Yanfei once tried to weigh the value of a Vision, but no matter how much Mora she added, the scales would not be balanced.
In frustration, she placed on the scale the box at her waist, which contained her heavy, handwritten legal notations. Only then did the weights at last even out.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6
Codex FinalemThis is the most special of the many legal treatises that Yanfei collects.
As opposed to the codices that grow heavier and more complicated with time, this book is unbelievably light and thin.
After opening it and getting past the prologue, one will find naught but the most basic few principles of the law inscribed.
As Yanfei sees it, this is the final form of the law. In the far future, the law will have entered into the people's hearts. All people will be amiable, modest, and live happily in this world. The halls of judgment will lie empty and the mountains of legalese shall be caked in years of dust.
Though this may sound like something very far off, for someone like Yanfei, in whom flows the blood of an illuminated beast, living till that day is hardly a great accomplishment.
"Hmm, but if I think about it more deeply, I'd be out of a job then, wouldn't I?"
After encountering one of Xinyan's performances by chance, Yanfei was quite taken by this new wave of performance art.
That said, learning an instrument from scratch proved to be a bit difficult, so after consulting a great many resources, Yanfei came to what she considered to be a decent backup plan.
If such a day were to arrive, she would just become a rapper.
For someone who can recite tens of thousands of words' worth of Liyue law from front to back within an hour, speed at least should be no challenge.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 4
VisionYanfei's father is an illuminated beast, while her mother is an ordinary mortal merchant. Born into peaceful times, Yanfei did not sign a contract with Rex Lapis, but instead has one with her parents to "live happily."
As Liyue's leading legal exegete, she is no stranger to exploiting some existing loopholes in the law — at times for herself, and sometimes for others.
It has been made clear often enough that Yanfei is not a stickler for the rules and has no wish to be shackled by strictures.
Still, she contributes to the betterment of Liyue as she seeks her own pleasure, and will not use these loopholes for ill.
When making amendments to legal loopholes each year, Ningguang the Tianquan will often study Yanfei's doings, as if she were Liyue's unofficial legal troubleshooter.
In a sense, one could argue that Yanfei makes the laws better at the lowest possible price... This principle is also the reason why she has never been convicted of exploiting any such loopholes.
Yanfei believes in "no structure without laws," and what she wishes for is to "live as one pleases without overstepping."
Everyone in Liyue, adeptus or mortal, protects it in their own way.
That is why Yanfei possesses a Vision, one that is of equal weight to her principles.
* Unlocks at Friendship Lv. 6

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