Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani

Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani
Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani4
Non-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969351
Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani
Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani4
loc_fam_book_family_6969351, Non-Codex Series
items per Page

Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani

Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani
Commemorative Photo of You and MualaniNameCommemorative Photo of You and Mualani
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
FamilyNon-Codex Series, loc_fam_book_family_6969351
DescriptionThis memento that you took together captures the moment after you and Mualani completed the journey to the mysterious island with each other's help.

Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani

Commemorative Photo of You and Mualani
Commemorative Photo of You and MualaniNameCommemorative Photo of You and Mualani
Type (Ingame)Quest Item
Familyloc_fam_book_family_6969351, Non-Codex Series
DescriptionThis memento that you took together captures the moment after you and Mualani completed the journey to the mysterious island with each other's help.

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